"Yesterday, I had a post about this Alaska Report article with a photo of Rumsfeld with a gun in hand. As it turns out, it's a fake. It was created by a man named Carlos Latuff. Here is his deviantART page, and the fake Rumsfeld photo he created is here (signed Latuff2003)."
http://media.nationalreview.com/post/?q=ZDRhZTFlNGVkOTBkOGVjZTg3Yjc2YmFkYzVkNjlhMzk "I spoke to Dennis Zaki, editor and operator of the Alaska Report website. He said that he received the photo a couple months ago, but due to a webhost switch doesn't have the name of the guy who sent it in. Zaki said that the person who sent it said that he got it off of the whitehouse.gov website."