And when there’s not oil for everyone, the strongest, those who are more armed, want to have it for themselves. Oil is called Persian Gulf. The world war for oil is going on and it will finish when the oil supply has run out. How long will it take? Twenty, thirty years?
In the meantime, there will always be less available and the international tension will increase. The economies of industrialised nations are based on oil. Who controls the exporting countries guarantees the growth of their economy. Who doesn’t control them will implode. Who will this be? China, India, Europe?
Of those countries in the Persian Gulf who are not under the dominion of the United States, there’s Syria and Iran who has decided to sell its oil in Euro and petrol-euros frighten the Americans more then Bin Laden. Iraq is at war. The Lebanon is at war. Saudi Arabia and Kuwait are under the protection of the Americans.
To get an end to the war, it’s necessary to fight the oil. The oil companies. Their interests that are fused with those of the arms manufacturers.
Alternative energies are now obligatory. This is the true emergency.
No oil, no war.
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Tangled web
29.11.2006 00:17
“To get an end to the war, it’s necessary to fight the oil. The oil companies. Their interests that are fused with those of the arms manufacturers.”
Not forgetting the petrochemical industry, who cause all sorts of disease, has an incestuous relationship with the pharmaceutical industry, who treat all sorts of disease, and who, along with the insurance industry, control medical research. And of course, big-pharma have strong links with the DoD and MoD, who in turn are in bed with the arms manufacturers…
29.11.2006 01:41