21:24 The people of Neza City are are calling for solidarity with Oaxaca that tomorrow people leave to protest against the massacre that is being carried out now.
21:22 From the ____ neighborhood the police are coming and taking away people indiscriminately.
21:21 The PRIistas are reorganizing themselves in the Siete Regiones fountains.
21:18 5 large trucks fulls of armed PFP's left Channel 9, they are probably going to do rounds to kidnap people near there.
21:14 Workers from the Other Campaign are inviting people to concnetrate in the encampment outside the Senate in Mexico City.
21:10 Radio Universidad is calling for people to retreat to the university.
21:08 The government is warning APPO that if it continue its peaceful protest that the army will enter to massacre the population, a message that the government made arrive through higher ups in the catholic church
21:05 The People's Popular Assembly of Oaxaca is asking people to retreat.
21:03 In the Social Security hospital that police dressed in lab coats are tending to the victims (waiting for confirmation)
20:58 Police dressed as civilians attacked the bus station. The tourists and the people that were there ran looking for shelter.
20:57 At Avenida Chapultepc, they are arresting and beating people.
20:56 Radio Universidad reports that nearby the Social Security building, the police are beating and arresting people.
20:54 At Avenida Chapultepc (Oaxaca) they are burning cars and buses.
20:48 In the restaurant “El Biche Pobre” there are civilian dressed police.
20:56 The PFP is ransacking houses
20:39 Radio Universidad is asking people to punch holes in the tires of police cruisers to demobilize them.
20:37 It is reported that the secretary of foreign relations building is being burned down in Oaxaca City.
20:36 They are calling for the people of the world to protest in front of the embassies and Mexican consulates around the globe to stop this massacre.
20:35 The churches in the center of Oaxaca are closed.
20:33 They are asking people to open their doors for the people that are being attacked by the PFP. A maasacre is unfolding in Oaxaca..
20:32 Four trucks of the PFP are leaving the Benito Juarez stadium. They are reporting also 20 buses of federal preventative police heading toward the center.
20:32 They are calling for people to no scatter themselves.
20:32 The PFP is moving toward the ADO bus station. They are going with tanks.
20:29 In El Llano, they have taken away 8 comrades. The PFP is shooting directly at the people. There are many people injured.
20:26 There’s a fire in the legislative palace of Oaxaca. The palace can be found in the center of siege that the PFP maintained in the zocalo. It can be concluded that only the PFP could have caused the fire. Another fire is found in the secretary of foreign relations building.
20:20 The person injured by a gunshot in the leg is stable, but there are many arrested individuals and other gravely injured people. There are burning cars that are exploding.
20:17 The confrontation with the PFP continues. The PFP is still shooting off tear gas. The local police is shooting live ammunition.
20:15 Near Avenida Ferrocarril, there are 10 trucks of PFP’s circulation. They are making a call to put up barricades at this avenue.
20:08 In the corner of Alcala and Abasolo, the PFP returned. Four shots were heard.
19:55 They are making a call for reinforcements, to rescue the streets. Bring vinegar. From red taxis they are throwing gas.
19:52 They are asking people to bring food, drinks and vinegar to the places where people are being assaulted. They are soliciting medical help as well.
19:51 They have mounted a barricade near the social security building in Oaxaca City.
19:48 An on-air report through Radio Universidad from the security commission of the APPO: that the people in the southern part of Santo Domingo regroup and threaten the PFP in the northern section so that they leave the comrades in peace.
19:48 The people are joining up in Av. Ninos Heroes de Chapultepec.
19:47 At the Cinco Senores barricade, provocateurs on motorcycle set afire two buses.
19:47 Mr. Taurino Ojeda, 45, was injured by a bullet in his left leg.
19:46 Oaxaca’s Radio Universidad is calling for the people of Oaxaca to take to the streets. The protesters are surrounded in the center of Oaxaca and the PFP is shooting with firearms.
19:42 There is someone injured from a bullet (via telephone report from Oaxaca)
19:41 On-air report from Oaxaca’s Radio Universidad: there are injured people from the gas grenades and gunfire.
19:40 The federal preventative police that surround the people in the zocalo are shooting live ammunition at the people and arresting them.
19:39 There are two buses from the Cinco Senores Barricade. Next to them are two trucks that are carrying federal preventative police and local police.
19:31 The PFP has the people surrounded and they are advancing from different entrance streets to the zocalo.
19:29 Report from Santo Domingo: the attack continues from the PFP, they are still throwing and shooting projectiles of tear gas.
19:25 The people are advancing by 5 senores.
19:21 The tear gas that are being launched in the historic center of the city are now reaching the whole city of Oaxaca.
19:14 Oaxaca’s Radio Universidad: A confrontation is being reported at Miguel Cabrera by the Nov. 20 market.
19:13 It is reported that the PFP is retreating the zocalo; earlier they again burned the encampment set up in Santo Domingo.
19:10 They are informing that at least 40 arrested people were taken to the zocalo. Minsterial police are arresting people in the streets.
18:59 “We saw how they arrested about 30 comrades. They collected them and gassed them. There are PFP’s everywhere in Oaxaca.” report from Oaxaca.
18:55 The PFP is advancing to the Movie Club Pochote, the members of APPO are retreating. They are reporting “people” who from taxis are shooting gas at the protesters who are retreating.
18:54 At the Fortin mountain, there are movements of the PFP.
18:53 The night has arrived. They are asking for food. There’s a result of some injured individuals. In a few minutes they will give a complete report. Oaxaca’s Radio Universidad is reporting on air.
18:53 Reporting from Santo Domingo, the people have reorganized themselves, they are newly moving forward.
18:47 “We have 9mm cartridges,” they are reporting from Oaxaca. It would be supposed that the PFP is not only attacking the people with gas and tanks but also with firearms.
18:45 The Voice of the Truth reports many buses of PFP heading toward Oaxaca.
18:44 They are reporting many burned cars. It is confirmed that the PFP is already in Santo Domingo.
18:44 The gases have reached to more than 75 meters.
18:42 The gas is burning more than before. There are arrested people, but we don’t know how many. We have retreated to three streets above Santo Domingo.
18:40 They have closed the Eje Central in Mexico City in protest against the violence of the PFP in Oaxaca.
18:34 They already took Santo Domingo and the people continue retreating.
18:30 They need doctors, the confrontation continues we have various injured people. Report from msn.
18:52 Radio Universidad is calling for neighbors to come down and help the people that are being assaulted.
18:23 They are reporting that the interference against Oaxaca’s Radio Universidad has begun again.
18:23 Two people are registered as being injured by grenade projectile from the tear gas.
18:22 The PFP is already arriving at Santo Domingo. The members of PFP that were near the Fortin Mountain have arrived at Santo Domingo to get near the people.
18:22 The people in axaca are reporting that the gas is different and more potent. The gas is the color pink. The PFP continues advancing.
18:19 They are asking for urgent actions in all of the country to stop the aggression that is occurring right now in Oaxaca.
18:17 The people that are around the area of siete principes, are asked to come near the west side. In Colon and Melchor Ocampo the air is very strong. They are asking people to themselves in the higher parts of the west side to avoid the intoxification of the gas.
18:17 The PFP has advanced two blocks up, it is already near Carmen Alto.
18:13 The PFP is surrounding Santo Domingo, there’s a comrade hurt in the arm by a projectile.
18:07 There is also gas in Santo Domingo
18:07 They are calling for the people to put barricades, to support the immediate area of University City and put up barricades where the PFP is going to come.
18:04 There’s a confrontation in various streets that surround the zocalo. Many people affected by the gas. They are asking people to retreat because in some points it impossible to see and breath.
17:56 The PFP is advancing through the parallel streets of Aldama, the resistance continues very strong. The PFP advance slowly.
17:46 The PFP is still launching gas and marbles at the people
17:33 They are asking that the people bring water, vinegar, and cola to lessen the effects of teargas.
17:33 The PFP continues launching shots of tear gas directly at the people so that they will be injured.
17:27 Oaxaca’s Radio Universidad: The PFP is still launching tear gas in the opening street of Santo Domingo. They are already reporting an injured people. You can hear explosions on air through the telephone report from a comrade.
17:19 At the street of Alcala, there's a lot of gas. In Santo Domingo they are ringing the church bells.
17:17 Report from Radio Universidad: The federal preventative police without previous provocation and without warning began to shoot off tear gas and projectiles against the peaceful protest.
17:16 The PFP is shooting gas at the protesters from rooftops.
17:15 Oaxaca's Radio Universidad: It is repeated that the PFP has begun the aggression against peaceful protesters. From building in the center, there are people throwing tear gas.
17:15 Radio Universidad is calling out for people to organize brigades to detect the priista provocateurs.
17:08 The PFP is begininng to shoot tear gas at the people who are attending the siege.
16:47 The center is compeletely surrounded by the march. They put up barricades. It's a little tense because the PRIistas are provoking the people.
16:26 Radio Universidad reports that the PRIistas already have come out. You can hear the rockets.
16:17 Barricade Radio is transmitting on the air on 92.1 FM in Oaxaca, on the internet it has left the air for a moment.
16:05 Krosti, the thug, is with his people in el Llano park, wanting to atack the rear end of the mobilization.
16:01 "The people took to the streets to support the march, to give us water, and they didn't throw acid or anything like that at us," reports the doctor Bertha from Radio Universidad.
16:01 Messages are arriving saying that the PRIistas will go at around 16:00 to hit the seige.
15:57 The PFP is occupying Avenida Independencis. The march is still nearing the zocalo.
15:52 The protest continues pacific and with much excitement.
15:50 They are beginning to organize the walls that will cloe in the PFP in the zocalo.
15:43 Some members of PRI are calling Oaxaca's Radio Universidad to launch shout-outs to Ulises Ruiz and insults against APPO.
15:42 Members of the PFP are dressed as civilians during the march and in the zocalo. Radio Universidad is making a call to all of the people sympathetic to the APPO, and the Oaxacan movement to identify them. (They are mentioning that the PFP's are going about covered in facemasks, for this they are asking the people to identify them)
15:41 In Coyotepec, they are already erasing the paint that was put up by the march during its passing.
15:39 They are carrying out the siege of the PFP, the end of the march arrived at the zocalo and the marchers continue entering.
15:30 Barricade Radio is breaking the siege and changing its frequency. Now it transmits through 92.1 FM in Oaxaca/
15:28 The PFP are on the roof of the store La Lagunilla.
15:28 From Calicanto, a truck with the number 2 left taking with it one boy at 2:30 they had taken another boy.
15:26 Provocateurs from the PRI are found in the center of Oaxaca.
15:11 A few hours ago, "another transmission" is being mounted to block the signal of Barricade Radio at 105.3 FM and silence is transmitted.
15:00 The march arrived at the zocalo.
14:34 The march continues its routen nearly 150,000 people are at the point of arriving at Oaxaca's zocalo, People are leaving their houses to show their support.
14:42 In Candiani, homage was paid to the comrade Alejandro, fallen during the Oaxacan resistance for the removal of Ulises Ruiz.
14:32 Aggression from the PFP on the street of Independencia against a car driver, they pursued the car. The traveler was on its way to peacefully protest with the people of the neighborhood.
14:30 Radio Mapache says that there are only a thousand marchers that the people go to their houses becuase the police are going to start arresting people and the people with APPO are armed.
14:19 Kilometers of people that are marching to demand justice "It's a pleasure that life has given us the opportunity to see a people who demand justice."
14:18 Radio Universidad of Oaxaca on-air: they are reporting that hundreds of thousands of peole are arriving at the avenue of Candiani.
13:51 A correspondent's report from Radio Universidad is indicating on air that rumors are circulating that the PFP is attacking some sections of the march, but the people in the march are refuting the information, saying that it is only a rumor. It could be part of the terror the government has pushed against the Oaxacan movement.
13:46 A black pick-up truck took away two comrades from the Cinco Senores barricade.
13:40 The march is heading toward Simbolos Patrios.
13:32 A reporter from the collaborator radio is giving on-air reports of what is happening in the march; he is participating as an infiltrator.
13:30 On Radio Citizen (collaborator radio, terrorist radio) they are saying that today the government will carry out arrest orders against the APPO during the march.
13:29 It is reported that a truck picked up a youth in Calicanto.
13:29 The grey PFP’s are out with anti-riot equipment, the ones in black and in higher command are out with automatic weapons.
13:22 The PFP has gone up on the roof of a building in front of the HSBC bank to hurl things at people. They have strung electrically charged barbed wire in some streets.
13:15 “At every step of the march’s advance, more and more people from the struggle are feeding it. We are at least 100,000 people.” a direct report from the march.
13:07 Oaxaca’s Radio Universidad is reiterating that the protest in Oaxaca will continue the whole day today so that no one will arrive late.
12:15 Listening to Radio Universidad clearly today, there is not any interference.
11:54 The march is advancing from Santa Maria Coyotepec toward the city center; estimated participants at 10,000 people right now.
11:51 The commission of counselors is leading the march, behind are family members of the political prisoners, then traditional authorities and the teachers of the coast in Santa Maria Coyotepec.
11:01 Approximately 3000 people at the point of departure, many people await the march on its route.
10:53 Cesar Mateos and Jorge Sosa are still disappeared; they were arrested last night.
10:53 On 105.3 FM in Oaxaca, they are beginning to hear Radio Barricada.
00:00 Oaxaca’s Radio Universidad continues transmitting despite the numerous rumors circulating tonight about a possible assault from the federal preventative police dressed as civilians.