What follow are items that have been entered as comments and emailed to me, personally, in relation to this event:
At 3:23 PM, Eric Stewart said...
On Sun, 22 Oct 2006 16:18:41 -0000, a member at a mailing list I am subscribed to said:
> I saw the Base Falcon Video at your blog first Eric, and when I went
> back the next night, it wasn't there. So I went looking around the net
> til I found it again.
> Google aquired Youtube, both upload sites are censoring. It's totally
> hit and miss as to how long something stays up.
> The video from the Marines is dated as having been uploaded in May of
> this year. I think they were viewing a seperate instance.
There could be several explanations for all of this. One is that the date was added or changed by GooTube to discredit, as was apparently done with the Pentagon images we got years ago (the date of September 12 was clearly visible on those images).
Another possible explanation is that there were two separate ammunitions dumps that caugh fire and were completely destroyed and these happened several months apart.
Still another is that it took FIVE MONTHS for news to reach us of the destruction of the Falcon base and in this case, as in the second, we see the efficiency and freedom of American news media.
Did I miss any possibilities?
Thanks for pointing this out. This information is key, somehow, I am sure. This post is getting attached to the video at my blog (as an added comment) which, at my end anyway, is still functioning.
Your name will be kept a secret.
Blogger note: I have personally uploaded lots of videos to that site and none accidentally came up with the wrong date. Can you say GooTube?
At 4:22 PM, Eric Stewart said...
Another Disastrous Coverup
At 3:12 AM, Eric Stewart said...
Apparently there have been some efforts to discredit the existence of small scale tactical nukes. They aren't new folks:
"The M-388 Davy Crockett was a tactical nuclear recoilless rifle projectile that was deployed by the United States during the Cold War. It was named after American soldier, Congressman and folk hero Davy Crockett (1786-1836)."
There is more here.
At 4:24 AM, Eric Stewart said...
Someone wrote to me:
It was suggested in a post that the explosion in question could not have been a tactical nuke because there was no electro-magnetic pulse (EMP) to 'knock-out' the cameras filming this event. Well it should be remembered that the Enola Gay, the B-29, that dropped the bomb on Nagasaki wasn't knocked out of the air by EMP! You can verify this by doing a search on "nuclear emp" in Wikipedia. For small nuclear detonations, such as tactical nukes, the resultant EMP in magnitude enough to do this would have a very short range, 1/4 mile or less. The explosion we witnessed at Camp Falcon is entirely consistent with that of a tactical nuclear device with a 10 to 20 kiloton capacity.
The DoD isn't saying much about the incident. They're zipped tight about the incident. When all of this is considered, it does not bode well. As I said before, I hope this was not a tactical nuke, but I have my nagging doubts almost to certainty that it was.
Thank-you Eric for the post. The implications are of a magnitude that boggles the mind. If this was a tactical nuke, what was it doing in Bagdhad? Was it designed for a 'false flag' event to initiate hostilities with Iran? I hope there are enough Commanders in the field in Iraq that possess the sense to recognize the lunacy of this and the courage to blow the whistle. I'm not sure we're getting enough information out of this area. I wish we could get more.
At 8:37 PM, Eric Stewart said...
All manner of attempts to discredit this bit of news have arised and why not? This has the potential to be far more damaging to the Bush administration than anything that has occured on his watch yet - yes anything. We are talking about storing nuclear devices in a foreign country, in a war zone. For what?
There has been a steady campaign, as well, to paint this explosion as some other kind of very large bomb. Here I provide links to video evidence showing what happens when the largest non-nuclear bomb ever created goes off, the MOAB. You will notice that the MOAB, unlike the bomb that went off in Iraq, does not bathe the entire landscape in white light, which is a form of electromagnetic radiation (thermal radiation, or heat, is not the same color). As well, it does not mushroom, this the biggest non-nuclear device ever devised. The last link, below, shows the first ever H-bomb detonation, in which we see the brilliant flash first (clearly visible even in broad daylight), as in the Iraq videos.
The Iraqi video is useful in that it shows a much further angle, showing just how much of the city is bathed in light and the Marines' video is useful in that we see concern about fallout in regards to wind directions and that the sirens did not go off until the mushroom went off.
The Mother of All Bombs

The Iraqi Video of a Mushroom Cloud

The U.S. Marines' View

First Ever H-bomb detonation

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