How can Dutch 'parliamentarians' - tax paid personal who owe their jobs and fat salaries to the fraudulent system - debate it at all? It's only possible because in SHELL's fiefdom Holland - a staunch and criminal ally of the US war machine - the 'crazies' are running the clinic. Full time.
by Henk Ruyssenaars - Foreign correspondent
FPF - Amsterdam - October 31, 2006 - When the 1187 (one-thousand-one-hundred-eighty-seven) voting computers in Holland easily were hacked again last week - to prove that one can manipulate the outcome - and also play (lousy) chess with them - more Dutch voters woke up to the permanent fraud. Even if all the country covering propaganda media immediately played down the hacking proving vote fraud, the information spread fast. In a growing number of municipalities, small cities, villages and cities like Amsterdam - and by the way in Ireland too - the voting computers are thrown out of the window and changed for paper and a red pencil. With a paper trail, so normal control of the outcome is possible again.*
Now the corrupt, meek and implicated members of the Dutch 2nd chamber and the 'ministers' responsible - the by taxes paid but spineless parliamentary personal of the 16.5 million easily controlled Dutch people - in a debate 'discuss' the rigging problems with electronic voting, the manipulation of the results. E-voting counts for 90% of all voting in Holland, and the voters have been taken for a ride for many years already. Since the manipulators work in tandem with the propaganda media the protests were hardly heard. Until now. And many wonder - if there's no change back to honest voting with pencil and a paper trail - why anybody in the world would still vote and voluntarily be screwed?
For the past decades electronic voting in The Netherlands apparently has been wide open to 'external influences', and most probably was manipulated. The Dutch group/organisation* 'We don't trust voting computers' which is fighting the vote fraud, also proved that there had been - and is not now - any form of real security concerning the voting and it's results which are easily manipulated by the people in power, managing The Netherlands.
Panicking because of the growing publicity about the easy hacking and manipulation of the whole E-voting system (We are shocked!) the corrupt ministers immediately started the 'smoke and mirror' game and told their secret service (AIVD) 'to check'.
The focus on the chess playing and manipulated 1187 Nedap 'voting' computers was by responsible 'minister' Nicolaï changed to the very small number of 35 (thirty-five) communities with another voting system, made by the Sdu-firm. According to the spooks from the AIVD - and parroted by the minister: "The Sdu voting computers are transmitting electronic signals which outside can be recorded. ''Security of how the people vote is not guaranteed'' they said.
Avoiding to discuss the other fraudulent 1187 Nedap computers which have been hacked and totally manipulated, but which according to them are OK. But what about the question how via an Sdu 'anonymous' voting machine the way someone voted - and what for - can be tied to a person? No answer or explanation this far, but all 1187 Nedap voting machines which have been used for years are OK, they said. ''They are more secure than paper and pencil voting." 'minister' Nicolaï stated. Which of course is not true, but like 99% of his corrupt buddies he was as usual lying through his teeth. They are part of the problem, not the solution. Even if they take the pay, they don't work for the people but like in many countries mostly against them.
In The Netherlands - like for instance in the United States, England, Germany etc. - electronic voting and the manipulation of the results always is used to keep the group in power which is bleeding the people and country and shamelessly proceeds with it. Only once the manipulators of the voting computers didn't dare to rig the results in Holland. That was June 1st last year. Quote: "It's even thought that the 'vote counters' refrained from using electronic rigging techniques - like in the US there's no 'paper trail' from the voting machines in Holland - because in the bitter end it had become 'too dangerous'. One of the direct Dutch TV polls the night before showed a 'too big' difference by a sixty-five percent (65%) NO votes, and twenty-five percent (25%) YES votes!*
There was no room left for 'plausible deniability', even if all tax paid and by the government faked opinion polls until the last hours maintained that the YES vote 'was getting very close'. It turned out to be a 25% gap, which couldn't be 'faked away'. And with or without covering up as much as the malignant masters of Holland try, the fraud ghost is finally out of the bottle...
There are very good articles in English concerning this, and below you'll find some links to this outrageous fraud which actually was punishable by law before. But - like in the US and other US colonies - the managers of Holland use their own judges and laws, stealing all and everything which is not too big or hot to handle and have their propaganda media cover up as much as they can.
Thus the prostrating parliamentarians forget to mention that TNO - a tech institute in Holland which will 'control' the results - is one of the biggest contractors of the multinationals, NATO and the malignant rest. TNO can absolutely not be trusted. Nor can any opinion or other poll presented by so called 'officials' or 'authorities.' Those are just more flagrant cases of our 'civil servants' which think they can abuse our trust and tax money. Their time will come too.
And most certainly, among many other crimes against humanity, also their long time manipulating of e-vote machines like Diebold - with AP counting* - does in the US, must land them in jail. If they survive the growing revenge by the people they screwed...
Henk Ruyssenaars
* Dutch org. We don't trust E-voting machines - in English - Url.:

* Voting Machines: Why Manufacturing Processes Should not be Closed - Url.:

* Slashdot - No electronic security etc. at all - Url.:

* US vote fraud again: NO paper trail in 2006 elections - Url.:

* Why France and The Netherlands voted NO to the treacherous so called 'EU referendum. - Url.:

* Stealing the votes is part of the plan - Holland already has Apartheid - Url.:

* One of the biggest and criminal 'sell outs' who ever betrayed the people in The Netherlands; SHELL-ING-banks and KLM errand boy ex PM Wim Kok, and other Dutch Govt.'s War criminals in Court - Url.:

* US VOTERS SKEPTICAL: ASSOCIATED PRESS DECIDES? - From - News Article - Oct. 28, 2004 - Url.:

* AP on the voting results: "Now they will rely on us alone." -

* AP - 'About Us' - Url.:

* 'Freedom of the press is guaranteed only to those who own one' — A.J. Liebling - The merciless engine of propaganda has been turned on: The infamous US 'Lie Factory' - Url.:

*A FREE working press in Kansas - Pls. read the 'Fightin' Cock Flyer' - Url.:

* Fool me — you can't get fooled again." - George W. Bush, Nashville, Tenn., Sept. 17, 2002 (Listen to audio or watch video) - Url.:

* FPF-COPYRIGHT NOTICE - In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107 - any copyrighted work in this message is distributed by the Foreign Press Foundation under fair use, without profit or payment, to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the information. Url.:

Editor: Henk Ruyssenaars

The Netherlands
