FPF - Tuesday October 17th - 2006 - In the beginning of the fifties Guatemala very positively was known as the 'Switzerland of Latin America' - with elected president Jacobo Arbenz at the democratic helm. Supposed to be a 'slave state' like many others, in 1954 the United States and CIA ousted him by a coup for the US's 'United Fruit' multinational (Chiquita etc.) and since then Guatemala has been terrorized as a kind of US colony, one of the last at present.
The people in Latin America the last years have had - and admired - Venezuela and president Hugo Chavez as an example of a humane society, and that's why so many countries in the Bolton-bulldozered United Nations (outside the US called 'United Stations') - with it's 'sell out' losers at the top - must be bribed, bullied and forced in whatever way possible, to vote for a seat in the UN for US colony Guatemala. Chile opted to abstain from voting in the process to decide on Venezuela or Guatemala as the new temporary member in the United Nations (UN) Security Council, and that's a good step in the right direction of the through the US suffering Bachelet government.
Señora and PM Bachelet ought to daily remember what the CIA/DINA did also to her and her mother in torture centre Villa Grimaldi. Maybe the visit there last Saturday helped revive memories of what the US multinationals and their CIA can do to human beings and countries? The - today 300 million - United States populace should understand that it's not only Muslims or the 'Arab World': in the 190 countries surrounding the US the people hate their policy and murdering for profit. And they'll get revenge. One of the last US bastions - also for the CIA drugs business - in South America is occupied Colombia, which suffers much, with it's US troops, military bases and training. Like in the Torture University '- Url.:

According to all international law and conventions it is a crime against humanity what the international profiteers have done and are doing globally and now again in the UN, concerning South America which they always treated as 'the backyard of the US'' with it's Monroe doctrine.* People are sacrificed by the US war machine for the oil - like planned for Venezuela and the present battle in Ecuador* - and other national resources. Human beings do absolutely NOT count in the cold eyes of the managers of the US/Israeli war machine, they are profit units to be treated as a Kleenex: used and thrown away. The perfidity of this greedy pack is based on a stone heart. - Url.:

Basically it's a vote about whether you support the permanent and global killing-for-profit spree of the US/Israeli war machine with it's criminal collaborators in the US colonies and NATO, via genocides trying to proceed bleeding the world's economy and get dominance with this 'junta' of 'crazies' in Washington; or do you support a more social and humane track as represented by President Hugo Chavez's 'Bolivarian revolution' rule in Venezuela? Helping the neighbours instead of killing them? Just one example: with my own eyes I've also seen how the CIA for ITT and it's other 'Federal Reserve money masters' raped Chile and literally killed their hope for a better live for may decades to come. He was also elected by the people, President Salvador Allende who was 'suicided' by the Washington and Henry Kissinger mafia. Believe me: this clique of war criminals doing this, is worse than AIDS or vultures!* - HR
The UN General Assembly failed on Monday to produce a fifth winner after electing Belgium, Indonesia, Italy and South Africa to serve as nonpermanent members of the Security Council for two-year terms.
Since the fifth nonpermanent seat, to be awarded to a member of the Group of Latin American and Caribbean States, is still in contention after ten rounds of election, Sheikha Haya Al Khalifa, the president of the UN General Assembly, announced to set further voting on Tuesday.
During the day-long elections, neither Guatemala nor Venezuela, which are candidates from their regional group, obtained the needed two-thirds majority. In the tenth round of voting where 125 votes were needed to win, Guatemala received 110 votes and Venezuela 77 with 4 abstentions.

China supports Venezuela's application for a non-permanent position in the United Nations Security Council, said Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesman Qin Gang on Thursday.
"China and Venezuela now enjoy sound bilateral relations and have maintained close communication and cooperation in dealing with international and regional affairs," said Qin.
Qin told the press that Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez had talked about the country's plans to run for non-permanent member status on the UN Security Council in meetings with senior Chinese officials during his recent visit to China.
According to the UN rules, a country from the Latin American and Caribbean region will be appointed to the Security Council as a non-permanent member next year. Its tenure will last for two years.
There are ten non-permanent and five permanent members on the UN Security Council.
[andend] - Source: Xinhua - Url.:

FPF - Item also published in New York: for the UN people - Url.:

FPF - RELATED - "It's dangerous to be right when your government is wrong." - Voltaire
* Reliable news from Venezuela etc. via VHeadline.com in Caracas - Url.: www.vheadline.com/
* VERY GOOD ARTICLE BY JIM LOBE - RIGHTS-GUATEMALA: US Restores Military Aid After 15-Year Hiatus - Url.:

* The Monroe Doctrine, US Imperialism and Venezuela - It is clear from the above how the Monroe Doctrine has been used to dominate the cultures, political life, and economics of the Latin America - Url.:
* Ecuador: flogging the US, oil sharks & oligarchs? - Url.:

* CHANGE THE US WAR REGIME? - Malcom X - on defending human rights. - Url.:

* US "Death Squad Protection Act" - Url.:

* DEFINITION OF SEMITES from the Collins English Dictionary - [

* THE LAW ON FREE EXPRESSION - Aryeh Neier - American Civil Liberties Union - ACLU - "Defending My Enemy" - "The law on free expression covers everybody, and thus that in defending it for anybody you defend it for everybody." - Url.:


* British MP George Galloway stated totally correct: ''Blair, Olmert and Bush are murderers'' - Url.:

*Throw out war propagandists like the BBC, FOX, CNN etc.! - Url.:

* THE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM: "The huge omnivorous herd consumes everywhere on our earth as much as it can grab, and tramples millions of human beings to death. That doesn't seem to matter. The 'elephant boys' don't speak about the bloody pulp underneath the feet of the big animals: instead they give them a bath in the mainstream." - Url.:

* The Dutch author this far has lived and worked abroad - never in an English speaking country - for more than 4 decades for international media as an independent foreign correspondent, of which 10 years - also during Gulf War I - in the Arab World and the Middle East. Seeing worldwide that every bullet and every bomb breeds more terrorism!
* FPF-COPYRIGHT NOTICE - In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107 - any copyrighted work in this message is distributed by the Foreign Press Foundation under fair use, without profit or payment, to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the information. Url.:

Editor: Henk Ruyssenaars

The Netherlands
