Good morning. I address all my subjects, and all others, every being in existence, the entire HumanityFamily, equally:
Good morning. I address all my subjects, and all others, every being in existence, the entire HumanityFamily, equally:
At one time, hateful religionists took up issues with every citizen and it's government. These hateful religionists revolted, and were granted the FREEDOM to seek their 'promised land' in the Americas, where they mass-murdered all of it's inhabitants, using the same LIST of concocted EXCUSES to HATE citizens HERE, to have victimized the Original People THERE. The goals were the same: extermination.
These hateful religionists were as much a THREAT to global stability THEN, as they are NOW.
They infiltrate a community and take up 'issues' with a WORD. They hate any and all people that use this word they've coveted for themselves as a concocted excuse to HATE YOU. They infect local-governments, school-boards, school-houses and courthouses to PUNISH any and all people that use that word, to ignore messages and punish messengers. Then another word. Then a magazine. Then a book. Then a picture. Advertisement. Then a publisher. Then a business. Then customers. Then students. Schools, music, art, entertainments, clothes, games, videos, tv, radio, concerts, plays, bars, dance-clubs, dance, even love itself -- a list of concocted excuses to HATE so-called 'beloved-neighbors' -- in fact, it's such a long list, that it always adds up to the sum-total 'miracle' of "666" -- all concocted EXCUSES to DIVIDE communities into ever-increasing numbers of squabbling TRIBES --
-- instead of UNITING TRIBES in PeaceOnEarth AS COMMANDED.
And I was commanded from the dirt to remind you all of that FACT.
These are THEIR 'issues' -- THEIR 'eye-issues' -- THEIR 'ear-issues' -- a giant 'sucking-sound-out-of-economy' -- casting-out more so-called 'beloved-neighbors' by ones and twos than ANY MONARCH EVER WOULD.
These hateful religionists were as much a THREAT to global stability THEN, as they are NOW. They have always been at war against governments, globally, to concoct a hateful version of HELL merely to PROFIT/PROPHETEER from atop the rubble, misery and grief of their own hateful making. They can't sell/PEDDLE their hateful PRODUCT of a fictional life, in a fictional off-planet undisclosed location if REAL LIFE is "HeavenlyPeaceOnEarth," so they concoct HELL, then have the audacity to claim "See! YOU are WORSE than US!" in their so-called 'positive-goodness.'
Our governments have been re-infiltrated and re-infected with the same hateful religious supremacy that has been directly responsible for every revolt, revolution, genocide, tyranny, lynching and dunking in the name of so-called 'positive-goodness.' Hateful religionists deny history and write their own, victimizing children with revisionist propaganda in text-books printed at religion-controlled publishing-houses -- to DENY the colonial revolution was a global DEFENSIVE EFFORT AGAINST HatefulReligiousSupremacy, an on-going millinium-war all governments are defending ThePeople AGAINST. Only religions concoct excuses to HATE YOU -- and only governments LOVE YOU ALL EQUALLY.
Now, the states have been so thoroughly re-infected, that 13 have requested re-acceptance as Colonies to be put under the immediate protection FROM HatefulReligiousSupremacy. Under the Crown, their FreedomOfSpeech is GUARANTEED -- we do not use a WORD as a concocted EXCUSE to HATE so-called 'beloved-neighbors.' Under the Crown, your FreedomOfExpression is GUARANTEED -- we do not use a picture as a concocted EXCUSE to HATE OTHERS, nor education, entertainments, size, shape, color, living-arrangements, lifestyles -- we do NOT ANALyze PRIVATES -- perversely sniff crotches like DOGS -- in order to put CONDITIONS on OUR LOVE FOR OTHERS to DENY EQUALITY and SERVICES, then have the audacity to claim THEY are 'indecent' -- we do NOT concoct 'offensive-eye-issues' and 'offensive-ear-issues' -- but if your own are bothersome, try amputation and prove your so-called 'standards' are livable, or be quiet.
We welcome the request of these 13 colonies to return to NORMALCY, however, under the circumstances, your infection-ratio is terminal. REQUEST DENIED.
Kind Regards,
Queen Elizabeth
Kind Regards,
Clayton Winton - HFA
Priest River, ID 83856-2123

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Make a not smithers
03.01.2007 14:57
Monty Burns