Fascists from NOP organization and some others announced that they will come and "make bloodbath for leftist scum".
Few Antifa teams from other cities also decided to come and join demo as a security.
About 200 people participated. All center of town was full of cops in riot equipment. About 30 fascist came with few banners but police quickly separated them and antifascist, who decided its too risky to attack fascists in this situation.
After demo lots of people went to antifascist concert in nearby club. Antifa quickly sent scouts and patrols all over town. Fascist were spotted drinking in a pub with 5 police vans in front of it and with no intention of going anywhere near antifa concert. Few "real patriots" met in town had quick political dialogue with antifas, ending up in bleeding noses etc.
At some point car full of fascists came near the cocnert and somebody threw brick, hitting one girl in leg. Same car came back some minutes later, trying to attack one antifa guy standing nearby. Fascist were quickly confronted and more and more people started running in their direction. Few bottles were broken on their heads and they were forced to retreat after few seconds. Their car lost windows, lights and was in big mess.
In general we consider this event as a big success and we hope its rebirth of militant anti-fascism in Torun which has died in recent years. Fascist proved to be cowards , not being able to challenge anarchists/antifascists when they do not have advantage of numbers and they didn't try almost any offensive actions later on, apart from one that ended up almost tragical for them
Antifa-Fascist 1:0
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23.11.2006 12:08
28.11.2006 06:28