16:27 On the highway to Puebla a convoy of PFP trucks and cars advance
toward Oaxaca.
16:21 a PRIista leader from Oaxaca says to be in support of Ulisies
Ruiz and that if the PFP doesn't arrest APPO members that they would do
it themselves and that they are not in agreement that the Secretary of
Government negotiates with "subversives" ( this message was off of
their PRIista declaration read over Radio KeHuelga- time of
declaration unknown)
16:17 The newspaper the Universal "After the confrontations with the
PFP, it has been reported that a member APPO had died after being hit
by a tear-gas grenade.
16:12 Wounded people are being arrested at the Oaxacan Social Security
Institute of Mexico as they come in.
16:09 On Radio Universidad a citizen of Oaxaca describes how she saw
yesterday the PFP police chasing a man yelling after him "Kill him"
Kill him" and how when they caught up they arrested him and beat him
dragging him away.
15:52 Garc�a Mart�nez of the Five Se�ores barrios who stepped out in
his slippers to buy tortillas at the same time the PFP operative
started against the University of Oaxaca, has been reported missing for
10 hours- he is over 60 years old.
15:49 A commercial radio reports a blockade in solidarity with Oaxaca
in Mexico City, on Juarez Avenue in front of Himiciclo (Arc) of Juarez
on the central avenue.
15:46 Javier Moreno Colmenares is reported to be missing.
15:42 Fernando Ruiz Santos is reported to be missing.
15:41 15 men and 9 women between the ages of 19 and 78 are reported to
be injured, one of the in critical condition. The public hospitals have
refused to treat wounded and they have been brought to volunteer
first-aid bases that are run by solidarity medic personnel.
15:39 Two Indymedia Gutemala reporters are missing and feared to be
15:36 The protest in front of the PFP on Reforma Avenue on the corner
of Varsovia, a meeting is being wrapped up and the march is continuing
on to the Himiciclo de Juarez (Arc of Juarez)