Interview with Marcin Ramocki and Justin Strawhand, co-director of the documentary, 8 BIT.
We discuss what 8 BIT is about; why they made the documentary; Openair; Glomag; why they decided to move the documentary beyond chiptunes; Nullsleep and Cory Arcangel; Gameboys, the Nintendo Entertainment System and the Commadore64; machinima; Unreal Tournament; the DIY ethic of 8 BIT; Tom Moody’s take on 8 Bit culture; the demoscene; why they think countries have different relationships with technology; how they decided which people to feature in 8 BIT; travelling to film the documentary; Bodenstandig 2000, Carlo Zanni and Eddo Stern; my chiptunes documentary; segments from the film they had to edit out for time considerations; Ed Halter; reactions to 8 BIT; the primary audiences of the documentary; avoiding the media’s clichés of video games; Bit Shifter.
Featured song is "Particle Charge" by Bit Shifter.

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