Another convergence centre for travellers will be in Berlin.
The Eastern European Caravan will start in April in Prague, whereas the Western Europe Caravan will start in Belgium, also in April 2007.
A camp of and for protesters nearby the G8 location is in discussion and is currently negotiated.
A 2m high and 13km long fence with concrete foundations will be build around the Hotel area and 15 000 policemen will be there on duty to protect the politicians. The politicians' main agenda items at the meeting will be Energy/Raw Materials, World Trade/Intellectual Property Rights, Environment/Climate and Development Aid.
A wide array of NGO's, left-wing groups and revolutionary organisations have already started to form a coalition against the G8, and prepare various actions and events to show their opposition to the summit. A call for internationals to converge near the summit location and to blockade the G8 summit, from Wednesday 6th of June onwards, has been issued.
Convergence Centre Hamburg:
26.5.- 10.06.2007 - “Rote Flora” offers to be a Convergence Centre.
it is a left political squat, occupied for over 16 years
address: Rote Flora, Achidi-John-Platz 1, D- 20357 Hamburg

More information:
Anti-G8-Infobureau "Glocal Office" in Berlin:
Bethanien Südflügel,
Mariannenplatz 2,
D - 10997 Berlin,
Telephone: 0049 - (0)30/ 4098 5406 or
0049 – (0)176/ 6207 8158.
Wednesday to Friday 1pm – 4pm GMT

International Mailing lists:

Happenings and Preliminary Plan for Actions
Saturday, 2.6.2007, opening demonstration in Rostock
Sunday, 3.6.2007, cultural happenings & anti-military action at bombing range Wittstock
Monday, 4.6. 2007, action day: anti-rascist conference & demonstration
Tuesday, 5.6. 2007, action day: war & militarization, blockade of airport Rostock - Laage
Wednesday, 6.6.2007, beginning of g8 summit, blockades everywhere, alternative summit
Thursday, 7.6.2007, blockades, alternative summit, big concert/gig at the fence
Friday, 8.6.2007 end of G8 summit