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Present at the occasion were a number of young Eritreans from across London and the Southeast of England, who have had first hand experience of the brutality of the regime. Also present at the protest demonstration were prominent figures from the UK Eritrean political and Human rights organisations.
A letter outlining the concern of the organisers of the protest was handed to Embassy officials, who told organisers that they would ensure the messages, were appropriately conveyed to the Ambassador. However when questioned about the lack of response from previous communication with the Embassy, staff were quick to note that their role in such matters is to merely pass on messages. As with previous occasions the Ambassador was neither available for comments, nor was he prepared to meet with organisers at a separate time.
In the letter organisers of the protest listed their concerns that emanate from their wish to see an Eritrea that respects the Human Rights of all its citizens, concluding with their urging of the ambassador to raise their concerns and that of all Eritreans with the Government of Eritrea.
The two hour long protest concluded peacefully amidst slogans, calling for a free, just and democratic Eritrea. Christian Solidarity World Wide (CSW), Eritreans for Human and Democratic Rights UK (EHDR-UK) and Release Eritrea would like to thank all participants for their commitment to see a Just and Democratic Eritrea.