When we begin to remember our powers, we cease to run in circles. We cease to destroy our bodies and our neighbors and our planet. We cease to let others tell us which way to walk. We cease to let others tell us how to think and what to believe. We cease to let others tell us WHO and WHAT we are. We cease to be miserable. We cease to be in pain all the time. We cease to be mindless automatons. We cease to hate. We cease to be able to hate. We cease to be a part of the insane world.
We cease to be profitable commodities.
We begin to enjoy our lives more. We begin to escape the comfortably numb. We begin to be less afraid all of the time. We begin to explore beyond the corralls planted in our heads. We begin to find meaning to our existences. We begin to reach out in more authentic ways. We dare to go into such a process as we experience the reflections we create, instead of letting others create "for" us.
We realize our power. We are power!
_The Indegenous Voice_ edited by Roger Moody, UK