Ireland Indymedia bans criticism of the Lord Rees-Mogg ?
by Tony Ryals
Journalists often criticise other people and good journalists accept some offensive knockabout in return. - Lord William Rees-Mogg from his essay, 'Quangos, scumbags and a pompous donkey'

And late last year most UK indymedias censored this article posted on New Zealand and Australia indymedias without a word of complaint as of course they shouldn't as the accuracy of my reporting is my responsibilty not theirs.
Is James Dale Davidson using New Zealand ?

Too funny to imagine a man who himself presumes to have everyone address him as 'Lord' writing an article insinuating someone else is 'pompous'.
And yet for the Lord Rees-Mogg this pompousness comes quiet natural or at least it is a well formed delusional behavior enhanced by the genuflecting inhabitants of the UK.For the rest of us - including in Her or His Majesties former colonies of Canada and Australia and New Zealand - NOT!
At least not as far as those running and maintaining their indymedias to aid the international free speech movement is concerned !
As you will see below the Lord Rees-Mogg by aligning himself to his co-author James Dale Davidson has allied himself to Agora Inc. penny stock promotions and internet cyber fraud operations of James Dale Davidson,founder of the U.S. National Taxpayers Union, some of whose activities will be briefly explained below using offshore accounts from Bermuda to around the world for illegal 'pump and dump' activities to influencing Washington,D.C. politics along with his pompous Lord William Rees-Mogg and other right wingnuts and international carpetbaggers.
And even stranger Rees-Mogg's role in BBC oversight and decrying the need for moral values on television, etc.,in putting in with James Dale Davidson and his Agora Inc. penny stock promotion operation in Baltimore,Maryland also was 'invested in 'UK-based Scope International that among its other sleezy or scammy 'get rich quick' publications published,''Sex Havens: Or ##### & Piece' ..a guide to world prostitution that, inter alia, shows where to find 'Thai Virgins' who, presumably, are underage girls.'
So why doesn't the Lord Rees-Mogg address his own questionable 'ethics' ?
- from David Marchant's

November 30, 1998 :
We can also reveal this month that Agora Inc., the Baltimore publishing group of which Davidson is vice-president, founder and minority shareholder, is now the owner of UK-based Scope International, which publishes several dubious books for $100 or �60 a time that are written by so-called members of the right-wing, libertarian Perpetual Traveller movement.
In one of Scope's books, called 'The Tax Haven Report', author Adam Starchild claims that Bermuda has a Governor General, instead of a Governor; that this Governor General chairs the Cabinet, when the reality is that he is not entitled to sit in on Cabinet meetings; and that international companies on the island are exempt from payroll tax, when the reality is that they pay it.
Scope's best-known author is 'WG Hill', a pseudonym used by a person or persons whose books are promoted by several companies over the Internet which offer seemingly dubious products and services such as second passports, fake degrees and access to 'get rich quick' schemes.
One of Hill's books called 'Sex Havens: Or ##### & Piece' is a guide to world prostitution that, inter alia, shows where to find 'Thai Virgins' who, presumably, are underage girls.
Ireland Indymedia bans criticism of the Lord Rees-Mogg ?
The following communication to Ireland Indymedia is in response to censorship or banning of my article-post titled, 'James Dale Davidson and My post to Lord Rees-Mogg's Weblog re NASDAQ,London Exchange',that was replaced by this:
Document Not Available

Sorry, this story has been removed due to a possible breach of the editorial guidelines and is under review by the editorial group. If you think that this story should be allowed to remain on the newswire, please check our editorial guidelines and if you think that your article does not breach any of these guidelines, you can contact the editorial collective to make your case.
This link to North Texas Indymedia is the identical post that was banned or censored by Ireland Indymedia above.
My post to Lord Rees-Mogg's Weblog re NASDAQ,London Exchange

Dear Ireland Indymedia,
At first I thought I'd just not comment on the fact that you saw fit to censor or ban my criticism of the Lord William Rees-Mogg as well as his American partner business partner and co-author,James Dale Davidson,who has been involved in penny stock scams including through LOM of Bermuda that both James Dale Davidson and the Lord William Rees-Mogg recommended to offshore clients and readers in their scammy book, ' The Sovereign Individual', without disclosing to this fact to their offshore investment advice seeking readers.
Since that time it has come to light that LOM of Bermuda was also the epicenter of still untold millions or hundreds of millions or more in U.S. penny stock fraud and I believe possible money laundering over the years ! This quote from of Bermuda with link will show you what a penny stock den of theives LOM of Bermuda turned out to be !
Clients stood to benefit from suspect stock sales – claim

LOM and Mr. Lines contend that the United States does not have jurisdiction over them and that they are prohibited from disclosing some of the information being sought due to secrecy provisions of laws in Bermuda, the Bahamas and the Cayman Islands, where LOM has offices.
As part of an attempt to establish that LOM has sufficient ties to the United States to meet jurisdictional requirements, Ungar claimed that LOM executed substantial volumes of trades with the US operations of vFinance Investments Inc., Schwab Capital Markets LLC, and Sterne, Agee Capital Markets and also did business with CIBC Mellon Securities Trust Company, in New York.
"The volume of LOM's US trading, whether on behalf of its customers or its own accounts, is staggering," stated Mr. Ungar. "For example, in LOM's account at Schwab, during a two-week period in 2003 – the same year in which the SHEP and Sedona transactions in question occurred – LOM bought or sold, on over 4,000 different occasions, a total of 151 million shares of US securities traded over various US securities markets."
The trader at Florida-based vFinance who was in charge of LOM's account testified that "LOM's trading over the US markets was more than the trading of most US regional banks" and that he "either accumulated or liquidated millions of shares a day for them", stated Mr. Ungar.
So what does Lord Rees-Mogg think of the Lines brothers of Lines Overseas Management that he and James Dale Davidson recommended to their The Sovereign Individual' readers now ? Does the Lord Rees-Mogg believe that the Lines brothers or Mr.Davidson or himself as LOM investors should not take some moral if not financial responsibilities for all the U.S. penny stock fraud pulled off through LOM of Bermuda over all so many years ?
James Dale Davidson is besides being a co-author and business partner of Lord Rees-Mogg,founder of the National Tapayers Union that other wealthy American scoundrels such as Steve Forbes and Richard Mellon-Scaife have backed or been a part of.He was also the leading promoter of the Clinton smear campaign along with Richard Mellon-Scaife who claimed Clinton killed his own childhod friend Vince Foster.
The good Lard Rees-Mogg on the other hand at the same time was humorously enough hot on the trail of Monica Lewinsky's stained dress as you will find in a link below on this indymedia post.Apparently Luciane Goldberg is his kinda woman.
The ex CIA Director William Colby's name was on the letterhead of Davidson's,Bill Bonner's and the Lord Rees-Mogg's Agora Inc. of Balitimore,Maryland connected 'Strategic Investment' 'business news letter' at the time that Mr. Davidson changed its mission overnight to a Clinton killed Vince Foster' political smear 'news' letter.So Rees-Mogg through his own history of editorial vitriol aimed at any and all he presumes may be god forbid a liberal or to the left of Musolini with suspision is the last public official who should complain of a little criticism of himself.
William Colby who was apparently paid to put his name on the letterhead of Agora Inc.'s scammy
'Strategic Investment' penny stock newsletter died mysteriously in a drowning a year Davidson used his name in the Bill Clinton smear campaign.During that time I can find no comment from him on the matter,particularly that he knew in advance or that he approivewd or believed James Dale Davidson's and the Lord Rees-Mogg's's smear campaign.
Whereas I have never sought to interfere in UK politics,on the other hand the Lard Rees-Mogg,in his wisdom,has had little trepidation about interfering into the affairs of my U.S. government or into Monica Lewinky's dress for that matter,along with his influential Beltway friends including his co-author and American Oxford educated Rhodes scholar business partner, James Dale Davidson.
This censorship or fear of the Baron Rees-Mogg seems to be an ongoing paranoia of Ireland and Bristol and to some extent Scotland indymedias in general.The indymedia article post whose link is below for example was posted on Australian and New Zealand indymedias in 2005 and met with no censorship hiding or banning even though their laws are equivalent to those of the UK .
The title for the UK countries I changed appropriately to,'Is James Dale Davidson using the UK ?' The Canadians took no offense in my writing and criticism
of Davidson or Rees-Mogg either.So why did Bristol or Ireland who should know about Lord Rees-Mogg and his far right elitist connections than anyone find objection ? Even Rees-Mogg himself who is both a journalist and politician(conflict of interest ?),admits criticism is good.
Is James Dale Davidson using New Zealand ?
by Tony Ryals Monday October 17, 2005 at 10:03 AM

The Scotland and Bristol and Ireland indymedias on the other had acted as if it were a hot potato just as the Ireland indymedia did with the more recent Rees Mogg post titled, '
Why ? Because although the indymedias have standard rules individuals or groups in the various indymedias interpret the same rules a little differently.And I am glad to say that most wish to err on the side of free speech ! The Lord Rees-Mogg himself agrees he should be criticized as he says himself,'Journalists often criticise other people and good journalists accept some offensive knockabout in return.' - Lord William Rees-Mogg
This is only right unless the indymedia members have a means and the time and will to check a posters sources and facts and opinions which is really not the purpose of the indymedia staffs.Their purpose and good work is only in providing the space and letting readers judge or not judge the posts in my opinion.:
Upon experiencing the censorship of Bristol indymedia and an almost picayunish (Petty; paltry;although I use the term to mean generally closed minded to outside ideas [Colloq. U.S.] ),it is almost humorous in retrospect to remember it had its servers confiscated by the M-16 or FBI some time ago AS IF IT WERE A TERRORIST ORGANIZATION !
I only hope such repressive measures strengthens rather than weakens the resolve of those who keep the indymedias running.The likes of Lord William Rees-Mogg,(born with a golden spoon in his mouth), and his American co-author and offshore penny stock scamster and Washington,D.C. insider friend,James Dale Davidson,exemplify the reasons why the indymedias were formed in the first place in protests coming out of globalization and world trade agreements between the elites of the world's nations and often at the detriment of their own countryman.
In this age the Bush family dynasty of America for example,has more in common with the Sabah royal family of Kuwait or Saudi royalty than they do with some American soldier sent off to die or be wounded in Iraq or perhaps to return home to live on the cold American streets.Likewise the Lord Rees-Mogg would feel more at ease with the royal and titled than with the British he presumes by title,to represent in the House of Lords.
Pre-internet and pre-indymedia,etc., the likes of the Rees-Moggs dominated the media from the BBC to
Financial Times to London Times,all of which the noble Lord Rees-Mogg has been part of.Rupert Murdoch may have replaced Rees -Mogg as editor of the London Times when he took it over but the far right Rees-Mogg must still hold a dear place in his heart as even Mr.Lard Rees-Mogg's website appears to be sponsored upon the timeonline webserver.
You can be assured the Lard Rees-Mogg and established UK media is very pleased with your censorship.However all those around the world seeking an outlet for freedom of speech are not.
As an avid poster on the indymedias around the world I can provide some feedback on them,which in most cases is nothing but praise.While the Canadian and Australian and New Zealand Indymedias labor under the same draconian or 'Lordly' libel and defamation laws of the UK in general they are par excellance in their support of free speech.And they have nothing on the two Philipines indymedias or the Cyprus indymedia or Beirut indymedia or Isreal indymedia.
In fact as an example you may do a google search of
my criticism,or critisisms, of Israeli President Moshe Katsav with a google search,'katsav hadid',published some months before one and then up to ten Israeli women came forth accusing him of rape or sexual harrassment !
And while you will find many indymedias who
supported my free speech to criticise the Israeli president,perhaps the indymedia I'm proudest of is israel.indymedia.They had no hesitation whatsoever in posting my writing accusing(with evidence)Israel President Katsav's involvement with the 'UCSY' penny stock scam of British-Israeli Michael Zwebner and his 'business' partner Mohamed Hadid,suspect in Herndon,Virginia Islamic charity money laundering !
As a matter of fact one of the Isreali women making the rape of sex harrassment claim against Katsav added in one Israeli newspaper article that Moshe Katsav has an offshore account to receive bribes for presidential pardons ! I would suspect any offshore account held by Mr.Katsav also was paid to aid Michael Zwebner and Mohamed Hadid in the 'UCSY' or Universal Communications Systems penny stock pump and dump and probable money laundering with their worthless U.S. penny stock shares as well.
Opinion - William Rees-Mogg
The Times February 27, 2006
Quangos, scumbags and a pompous donkey. What company Ken keeps
William Rees-Mogg

WHY KEN LIVINGSTONE? Who is David Laverick? These are the questions to which the press has been giving answers — often wrong ones — in the past week.
There is a mystery about Ken Livingstone. It is that he has twice been elected Mayor of London although he is a militant dinosaur of the old Left, with views that have been rejected by the national electorate at every general election since 1979. If he were a national party he would win only a single seat — his own. Like George Galloway, another one-man band of the Left, he is professionally out of tune...............
The Witches of Whitewater
by Scott Thompson

The British are coming
Josh Goldberg told this author that his mother has had a longstanding relationship with Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, who has been among the principal right-wing conveyors of conspiracy theories peddled by lunatic Mellon heir, Richard Mellon Scaife, into the media mainstream. Almost as soon as Evans-Pritchard became the Washington bureau chief for the London Sunday Telegraph, and focussed every ounce of energy on destroying President Bill Clinton, this author had a conversation with Evans-Pritchard, in which he admitted that he was a second generation spawn of Her Majesty's Secret Service. His father, Sir Edward Evan Evans-Pritchard had worked first for the Colonial Office as an anthropologist to help rig what is today the British destabilization of Sudan, and then, during World War II, Sir Edward worked with British military intelligence to mobilize the Senussi Bedouin tribes to found Libya. Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, who once described his presence in the United States as an ``anthropological expedition,'' told this author that he had collaborated with MI6, since he covered both sides of the Central America war.
Among the many right-wing conspiracy theories that Ambrose Evans-Pritchard foisted and then conveyed into the ``respectable'' press, was the Paula Jones case. It is Ambrose Evans-Pritchard whom Clinton-haters credit with helping Jones to shape her legal strategy. In the New York Times of Jan. 28, Evans-Pritchard confirmed what Josh Goldberg told me, admitting that he knows Lucianne Goldberg well: ``She was very nearly my agent,'' referring to his book, The Secret Life of Bill Clinton, which accuses President Clinton or his aides of having been involved, directly or indirectly, in mysterious deaths and conspiracies.
In a sense, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard's collaboration with MI6 pales before his role as a journalistic hitman for the Hollinger Corp., which owns Telegraph PLC. Hollinger was reorganized by Canadian-born Tory Conrad Black, from the Argus Corporation of E.P. Taylor, which ran British arms procurement during World War II and provided a Canadian base of operations for British Security Coordinator Sir William Stephenson and for the Special Operations Executive. Some of the board members of Hollinger include: Kenneth Starr's heroine, Lady Margaret Thatcher; Sir Henry Kissinger; and Bilderberg chairman and co-founder of the spy organization Kissinger Associates, Inc., Lord Peter Rupert Carrington.
Lucianne Goldberg admitted to this author that she knows another leading British opponent of President Clinton, Lord William Rees-Mogg, the former editor of the London Times now owned by Rupert Murdoch. ``Of course I know Lord William Rees-Mogg,'' she said. ``I think he's been doing a great job against Clinton.'' Rees-Mogg's attacks upon the Clinton administration either appear in the London Times or in the U.S.-based newsletter Strategic Investment, which Lord Rees-Mogg co-edits with James Dale Davidson, founder of the right-wing National Taxpayers Union.
No sooner did the Goldberg-Tripp-Lewinsky scandal break, than Lord William Rees-Mogg sped to the United States, apparently in search of DNA samples and other dirt dished up by his admirer, Lucianne ``Ma Barker'' Goldberg.
Compilation of information on "Strategic Investment" newsletter

The "Hon. Lord Rees-Mogg" in the text above is William Rees-Mogg, the former editor of the Times. Another name connected with Strategic Investment, which does not appear in the newsletter quoted above, is James Dale Davidson. William Rees-Mogg and James Dale Davidson co-authored a book "Blood in the Streets: investment profits in a world gone mad". Later they wrote another book together - "The Great Reckoning" - on the dust jacket of which is written:
James Dale Davidson and Lord Rees-Mogg edit and publish Strategic Investment, one of the world's best-performing investment newsletters. Davidson is founder and chairman of the American National Taxpayers Union. He has written for the Wall Street Journal and numerous other national publications and is a principal of Strategic Advisors Corporation in Baltimore, Maryland. He is co-author of Blood in the Streets: Investment Profits in a World Gone Mad. Lord Rees-Mogg was Assistant Editor of the Financial Times in the 1950s and is an investment adviser. He was formerly editor of The Times and is Chairman of the Broadcasting Standards Council. In addition to co-authoring Blood in the Streets, he is the author of The Reigning Error: The Crisis of World Inflation.
"The Great Reckoning How the world will change in the depression of the 1990s", James Dale Davidson & William Rees-Mogg, revised edition 1993, Sidgwick and Jackson, a division of Pan Macmillan.
Experts: Foster Note Fake
Christopher Ruddy
October 25, 1995

WASHINGTON - At a press conference in Washington today, an international panel of forensic handwriting experts - including one from Oxford University - will announce its findings that a torn note, said to have been Vince Foster Jr.'s "suicide" note, is a forgery.
Strategic Investment, a Baltimore-based financial newsletter, and its editor, James Dale Davidson, have called the conference to issue the written findings of three experts that analyzed a copy of a note. Twenty-seven pieces (the 28th piece was missing) of the note were claimed to have been found in the late Deputy White House Counsel's briefcase almost a week after his sudden death on July 20, 1993.
Economist: Inflation Rate Is Double Official Number
Christopher Ruddy and Ryan Troup

March 14, 2000
Jan. 20, 1993, and Bill Clinton was not president 24 hours when he saw James Dale Davidson at one of several Washington Inaugural Balls.
Clinton quickly waved past the salutations and congratulations. "Jim," he said, "You may able to help me."
Davidson, a Clinton campaign donor, a financial writer, then head of the National Taxpayers Union and someone who had known Clinton for years from annual retreats at the Hilton Head Renaissance weekends, nodded with agreement.
"I think the Bush people were cooking the economic numbers in the months before the election," Clinton said, continuing, "Do you think you could put together a report for me on how they did it?"
Davidson agreed but the thought went racing through his mind, "This man’s not president for one day and he’s already trying to figure out how to fix the books."
As an aside but still related to censorship in trying to be overly sensitive to religion is my post on the indymedias of my writing titled,'Pope'sMisconceptions
about conception science history ' thar was an editorial in the Berkeley Daily Californian' in 1987 just after Pope John Paul II visited the SF Bay Area.
Pope's Misconceptions about conception science history :
Tony Ryals

What Bristol and Ireland indymedias neither knew or cared about in their knee jerk rush to be religiously sensitive was that they were deleting or removing an article or essay that had never been written before in the area of science and western history. I try to explain that here :
Does oxford.indymedia censor religious criticism and science history ?

A little history of the indymedias collective struggle to defend and promote free speech and free access to speech around the world for those less priviledged and with no voice in established media.While the media control freak elites such as the Lord William Rees-Mogg, Rupert Murdoch,,wish you would go away,this is only an indication of your nascent powers.
In fact I take the threats and intimidations against the indymedias' more personally than many of the fine people around the world weho together got it up and running.That last link below titled,'FBI names Austin Indymedia, Food Not Bombs',was written and posted by me as soon as I was made aware reading the in 2005 that I also post upon of course,was being harrassed by the FBI in Texas in an obvious effort at intimidation not only of Austin and Houston indymedias but worldwide indymedias,just as occured in 2004 by confiscation of servers. :
Indymedia to U.S., U.K., Swiss and Italian Authorities: "Hands Off Our Websites"
11 Oct 2004 20:56 GMT
 and FBI :

Indymedia Server Takedown

FBI Officer Speaks at Law School, lists Indymedia, Food Not Bombs, Communist Party of Texas on “Terrorist Watch List”

FBI names Austin Indymedia, Food Not Bombs Terrorist - Tony Ryals

Agora Inc founded by James Dale Davidson and Bill Bonner with his own internet self promotion site called have had common business ties with the Lord Rees-Mogg for many years.Below is taken from one of the many scam
internet sites the penny stock scamster and friend to the Lord Rees-Mogg,James Dale Davidson,braghs of some of the companies he has helped 'direct'.
Most are nothing penny stock scams pumped and dumped out of business and investors defrauded.:
James'Fraud'Davidson and MOD Ventures
27 N. Summerlin Ave.
Orlando,Florida 32801
James Dale Davidson

Private Investor, Entrepreneur, Analyst and Author. Mr. Davidson
has extensive experience in entrepreneurial executive management/venture
finance. Author, with Lord William Rees-Mogg, Blood in the Streets:
Investment Profits in a World Gone Mad, The Great Reckoning, and
The Sovereign Individual: Mastering the Transition to the Information
Age. Founder of Agora Publishing, The Hulbert Financial Digest,
and Strategic Investment. Director of Pickering & Chatto Publishers,
London. Principal of The Fleet Street Press. Founder (natural resource
companies) Oroperu, Sedna Geotech, Ouro Brasil, Oro Argentina, Consolidated
African Holdings, Anatolia Minerals Development Corporation. President,
New Paradigm Capital, a private merchant bank based in Bermuda,
a former director of Banco Comafi S.A., Buenos Aires, Argentina
and Cardlink Worldwide, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Current North American
technology and Internet related affiliations: BestTransport, Mariah
Vision3, Interactive Retail Management, Internet Transactions Transnational,
NewsMax Media, Advanced Power Devices, Packetup Corporation, Stardata,
and CyGene. Founder, MIVI Therapeutics and GeneMax Pharmaceuticals.
Chairman, Wharekauhau Holdings Ltd., Featherston, New Zealand, Director,
Martinborough Vineyards, Martinborough, New Zealand, and Palliser
Properties, Ltd, Auckland, Deputy Chairman, BEVsystems, Founder
and Director, New World Premium Brands, Auckland, New Zealand (winery roll-up and distribution).
Next note the Lord William Rees Mogg's declared business intersts for the House of Lords records.
The Lord Rees Mogg clearly documents himself his business relations to the Washington,D.C. insider and right wing smear campaigner James Dale Davidson by way of Agora Inc. and Fleet Street Publications and Pickering & Chatto (Publishers) Ltd, etc..
Note neither declare their investment interest in the LOM of Bermuda U.S. penny stock pump and dum,p and probable money laundering operation.But indeed the recommend it to their readers seeking offshore accounts in 'The Sovereign Individual' without disclosing their ecomic interests much less that James Dale Davidson is knowingly running pump and dump scams out of the LOM Bermuda office with
links to Isle of Man or LOM's Charles Schwab and VFin accounts in the U.S. to dump(sell) their penny stock shares in the U.S. to defrauded retail investors !
*12(e) Remunerated directorships
American Trading Company
American Trading Company (Holdings) Ltd
Pickering & Chatto (Publishers) Ltd
Fleet Street Publications Ltd
*12(f) Regular remunerated employment
News International
Fleet Street Publications
Agora Inc
The Mail on Sunday
Advisory Board of NewsMax Media Inc
*12(g) Controlling shareholdings
American Trading Company (Holdings) Ltd (mainly publishing and media)
American Trading Company (mainly publishing and media)
Pickering & Chatto (Publishers) Ltd
*13(b) Landholdings
Property (including residential property) in Somerset
*13(c) Financial interests of spouse or relative or friend
My wife and five children also have interests in Somerset property, directly or through family trusts
15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations
Chairman of Trustees, Sir Leon Bagrit Memorial Trust
Trustee, Shandean Trust
Journalists often criticise other people and good journalists accept some offensive knockabout in return. - Lord William Rees-Mogg from his essay,
'Quangos, scumbags and a pompous donkey.

Ireland Indymedia bans criticism of the Lord Rees-Mogg ?
The following communication to Ireland Indymedia is in response to censorship or banning of my article-post titled, 'James Dale Davidson and My post to Lord Rees-Mogg's Weblog re NASDAQ,London Exchange',that was replaced by this:
Document Not Available

Sorry, this story has been removed due to a possible breach of the editorial guidelines and is under review by the editorial group. If you think that this story should be allowed to remain on the newswire, please check our editorial guidelines and if you think that your article does not breach any of these guidelines, you can contact the editorial collective to make your case.
Dear Ireland Indymedia,
At first I thought I'd just not comment on the fact that you saw fit to censor or ban my criticism of the Lord William Rees-Mogg as well as his American partner business partner and co-author,James Dale Davidson,who has been involved in penny stock scams including through LOM of Bermuda that both James Dale Davidson and the Lord William Rees-Mogg recommended to offshore clients and readers in their scammy book, ' The Sovereign Individual', without disclosing to this fact to their offshore investment advice seeking readers.
Since that time it has come to light that LOM of Bermuda was also the epicenter of still untold millions or hundreds of millions or more in U.S. penny stock fraud and I believe possible money laundering over the years ! This quote from of Bermuda with link will show you what a penny stock den of theives LOM of Bermuda turned out to be !
Clients stood to benefit from suspect stock sales – claim

LOM and Mr. Lines contend that the United States does not have jurisdiction over them and that they are prohibited from disclosing some of the information being sought due to secrecy provisions of laws in Bermuda, the Bahamas and the Cayman Islands, where LOM has offices.
As part of an attempt to establish that LOM has sufficient ties to the United States to meet jurisdictional requirements, Ungar claimed that LOM executed substantial volumes of trades with the US operations of vFinance Investments Inc., Schwab Capital Markets LLC, and Sterne, Agee Capital Markets and also did business with CIBC Mellon Securities Trust Company, in New York.
"The volume of LOM's US trading, whether on behalf of its customers or its own accounts, is staggering," stated Mr. Ungar. "For example, in LOM's account at Schwab, during a two-week period in 2003 – the same year in which the SHEP and Sedona transactions in question occurred – LOM bought or sold, on over 4,000 different occasions, a total of 151 million shares of US securities traded over various US securities markets."
The trader at Florida-based vFinance who was in charge of LOM's account testified that "LOM's trading over the US markets was more than the trading of most US regional banks" and that he "either accumulated or liquidated millions of shares a day for them", stated Mr. Ungar.
So what does Lord Rees-Mogg think of the Lines brothers of Lines Overseas Management that he and James Dale Davidson recommended to their The Sovereign Individual' readers now ? Does the Lord Rees-Mogg believe that the Lines brothers or Mr.Davidson or himself as LOM investors should not take some moral if not financial responsibilities for all the U.S. penny stock fraud pulled off through LOM of Bermuda over all so many years ?
James Dale Davidson is besides being a co-author and business partner of Lord Rees-Mogg,founder of the National Tapayers Union that other wealthy American scoundrels such as Steve Forbes and Richard Mellon-Scaife have backed or been a part of.He was also the leading promoter of the Clinton smear campaign along with Richard Mellon-Scaife who claimed Clinton killed his own childhod friend Vince Foster.
The good Lard Rees-Mogg on the other hand at the same time was humorously enough hot on the trail of Monica Lewinsky's stained dress as you will find in a link below on this indymedia post.Apparently Luciane Goldberg is his kinda woman.
The ex CIA Director William Colby's name was on the letterhead of Davidson's,Bill Bonner's and the Lord Rees-Mogg's Agora Inc. of Balitimore,Maryland connected 'Strategic Investment' 'business news letter' at the time that Mr. Davidson changed its mission overnight to a Clinton killed Vince Foster' political smear 'news' letter.So Rees-Mogg through his own history of editorial vitriol aimed at any and all he presumes may be god forbid a liberal or to the left of Musolini with suspision is the last public official who should complain of a little criticism of himself.
William Colby who was apparently paid to put his name on the letterhead of Agora Inc.'s scammy
'Strategic Investment' penny stock newsletter died mysteriously in a drowning a year Davidson used his name in the Bill Clinton smear campaign.During that time I can find no comment from him on the matter,particularly that he knew in advance or that he approivewd or believed James Dale Davidson's and the Lord Rees-Mogg's's smear campaign.
Whereas I have never sought to interfere in UK politics,on the other hand the Lard Rees-Mogg,in his wisdom,has had little trepidation about interfering into the affairs of my U.S. government or into Monica Lewinky's dress for that matter,along with his influential Beltway friends including his co-author and American Oxford educated Rhodes scholar business partner, James Dale Davidson.
This censorship or fear of the Baron Rees-Mogg seems to be an ongoing paranoia of Ireland and Bristol and to some extent Scotland indymedias in general.The indymedia article post whose link is below for example was posted on Australian and New Zealand indymedias in 2005 and met with no censorship hiding or banning even though their laws are equivalent to those of the UK .
The title for the UK countries I changed appropriately to,'Is James Dale Davidson using the UK ?' The Canadians took no offense in my writing and criticism
of Davidson or Rees-Mogg either.So why did Bristol or Ireland who should know about Lord Rees-Mogg and his far right elitist connections than anyone find objection ? Even Rees-Mogg himself who is both a journalist and politician(conflict of interest ?),admits criticism is good.
Is James Dale Davidson using New Zealand ?
by Tony Ryals Monday October 17, 2005 at 10:03 AM

The Scotland and Bristol and Ireland indymedias on the other had acted as if it were a hot potato just as the Ireland indymedia did with the more recent Rees Mogg post titled, '
Why ? Because although the indymedias have standard rules individuals or groups in the various indymedias interpret the same rules a little differently.And I am glad to say that most wish to err on the side of free speech ! The Lord Rees-Mogg himself agrees he should be criticized as he says himself,'Journalists often criticise other people and good journalists accept some offensive knockabout in return.' - Lord William Rees-Mogg
This is only right unless the indymedia members have a means and the time and will to check a posters sources and facts and opinions which is really not the purpose of the indymedia staffs.Their purpose and good work is only in providing the space and letting readers judge or not judge the posts in my opinion.:
Upon experiencing the censorship of Bristol indymedia and an almost picayunish (Petty; paltry;although I use the term to mean generally closed minded to outside ideas [Colloq. U.S.] ),it is almost humorous in retrospect to remember it had its servers confiscated by the M-16 or FBI some time ago AS IF IT WERE A TERRORIST ORGANIZATION !
I only hope such repressive measures strengthens rather than weakens the resolve of those who keep the indymedias running.The likes of Lord William Rees-Mogg,(born with a golden spoon in his mouth), and his American co-author and offshore penny stock scamster and Washington,D.C. insider friend,James Dale Davidson,exemplify the reasons why the indymedias were formed in the first place in protests coming out of globalization and world trade agreements between the elites of the world's nations and often at the detriment of their own countryman.
In this age the Bush family dynasty of America for example,has more in common with the Sabah royal family of Kuwait or Saudi royalty than they do with some American soldier sent off to die or be wounded in Iraq or perhaps to return home to live on the cold American streets.Likewise the Lord Rees-Mogg would feel more at ease with the royal and titled than with the British he presumes by title,to represent in the House of Lords.
Pre-internet and pre-indymedia,etc., the likes of the Rees-Moggs dominated the media from the BBC to
Financial Times to London Times,all of which the noble Lord Rees-Mogg has been part of.Rupert Murdoch may have replaced Rees -Mogg as editor of the London Times when he took it over but the far right Rees-Mogg must still hold a dear place in his heart as even Mr.Lard Rees-Mogg's website appears to be sponsored upon the timeonline webserver.
You can be assured the Lard Rees-Mogg and established UK media is very pleased with your censorship.However all those around the world seeking an outlet for freedom of speech are not.
As an avid poster on the indymedias around the world I can provide some feedback on them,which in most cases is nothing but praise.While the Canadian and Australian and New Zealand Indymedias labor under the same draconian or 'Lordly' libel and defamation laws of the UK in general they are par excellance in their support of free speech.And they have nothing on the two Philipines indymedias or the Cyprus indymedia or Beirut indymedia or Isreal indymedia.
In fact as an example you may do a google search of
my criticism,or critisisms, of Israeli President Moshe Katsav with a google search,'katsav hadid',published some months before one and then up to ten Israeli women came forth accusing him of rape or sexual harrassment !
And while you will find many indymedias who
supported my free speech to criticise the Israeli president,perhaps the indymedia I'm proudest of is israel.indymedia.They had no hesitation whatsoever in posting my writing accusing(with evidence)Israel President Katsav's involvement with the 'UCSY' penny stock scam of British-Israeli Michael Zwebner and his 'business' partner Mohamed Hadid,suspect in Herndon,Virginia Islamic charity money laundering !
As a matter of fact one of the Isreali women making the rape of sex harrassment claim against Katsav added in one Israeli newspaper article that Moshe Katsav has an offshore account to receive bribes for presidential pardons ! I would suspect any offshore account held by Mr.Katsav also was paid to aid Michael Zwebner and Mohamed Hadid in the 'UCSY' or Universal Communications Systems penny stock pump and dump and probable money laundering with their worthless U.S. penny stock shares as well.
Opinion - William Rees-Mogg
The Times February 27, 2006
Quangos, scumbags and a pompous donkey. What company Ken keeps
William Rees-Mogg

WHY KEN LIVINGSTONE? Who is David Laverick? These are the questions to which the press has been giving answers — often wrong ones — in the past week.
There is a mystery about Ken Livingstone. It is that he has twice been elected Mayor of London although he is a militant dinosaur of the old Left, with views that have been rejected by the national electorate at every general election since 1979. If he were a national party he would win only a single seat — his own. Like George Galloway, another one-man band of the Left, he is professionally out of tune...............
The Witches of Whitewater
by Scott Thompson

The British are coming
Josh Goldberg told this author that his mother has had a longstanding relationship with Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, who has been among the principal right-wing conveyors of conspiracy theories peddled by lunatic Mellon heir, Richard Mellon Scaife, into the media mainstream. Almost as soon as Evans-Pritchard became the Washington bureau chief for the London Sunday Telegraph, and focussed every ounce of energy on destroying President Bill Clinton, this author had a conversation with Evans-Pritchard, in which he admitted that he was a second generation spawn of Her Majesty's Secret Service. His father, Sir Edward Evan Evans-Pritchard had worked first for the Colonial Office as an anthropologist to help rig what is today the British destabilization of Sudan, and then, during World War II, Sir Edward worked with British military intelligence to mobilize the Senussi Bedouin tribes to found Libya. Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, who once described his presence in the United States as an ``anthropological expedition,'' told this author that he had collaborated with MI6, since he covered both sides of the Central America war.
Among the many right-wing conspiracy theories that Ambrose Evans-Pritchard foisted and then conveyed into the ``respectable'' press, was the Paula Jones case. It is Ambrose Evans-Pritchard whom Clinton-haters credit with helping Jones to shape her legal strategy. In the New York Times of Jan. 28, Evans-Pritchard confirmed what Josh Goldberg told me, admitting that he knows Lucianne Goldberg well: ``She was very nearly my agent,'' referring to his book, The Secret Life of Bill Clinton, which accuses President Clinton or his aides of having been involved, directly or indirectly, in mysterious deaths and conspiracies.
In a sense, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard's collaboration with MI6 pales before his role as a journalistic hitman for the Hollinger Corp., which owns Telegraph PLC. Hollinger was reorganized by Canadian-born Tory Conrad Black, from the Argus Corporation of E.P. Taylor, which ran British arms procurement during World War II and provided a Canadian base of operations for British Security Coordinator Sir William Stephenson and for the Special Operations Executive. Some of the board members of Hollinger include: Kenneth Starr's heroine, Lady Margaret Thatcher; Sir Henry Kissinger; and Bilderberg chairman and co-founder of the spy organization Kissinger Associates, Inc., Lord Peter Rupert Carrington.
Lucianne Goldberg admitted to this author that she knows another leading British opponent of President Clinton, Lord William Rees-Mogg, the former editor of the London Times now owned by Rupert Murdoch. ``Of course I know Lord William Rees-Mogg,'' she said. ``I think he's been doing a great job against Clinton.'' Rees-Mogg's attacks upon the Clinton administration either appear in the London Times or in the U.S.-based newsletter Strategic Investment, which Lord Rees-Mogg co-edits with James Dale Davidson, founder of the right-wing National Taxpayers Union.
No sooner did the Goldberg-Tripp-Lewinsky scandal break, than Lord William Rees-Mogg sped to the United States, apparently in search of DNA samples and other dirt dished up by his admirer, Lucianne ``Ma Barker'' Goldberg.
Compilation of information on "Strategic Investment" newsletter

The "Hon. Lord Rees-Mogg" in the text above is William Rees-Mogg, the former editor of the Times. Another name connected with Strategic Investment, which does not appear in the newsletter quoted above, is James Dale Davidson. William Rees-Mogg and James Dale Davidson co-authored a book "Blood in the Streets: investment profits in a world gone mad". Later they wrote another book together - "The Great Reckoning" - on the dust jacket of which is written:
James Dale Davidson and Lord Rees-Mogg edit and publish Strategic Investment, one of the world's best-performing investment newsletters. Davidson is founder and chairman of the American National Taxpayers Union. He has written for the Wall Street Journal and numerous other national publications and is a principal of Strategic Advisors Corporation in Baltimore, Maryland. He is co-author of Blood in the Streets: Investment Profits in a World Gone Mad. Lord Rees-Mogg was Assistant Editor of the Financial Times in the 1950s and is an investment adviser. He was formerly editor of The Times and is Chairman of the Broadcasting Standards Council. In addition to co-authoring Blood in the Streets, he is the author of The Reigning Error: The Crisis of World Inflation.
"The Great Reckoning How the world will change in the depression of the 1990s", James Dale Davidson & William Rees-Mogg, revised edition 1993, Sidgwick and Jackson, a division of Pan Macmillan.
Experts: Foster Note Fake
Christopher Ruddy
October 25, 1995

WASHINGTON - At a press conference in Washington today, an international panel of forensic handwriting experts - including one from Oxford University - will announce its findings that a torn note, said to have been Vince Foster Jr.'s "suicide" note, is a forgery.
Strategic Investment, a Baltimore-based financial newsletter, and its editor, James Dale Davidson, have called the conference to issue the written findings of three experts that analyzed a copy of a note. Twenty-seven pieces (the 28th piece was missing) of the note were claimed to have been found in the late Deputy White House Counsel's briefcase almost a week after his sudden death on July 20, 1993.
Economist: Inflation Rate Is Double Official Number
Christopher Ruddy and Ryan Troup

March 14, 2000
Jan. 20, 1993, and Bill Clinton was not president 24 hours when he saw James Dale Davidson at one of several Washington Inaugural Balls.
Clinton quickly waved past the salutations and congratulations. "Jim," he said, "You may able to help me."
Davidson, a Clinton campaign donor, a financial writer, then head of the National Taxpayers Union and someone who had known Clinton for years from annual retreats at the Hilton Head Renaissance weekends, nodded with agreement.
"I think the Bush people were cooking the economic numbers in the months before the election," Clinton said, continuing, "Do you think you could put together a report for me on how they did it?"
Davidson agreed but the thought went racing through his mind, "This man’s not president for one day and he’s already trying to figure out how to fix the books."
As an aside but still related to censorship in trying to be overly sensitive to religion is my post on the indymedias of my writing titled,'Pope'sMisconceptions
about conception science history ' thar was an editorial in the Berkeley Daily Californian' in 1987 just after Pope John Paul II visited the SF Bay Area.
Pope's Misconceptions about conception science history :
Tony Ryals

What Bristol and Ireland indymedias neither knew or cared about in their knee jerk rush to be religiously sensitive was that they were deleting or removing an article or essay that had never been written before in the area of science and western history. I try to explain that here :
Does oxford.indymedia censor religious criticism and science history ?

A little history of the indymedias collective struggle to defend and promote free speech and free access to speech around the world for those less priviledged and with no voice in established media.While the media control freak elites such as the Lord William Rees-Mogg, Rupert Murdoch,,wish you would go away,this is only an indication of your nascent powers.
In fact I take the threats and intimidations against the indymedias' more personally than many of the fine people around the world weho together got it up and running.That last link below titled,'FBI names Austin Indymedia, Food Not Bombs',was written and posted by me as soon as I was made aware reading the in 2005 that I also post upon of course,was being harrassed by the FBI in Texas in an obvious effort at intimidation not only of Austin and Houston indymedias but worldwide indymedias,just as occured in 2004 by confiscation of servers. :
Indymedia to U.S., U.K., Swiss and Italian Authorities: "Hands Off Our Websites"
11 Oct 2004 20:56 GMT
 and FBI :

Indymedia Server Takedown

FBI Officer Speaks at Law School, lists Indymedia, Food Not Bombs, Communist Party of Texas on “Terrorist Watch List”

FBI names Austin Indymedia, Food Not Bombs Terrorist - Tony Ryals

Agora Inc founded by James Dale Davidson and Bill Bonner with his own internet self promotion site called have had common business ties with the Lord Rees-Mogg for many years.Below is taken from one of the many scam
internet sites the penny stock scamster and friend to the Lord Rees-Mogg,James Dale Davidson,braghs of some of the companies he has helped 'direct'.
Most are nothing penny stock scams pumped and dumped out of business and investors defrauded.:
James'Fraud'Davidson and MOD Ventures
27 N. Summerlin Ave.
Orlando,Florida 32801
James Dale Davidson

Private Investor, Entrepreneur, Analyst and Author. Mr. Davidson
has extensive experience in entrepreneurial executive management/venture
finance. Author, with Lord William Rees-Mogg, Blood in the Streets:
Investment Profits in a World Gone Mad, The Great Reckoning, and
The Sovereign Individual: Mastering the Transition to the Information
Age. Founder of Agora Publishing, The Hulbert Financial Digest,
and Strategic Investment. Director of Pickering & Chatto Publishers,
London. Principal of The Fleet Street Press. Founder (natural resource
companies) Oroperu, Sedna Geotech, Ouro Brasil, Oro Argentina, Consolidated
African Holdings, Anatolia Minerals Development Corporation. President,
New Paradigm Capital, a private merchant bank based in Bermuda,
a former director of Banco Comafi S.A., Buenos Aires, Argentina
and Cardlink Worldwide, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Current North American
technology and Internet related affiliations: BestTransport, Mariah
Vision3, Interactive Retail Management, Internet Transactions Transnational,
NewsMax Media, Advanced Power Devices, Packetup Corporation, Stardata,
and CyGene. Founder, MIVI Therapeutics and GeneMax Pharmaceuticals.
Chairman, Wharekauhau Holdings Ltd., Featherston, New Zealand, Director,
Martinborough Vineyards, Martinborough, New Zealand, and Palliser
Properties, Ltd, Auckland, Deputy Chairman, BEVsystems, Founder
and Director, New World Premium Brands, Auckland, New Zealand (winery roll-up and distribution).
Next note the Lord William Rees Mogg's declared business intersts for the House of Lords records.
The Lord Rees Mogg clearly documents himself his business relations to the Washington,D.C. insider and right wing smear campaigner James Dale Davidson by way of Agora Inc. and Fleet Street Publications and Pickering & Chatto (Publishers) Ltd, etc..
Note neither declare their investment interest in the LOM of Bermuda U.S. penny stock pump and dum,p and probable money laundering operation.But indeed the recommend it to their readers seeking offshore accounts in 'The Sovereign Individual' without disclosing their ecomic interests much less that James Dale Davidson is knowingly running pump and dump scams out of the LOM Bermuda office with
links to Isle of Man or LOM's Charles Schwab and VFin accounts in the U.S. to dump(sell) their penny stock shares in the U.S. to defrauded retail investors !
*12(e) Remunerated directorships
American Trading Company
American Trading Company (Holdings) Ltd
Pickering & Chatto (Publishers) Ltd
Fleet Street Publications Ltd
*12(f) Regular remunerated employment
News International
Fleet Street Publications
Agora Inc
The Mail on Sunday
Advisory Board of NewsMax Media Inc
*12(g) Controlling shareholdings
American Trading Company (Holdings) Ltd (mainly publishing and media)
American Trading Company (mainly publishing and media)
Pickering & Chatto (Publishers) Ltd
*13(b) Landholdings
Property (including residential property) in Somerset
*13(c) Financial interests of spouse or relative or friend
My wife and five children also have interests in Somerset property, directly or through family trusts
15(d) Office-holder in voluntary organisations
Chairman of Trustees, Sir Leon Bagrit Memorial Trust
Trustee, Shandean Trust

James Dale Davidson, Agora Inc, Lines Overseas Management
JAMES DALE DAVIDSON, B.A., M.A. M. Litt. (Oxon), is the Chief Financial
Officer/Secretary and a director of the Company and of GeneMax Pharmaceuticals.
------ from the desk of James Dale Davidson -------


November 30, 1998
James Dale Davidson, Agora Inc, Lines Overseas Management and William Rees-Mogg
We have uncovered more evidence this month that casts a negative light over the claims of investment success of James Dale Davidson, whose business interests in Bermuda include Lines Overseas Management and Strategic Advisors Overseas.
In defending a comment from a reader of Davidson's newsletter 'Strategic Investment' called 'Fritz' that his investment advice was 'witless', Davidson claimed: "It would be tempting for me to take a small-minded view of Fritz's comment, given that our 'witless investment advice' in the Wealth Builder Portfolio had, at the time of his post, outperformed the S&P 500 and the Dow for the year by a broad margin. Indeed, as of September 10, the Wealth Builder Portfolio was up by 38.54 per cent for the year."
"That is not the whole story," continued Davidson.
"David Tice's Strategic Shorts Portfolio is also turning in a more than 'witless' performance, with a gain of more than 20.3 per cent so far in 1998. While trillions in wealth are evaporating around the globe, we have told you how to make money. That said, I would simply be ducking behind a technicality if I simply dismissed Fritz's concerns by demonstrating that he could have outperformed every major market in the world by following our advice this year..." The reality, however, would appear to be somewhat different to Davidson's hyperbole.
US-based Mark Hulbert, whose Hulbert Financial Digest (

Meanwhile, David Tice's Strategic Shorts had, indeed, risen in value, by 7.4 per cent for the year to August 30, but that is still a long way short of the 20.3 per cent gain for the year to September 10, as claimed by Davidson.
Hulbert's method for calculating returns is very simple. He enters recommendations contained in investment newsletters into a computer and lets it calculate returns.
One of the difficulties with interpreting Strategic Investment's performance, apparently, is the vagueness of recommendations. Davidson will often recommend stocks or positions without telling readers which of the newsletter's several portfolios they should go into, we were told.
In addition, portfolios are seldom published in the newsletter and, when they are, positions will sometimes appear that have not been recommended to readers, thereby making a nonsense of Davidson's claims SI readers could have "outperformed every major market in the world by following our advice this year".
We can also reveal this month that Agora Inc., the Baltimore publishing group of which Davidson is vice-president, founder and minority shareholder, is now the owner of UK-based Scope International, which publishes several dubious books for $100 or �60 a time that are written by so-called members of the right-wing, libertarian Perpetual Traveller movement.
In one of Scope's books, called 'The Tax Haven Report', author Adam Starchild claims that Bermuda has a Governor General, instead of a Governor; that this Governor General chairs the Cabinet, when the reality is that he is not entitled to sit in on Cabinet meetings; and that international companies on the island are exempt from payroll tax, when the reality is that they pay it.
Scope's best-known author is 'WG Hill', a pseudonym used by a person or persons whose books are promoted by several companies over the Internet which offer seemingly dubious products and services such as second passports, fake degrees and access to 'get rich quick' schemes.
One of Hill's books called 'Sex Havens: Or ##### & Piece' is a guide to world prostitution that, inter alia, shows where to find 'Thai Virgins' who, presumably, are underage girls.
Another is called 'The Lloyd's Report: How to earn a substantial second income underwriting insurance', in which he declares that, by becoming a Lloyd's Name: "You could expect an income of up to �200,000 per year for the rest of your life."
Another book, called 'The Albania Report', describes Albania as "a fairy tale land" and promises to show readers "how to double your capital at no risk ".
The quality of WG Hill's work is perhaps best summed up by an introduction to his book, 'Think like a tycoon: How to make a million or more in three years or less!', which is published by Scope.
"My name is WG Hill. I did not make my millions (like some authors) by writing books about things I have not done myself personally. Starting from scratch, without money, special skills, contacts or luck, I founded eight totally unrelated part-time FUN businesses. I saw each of them earn me over a million pounds each in three years or less.
"While I was making all this money, I managed to go to an average of five parties a week, plus two or three concerts, plays or movies. SEX! My love life didn't suffer either - as I had more 'companionship' in a year than most men have in a lifetime. What was the sex-appeal secret of a grumpy, overweight..........
What do you think now of the LOM offshore of Bermuda you both promoted in your,'Sovereign Individual' in light of what David Marchant's and the of Bermuda reported in 2004 about all those fraudulent penny stocks being dumped back on the U.S. market from there ? Ashamed to have promoted it ? The U.S. SEC appears in cover up mode as usual.
Clients stood to benefit from suspect stock sales – claim
"The volume of LOM's US trading, whether on behalf of its customers or its own accounts, is staggering," stated Mr. Ungar. "For example, in LOM's account at Schwab, during a two-week period in 2003 – the same year in which the SHEP and Sedona transactions in question occurred – LOM bought or sold, on over 4,000 different occasions, a total of 151 million shares of US securities traded over various US securities markets."
The trader at Florida-based vFinance who was in charge of LOM's account testified that "LOM's trading over the US markets was more than the trading of most US regional banks" and that he "either accumulated or liquidated millions of shares a day for them", stated Mr. Ungar.
This is what did Refco in - penny stocks being held for anonymous criminals or individuals if you will.I suspect all those Refco losses are really Refco profits if you are one of the gang of offshore-onshore criminals involved.
So why do you have James Dale Davidson as a colleague if you do not approve of penny stock fraud ? Of course the penny stocks promoted through Agora Inc. of Baltimore and the world wide internet by your scammy pal and others add up to many billions in fraud annually.The 'blue chips' have a much higher dollar value but do not attract criminals such as your Beltway pal James Dale Davidson.Why ?
Penny stocks are 'pumped' or promoted much higher in terms of percentage point gains to those insiders to this unending fraud than 'blue chips' could possibly be and then 'dumped' or sold to investors who believe James Dale Davidson's,'s lies.Your pal seems to be doing better than ever under the W Bush Regime just as he most likely did with daddy Bush during Iran-Contra.
It is both interesting and outrageous to note not only that W Bush got his first declarable wealth besides his daddy's handouts from a penny stock fraud that included supposed Middle Eastern oil rights that never materialized but helped 'pump' the worthless shares.And Securacom that guarded the WTC of New York as well as Dulles Airport and Los Alamos was nothing but a penny stock pump and dump that started at about $8+ per share and were then sold or dumped to nothing as most penny stocks are at the profit of both Marvin Bush and the Kuwaiti Sabah family ! I guess penny stocks don't guard the WTC so good do they ?
I have no idea of the estimation of penny stock fraud in England nor what portion of that fraud comes from Briish penny stocks or U.S. penny stocks but on the NASDAQ related 'OTC' market I would say it is many billions of dollars.So by allowing NASDAQ to purchase the London Stock Exchange we can expect more stock fraud.
NASDAQ is the owner of the biggest penny stock fraud market in the world,so certainly your colleague James Dale Davidson of 'Clinton killed Vince Foster' fame must be quite pleased with the potential expansion of the U.S. penny stock 'industry'.And these penny stocks are being used to launder money in the Middle East and around the world as we speak.The U.S. SEC seems to like it that way as well.
Do a google search,'Bellador Group'.
Posted by: Tony Ryals at 23 Nov 2006 20:57:38
Personally with all the fraud and corruption eminating around the world from the U.S. its flag is the least of our concerns.
I only hope those defrauded by Bancafe and Refco and Bawag in Guatemala and the Beltway crooks
who have aided and abetted them are brought to justice or at least Guatemalans realise the U.S. SEC and the Refco 'IPO' they brought to market ripped them off with worthless U.S. penny stocks.
What is the amount of money put into India's penny stock frauds or Austria's for that matter ? Guatemala does not issue worthless and fraudulent penny stocks.It is Chris WMDS Cox and his corrupt SEC that does that.
Obviously the U.S. is undisputed leader in fraudulent penny stocks.If this were not so Refco and particularly Bawag would promote Austrian penny stocks,which they don't.And Bellador Group would be promoting worthless Kuala Lumpur ands Dubai penny stocks which they don't.
And the Bush and Sabah penny stock frauds would be registered in Kuwait but they don't.The Bush-Sabah Securacom penny stock scam that guarded the WTC,Dulles Airport and Los Alamos were indeed incorporated in the U.S..Even Kuwait's Sabah royalty pull their penny stock scams off with U.S. 'securities'.And most of the victims of the Bush's and Sabah's are Americans I believe.
Too bad the lieing con artist Cox was not brought to justice in California for his scams there.Then without scum like Christopher Cox at the SEC we would all be better of.
Please resign Mr.Cox,please resign John Reed Stark, allow some idealistic university students etc. fill your worthless or even criminal positions.
Nonetheless Patrick Byrne is a hypocrite and should have to answer for the DEATH THREATS HIS FOLLOWERS HAVE LOOSED ON THE INTERNET.But being a hypocrite is one of his better traits.
You'd think the senile politicians who have backed Byrne such as Utah's Senator Bobo Bennett would even cry out about that abuse of the flag but Bob Bennett uses the U.S. flag for toilet paper himself when he aids unending fraud and corruption in its name.
Tony Ryals | 11.23.06 - 12:57 pm | #
Jerry Weller,Rios Montt,Bancafe Guatemala, Bawag Austria,Refco y 'Acciones de Centavos'
Illinois Congressman Jerry Weller,Refco and the collapse of Guatemala's Bancafe Bank
Virginia:Marvin Bush,Securacom,9/11,U.S. Senator George Allen,Bawag Austria,offshores...
U.S. Republican George Allen More Corrupt Than Utah Senators Bob Bennett,Orrin Hatch ?
Asa Hutchinson,Charlie Crist,Jeb Bush,Republican stock fraud and drug trafficking,etc....
Why did Osama bin Laden choose Jeb Bush's Huffman Aviation terrorist flight school ?
Senator Bennett :Is Patrick Byrne's NCANS a Fraud ?
Utah Gov Jon Huntsman,Senator Bennett, Hatch call Republican Senator Shelby 'a gangster'
Does NY Times censor 9/11 Venice,Florida connection ?
NY Rep.Peter King,CIA,Swift,NY Times,Republican stock fraud
NY WTC 'protected' by Kuwaiti company and Marvin Bush on 9/11
Asa Hutchinson,Richard Rainwater,George W Bush,Tom DeLay & 5.6 Ton cocaine bust in Mexico
Senator Bennett :Is Patrick Byrne's NCANS a Fraud ?
Cocaina,Ciudad Del Carmen,Campeche, Abril 10,CIA,Republicanos Y PAN
Did Israel President Moshe Katsav aid Muslim Terrorism or only fraud ?
Israel: Gal Lusky's 'IFA' Caught Up in Moshe Katsav,Mohamed Hadid, Zwebner 'UCSY' scam ?
Israeli President Moshe Katsav aids massive penny stock fraud
Did Israel President Moshe Katzav aid Muslim Terrorism or only fraud ?
SEC,Schwab,Chris Cox,Hillary Clinton & Barbara Boxer Aid CIA'S In-Q-Tel penny stock fraud
Chris Cox,SEC,Makram Majid Chams,Titan Corp,9/11,Abhu Ghraib,etc.
SEC Covers Up UAE Money Laundering with U.S. Stocks
John Reed Stark UAE,SEC,Georgetown University Stock fraud Academic fraud Cyber fraud
Does NSA Serve SRA International's 'Cookies' ?
Porter Goss: CIA Cyber and stock fraud ops damaged by leaks ?;
D.C.Terrorbaggers:James Dale Davidson,Don Nickles, ex-CIA Chief Woolsey,Asa Hutchinson,Tom McMillen
Asa Hutchinson,ex Congressman Tom McMillen, Fortress America,offshore money laundering
To CIA,In-Q-Tel,Amit Yoran re SRA International, Mantas Inc stock fraud money laundering
Mantas Inc,Herndon, Va, Pro-Money Laundering Arm of International Bankers,Brokers...
CIA and Gilman Louie are less than honest
Charles Schwab and Share-Money Laundering