The new American Secretary of Defence, Robert Gates, confirmed the war is LOST, give the man a teddy bear, he’s a bloody genius! The salient question is why are the above named criminal incompetents not under arrest? PLEASE TELL THE WORLD WHY, Uncle, and cease the cover-up admissions of guilt and incompetence – WE ARE NOT MOVED NOR ARE WE DISTRACTED!
The world now waits impatiently for the arrests of the criminals who are directly responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent men, women and children – why the delay, the international criminal courts are convened, bring the felons to justice or lose whatever shred of credibility remains in the USA.
What a laugh, what a travesty and what a perfect ruination occurs when imbeciles and profiteering criminals are allowed to steal government – are we NOW convinced, do we now believe the many specialists, analysts, mothers, grandmothers, farmers and ALL PEOPLE OF CONSCIENCE who voiced their concerns regarding criminals in government?
Is this brave new world of lunacy, numbed masses and the demented braying of the Legal ass, our future, or do CRIMINALS CONTINUE TO PAY FOR THEIR CRIMES, WHO IS ACCOUNTABLE FOR THE DEATHS OF THE INNOCENT, the world would like to know?
Failure to address the critical NEED to arrest those responsible will result in the eventual breakdown of social order – be advised. The only law will be the rule of the gun and the self-serving immediate interests of a society that has learnt from its leaders. If climate change doesn’t get you then mob rule will (both, is the likely scenario).
We are waiting for Justice to be served or should we also suit ourselves – just like our leaders have taught us!
Anarchy is not a dirty word; it is the legacy of neo-CONSERVATIVE ideology – all for me and to hell with you – do you see the glitter of my gun barrel?
To the Howard and Blair governments recessing for Christmas: the blood of innocent children reminds you that history is not mocked in the age of information. What would you teach the world, what value are we to place on the lives of our children? Surely it would be preferable to surrender to the courts than face what you have taught us.
We are not distracted, WHO PAYS FOR THE DEATHS OF THE INNOCENT, WHO IS ACCOUNTABLE, the world would like to know?
Those responsible for creating mayhem MUST be held accountable; failure to address this issue will result in an accelerated descent into a living hell on earth; everyone will bear the cost. This is not a mystery it is a simple sociological consequence.