Take action to save the life of Behic Asci, Gulcan Goruroglu and Sevgi Saymaz.
Also make a call, fax or mail the ministry of interior to prevent a possible attack to Behic Asci.
Minister of Interior, Mr. Abdulkadir Aksu, , Fax: + 90 312 418 17 95,

Minister of Justice, Mr. Cemil Cicek, Phone: +90 312 417 77 70, Fax: + 90 312 418 5667,

Lawyer Behic Asci: An operation will kill each of us.
The lawyer Behic Asci, who is for 230 days in hunger strike against the isolation politics in the F-Type prisons made a press statement to warn the public opinion about an operation to his home to end the hunger strike. He says that the police forces are preparing for a raid. He says: "A possible operation of the police forces will result with the death of each of us".
Asci tells that the police went to his father, who lives in Adapazari (a city near Istanbul ), to let sign a written application for a forced medical intervention to end the hunger strike. His father, who is an old blind man, is forced to sign it by two police officers. The police said that his son is dieing and that they can rescue him if he signs the application. "I gues that the the two civil polices who went to my father are send from Istanbul … The application was sent to the prosecutor of Sisli (village in Istanbul where Asci lives). Officers came to my home to see of my mind is closed and if I lose my conscience. If it's so, they will come in action. Normally, the written application is legally not valid… I announce with my clear and open conscience; I am in hunger strike with my own free determination and will"
The Lawyers Against Isolation have seen the father of Behic Asci. The father says that he didn't know that the application that he signed will be used for a forced medical intervention. So he made a second new application against a forced intervention.
Behic Asci called again to the ministry of justice that if he will solve this problem with a military operation, he will get only his death body out of this house. He says: "The ministry must end the isolation in the prisons, instead of thinking a operation."
Solidarity Committee Against Isolation
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