Is it because there is a Quisling Government appointed as the result of crooked election run on the US model imposed by the Gauleiters from the invading force?
If the Court find Hussein innocent or fail to impose the seath penalty, is it because they are honest, or because they know they will be signing their own death sentences?
Which US Presidents should have been in the dock with Hussein? And face the same pelalties.
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Adrift in a time warp?
05.11.2006 13:46
Three defence lawyers murdered, and a Judge replaced, so is the guilty verdict acceptable? Were any Prosecutors murdered?
There is one thing that might give the Quisling Government in Iraq some authority and justification. Prove they are not the catspaws of the USA by reducing their Oil production to that level that can be maintained for the next five hundred years. Any anti-Satan Moslem should be seeing that measure is introduced in their own land too.
Is anyone going to name the US Presidents who should be on trial for empowering Saddam?
a death sentence on us all
05.11.2006 14:31
So Saddam has been found "Guilty" for "Crimes Against Humanity" and this, by a court that was established by the USA, UK and Iran.
What non of the above parties have realised and in particular the UK government, when they cheer the "Iraqi/Iranian" government, is that they have now sentenced us all to death.
How many British troops and Iraqi's are now going to die as a result of these actions?
Well done Mr. Blair, you puppet of America and you Neo NAZI card carrying Labour Party members for killing innocent lives.
Fight your own wars but your not brave enough, instead you send British young people to do your dirty work.
You should be in the docks yourselves for "War Crimes" and like the NAZI Party, every Labour Party member should be treated like the leppars they are!
Who armed Saddam for the war with Ian, you ask?
05.11.2006 15:17
US contribution: 0.5%.
Bush senior and senior had war crimes tribunals.
05.11.2006 15:30
How many Iraqis died as a rsult of the first gulf war (maybe 250,000) - the sanctions accounted for maybe 1.6 million and the recent Lancet report estimated that 655,000 Iraqis have died as a result of the 2003 invasion, which remember wqs based entirely on lies. There were no weapons of mass destruction, no links between Saddam and Al Qaeda and no connection between Iraq and September 11th. The so-called `civilised West` killed far more Iraqis than Saddam and indeed supplied him with the materials for his nefarious activities.
Yes, Saddam was a dictator but then so are many of our `friends` abroad like Karimov of Uzbekistan who boils people alive. The problem with Saddam was not that he was a dictator but rather he was a dictator who was out of control.
It is right that people like him should go on trial and so should the likes of Bush, Blair and Madeleine Albright (the death of half a million Iraqi children was a price `worth paying`).
No justice, no peace.
Paul O'Hanlon
Victors justice
05.11.2006 17:51
In 1963 the CIA helped the Ba'athist Party overthrow General Abdel-Karim Kassem, who was gunned down with other leaders from a list supplied by the CIA. One of the conspirators was a young, ruthless insurgent named Saddam Hussein. After a purge and revolt, the Ba'athists took total control of Iraq, and Saddam Hussein took power in 1979.
Last month the Iraq Weapons Inventory included a long list of Western and U.S. companies (Union Carbide, Honeywell, Dupont, SpectraPhysics, Bechtel are some mentioned in “The Nation”, 1/13/2003) that supplied Saddam with deadly and dual-use material. Hoping to disguise its own culpability in Iraq's past war crimes, the U.S. suppressed the list, but the dossier was leaked to a German newspaper, “Die Tageszeitung”.
More information trickled onto the back pages of “The New York Times” and “The Washington Post”. The main facts are no longer in dispute. In violation of the Geneva Protocol of 1925 (which outlaws chemical warfare), the Reagan-Bush administration authorized the sale of poisonous chemicals and deadly biological viruses, from anthrax to bubonic plague, throughout the '80s. In 1982, while Saddam Hussein constructed his machinery of war, Reagan and Bush removed Iraq from the State Department list of terrorist states.
According to newly declassified documents mentioned in “The Washington Post Weekly Edition” (1/6-12/2003), Iraq was already using chemical weapons on an "almost daily basis" when Donald Rumsfeld met with Saddam Hussein in 1983, consolidating the U.S.-Iraq military alliance.
Subsequently, the Pentagon supplied logistical and military support; U.S. banks provided billions of dollars in credits; and the C.I.A., using a Chilean conduit, increased Saddam's supply of cluster bombs. U.S. companies also supplied steel tubes and chemical substances, the types of material for which the Security Council is now searching.
As late as 1989 and 1990, according to a report from U.S. representative Dennis Kucinich (Democrat, Ohio), U.S. companies, under permits from the first Bush administration, sent mustard gas materials, live cultures for bacteriological research, to Iraq. U.S. companies helped Iraq build a chemical weapons factory, and then shipped Hussein a West Nile virus, hydrogen cyanide precursors, and parts for a new nuclear plant.
The infamous massacre at Halabja -- the gassing of the Kurds -- took place in March 1988. On September 19, sixth months later, U.S. companies sent eleven strains of germs, four types of anthrax to Iraq, including a microbe strain, called 11966, developed for germ warfare at Fort Detrick in the '50s. (Judith Miller provides a partial account of the sordid traffic in U.S. chemicals and germs in her book, “Germs: Biological Weapons And America’s Secret War”.)
Dow Chemical (infamous for its napalm in the Vietnam War) sold large amounts of pesticides, toxins that cause death by asphyxiation. Twenty-four U.S. firms exported arms and materials to Baghdad. France also sent Hussein 200 AMX medium tanks, Mirage bombers, and Gazelle helicopter gunships.
06.11.2006 08:45