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Independent Media Transcript 20 October 2006
Howard & Downer over their heads threaten Australia
by Govinda Melbourne IMC 17/10/06
Australia needs to withdraw from the world now;
Prime Minister Howard & Foreign Affairs Minister Downer are in over their heads. Australia's statements on North Korea re military action against that nation, threatening support by the Australian Navy to interdict North Korean shipping. Canberra’s misguided action in the Middle East, orchestrated seizure of Pacific Island states and domestic government-ratched terrorism - is being seen as isolated by the rest of the world, except the George W. Bush & Tony Blair nuclear tension-tooling twosome who appreciate Canberra’s marionette behaviour.
Prime Minister Howard comes across as a small and shallower man, made fat-headed by a Pandora Box hypocrisy which is fundamentally a non-humanitarian tenet to push the world to the brink, whilst hiding genocide from view. As catastrophe subverts the human race in Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine and Africa. Literally the Australian government jumps at pre-emptive internationalism to push the poorest countries around – it is insidious irresponsibility against citizens, domestic and abroad.
Prime Minister Howard acts as though he has the teeth of a real tiger. Yet he stands short harboring a complex to create permanent instability - whilst surrounded by players creating a nightmare for the world as it is thrust into dilema after dilema. But now we are witnessing a shift of power and change from the Anglo-American establishment by the past week’s events in North Korea. The Doctrine of permanent war by the USA with the largest military machine on the globe and Australia’s pint size military capability alongside its damaging bully brother has eviscerated the freedoms of much of the globe financed by the most bankrupt international petro-currrency. ?
Now North Korea with nuclear capability, likely possessed for years in actuality. Now powerfully reshapes the hypocracy of the so-called war against weapons of mass destruction as Iran, which doesn’t have nuclear weapons, is lined up for attack and North Korea has WMD, actually tested them… will the USA, Howard and Blair get serious with NK and steam for the Korean Peninsular? Is there oil in Korea? ??A USA carrier task force steams for Iran at this moment for possible pre-emptive warfare with that nation. The twisted mentality of the Howard administration sticks like messy gum under foot with the tension tooling twosome of Anglo-American power. We are led to a global disaster beyond belief that already pushes NK to the security of their nuclear option for safety from US attack. ??Today the unpredicatable mentality of cornered dogs threatens Australia as the heavy-handed response of Canberra absent comprehensibility, pins Australia rigid at the chopping block to preserve an old order - its not too late to release the grip of Australia’s stupidity towards callous warfare.

North Korea & Howard?
by Govinda 16/10/06
Stupidity never ceases with Prime Minister Howard
One should ask who paid Prime Minister Howard to talk of a military option against North Korea? ??His statement is stupid - Howard said all options, including a blockade, trade sanctions and military action against the Stalinist state, were on the table. ??Only a dysfunctional Prime Minister of a minor country, with a minor military capability with adventures in to many places could bury this country deeper in our region. ??Keeping a straight face is becoming harder these days.

The Trial of Donald Rumsfeld
By Elliot Stoller Seattle IMC 09/10/06
The Trial of Donald Rumsfeld took place at Seattle University Saturday, October 7th. The master of ceremonies, Rev. Jon Luopa, told the audience, "Tonight's Trial is not only an educational presentation but really is an effort to build a grassroots movement to hold our leaders accountable since we can no longer rely on our congressional representatives, the courts, or the executive branch. The goal of our event is to empower ourselves to insure that the United States upholds human rights throughout the world."
One of the speakers was Jennifer Harbury, an attorney, author, human rights activist, and an expert on torture in LatinAmerica.
Harbury told the audience, "Last week our government legalized torture." Turning to recent history she said, "Most people did not survive the torture chambers of ... Latin America. But I found twenty that did."
One of them told her that he was subjected to water boarding (a popular CIA technique). Harbury said, "They held his head under water. He held his breath as long as he could and then he couldn't anymore and the water rushed up into his brain and burned excruciatingly.
He was still gulping water and it started to feel like his ear drums were going to rupture. Then he started vomiting into the water and went into convulsions. When he woke up they were giving him CPR. Then they drowned him again."
Later she stressed that, "We need to do massive education of the public. And then we need to make it clear to politicians that they are out of office, if they are soft on [eliminating] torture."
After Jennifer Harbury's talk, actors Ramsey el-Moslimany, Fred Capestany and Rizwan Nasar gave testimony representing three people (Saddam Saleh Aboud, Abdur Rahim, Mamdouh Habib respectively) who had been tortured by the United States.
Law professor Ronald Slye defined torture and talked about the international laws against torture to which the United States is a signatory.
Then, the trial of Donald Rumsfeld continued.
The prosecutor, played by Michael Withey, interrogated Rumsfeld about many of the human rights abuses that had been carried out under his orders. Phil Chandler was effective, portraying Rumsfeld as a man with no concern for his victims.
The last speaker of the evening was Pramila Jayapal who is founder and director of Hate Free Zone Washington.
Jayapal spoke about individual activists who have made a difference and challenged the people present to join those activists in working for human rights.
She told the audience to "Remember that each of these individuals is an individual just like you or me. A person with a normal, regular life who's transformed beyond outrage, beyond sadness, beyond anger, to commit themselves to action because they cannot bear to see the abuses continue, because they don't want to have one more person suffer, and because they simply cannot sit back and watch anymore as the abuses continue in all of our names."
Finally, she challenged the audience with the straightforward question, "Are you ready to act?"
For more information go to

and information on the ACLU and Human Rights First lawsuit against Rumsfeld for torture:


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