( also - insane chorus of - so WEgottageddabiggabanga tridentfollowup )
N. Ireland peace process "in gear" again - but meja present it as "macho-test", then some eedjit decides to have it next to "STAINT ROUSERS" Terror-watching-R-us - send us your dodgy lobbyists, your junketting congressmen, your bungs . . . .
The people amongst us that have some experience of "events" rearranging peopes perceptions might think this a good time to "reverse engineer" some of your experience at this juncture.
Look, if we swap the board around - "we" could do the nudging, funny, abrupt whistles, etc, "you" can try to jugg. . . . OH.
HEY? waddayousay?
House of cards, "the vortex", event-overload, the laws of unintentional consequences, the "ooh, look - BOTH Pandoras boxes are opening - 3 . . . .
Even the people that used to think they got cash from chaos need the "cashmachine" to get attention - WHAT WERE THE CRIMES ? why bother us with "crimes" - look, the dams breaking, icebergs. . . .
. . . . is the way used to work.
BUT what happens when its the crime(s) that are the "broken axle" - so getting everybody to " . . . . forget "round" wheels, thats utopian. What about - the square - but with very SMOOTH corners at the three "unspiky" corners - tradition - with a sort of "market" in polish that could set up a different way to . . . . YOUR bloke could have the big hat!
SENSIBLE thinking - means the endoftheworldaswe . . . mmmm
SENSIBLE thinking - please, radical if you want, but without jargons, less "they", . . . .
SENSIBLE thinking follows - from quarters we didnt expect it from. . . . or the crimes get . . . . UNCENSORSHIP (!)
13 TH, FRI - a lucky,. . . . the place / time we are.
so . . . .
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. . . . 3 "patches", a crimestopper + a peace process. . . . reqd? Try these
13.10.2006 19:00
1 - somebody should explain that the good sound of stopping hypocrisy might end up with EVERYBODY having a nuclear bomb (i)from fear or
(ii) as the weirdest odd hat you have to have to get into the "GROWN UPS"(HMMM....taken over the asylum) BIT OF THE UN
2 - somebody - EVERYBODY- in fact - should explain that IT DOESNT WORK AS A DETERRENT - its the equivalent of creating "speedfreak" nerves in somebody trying to mug you - ( see "taking the flamethrower down the shops -"in case" " metaphor ) - it ALWAYS gets everything accelerating, "arms racing" - even if somebody calls it detente - we were VERY LUCKY TO GET OUT OF THE "COLD WAR" ARMS RACE. VERY.
In fact, people shouldnt let ANY conversation about this topic EVER go by without getting this clear. DIPLO, or Doorknocker - practise. YES, practise. Talk about talking about it, try to think of good ways of retorting to each others "worst question" you ever had from anybody about it - PRACTISE.
IF you prefer jaw to war, THAT is the bit to get accustomed to. IT IS very different to cold war arguments.
IF WE DONT CREATE THE NEW "LOGICAL-LOGIC" ABOUT IT - EVERY POINT MADE ABOUT IT IS A "TROJAN HORSE" - eg - if people talk "costs" - then fall into the "yeh, but as a cowboy in the wild west - i aint a cowboy wivvout a revolver, eh" argument - then, almost the further amounts they gotta pay for it, the "surer" it sounds as if it works.
" for 80 quid extra, i throw in go-faster stripes for the c5, then it also is immune to spacemen."
the last bit of the "n.korea" patch is also the "iran-invasion/crisis/" speel - that is: a serious new version of the UN, that could make sense of the
: regional, in fact, global PEACE treaties , armaments yearby year percentage cuts,(nukes, with other "terror" weapons, then heavy weapons, force projection, etc. (this works with the "agree - then let everybody else in the world send them the worlds entire crop of chocolate.. . . to the cost of a years warmaking or "peacekeeping", creating some global institurions, world research centres etc out of the rubble - - - - if you "end"wars without creating exactly the same number of interesting jobs, with pride, good environment etc, you allow a lot of people to wistfully remember "good old days" that were "bad old days" for everybody else - but also in a position to "recreate" them. Suitcases of dollars for people to stop shooting in iraq during the "war"bit got people to think as criminals, kidnappers, etc - then dried up the cash supply, but left them guns. (tank munitions even) (MMMM . . . . BUT.)
: a mechanism to support different societies, different peoples, each different person in the "transitional" times when people fear corporate collapses, a sudden jobless situation without support, etc - - - - but we - as a world society - are in a position tob support people, kids, parents etc as that happens - then lots of other things that are GOOD to do, **** !
also, coming . . . . iraq" patch"
NEXT "patch":n. ireland peace process, tomorrow.
but today. This is WAY serious, its taken "rationalist miracles" - with the support of humanists, but also every religion+ spirituality you've ever heard of , some you aint.
see meja comment, above
get some way of "re-having" these talks in a different surround. the gorbachev-reagan surprise moment when the cold war ACTUALLY stopped wasnt in a hotel, wasnt orthodox.
so much
has got put into this peace process - its caused people to rethink ideas of war-or-peace, feuds - that - shall - never - end . . . . HAVE.
good, that means gritty, effectual, pragmatic-so-radical, - as MO Mowlam said - if it wasnt for the murderers efforts to do something good - peace was never going to happen . . . .
- lets push a bit harder -!