Ehud Olmert tried to bring about the sale of a rare state asset to associates of his at a price hundreds of millions of dollars lower than its value.
Attorney General Menachem Mazuz, State Prosecutor Eran Shendar and Deputy State Prosecutor Shuki Lemberger will have to decide whether to investigate the Bank Leumi affair to the end or to bury it;
This, the gravest corruption affair in the state's history, is about to be dropped into the shadows and allowed to fade away.
There is something rotten here and as long as the rot is spreading to the pillars of this society, its ability to withstand the forces bearing down upon it is decreasing.
The leadership's impotence, the crumbling of proper government and the rot of corruption are more dangerous than any outside threat.
Olmert says the state comptroller, the accountant general and various others are troublemakers and are now endangering the stability of Israel's regime with their insistence on investigating the criminal details of a deal Olmert was up to his neck in and are preventing Olmert from governing and are also dragging the administration into the dirt at a time when responsible and obedient patriotism is needed.