Question: Why did Occupunk Bush, Putin and the Chinese President put out this fraud, that was supposedly a Nuclear Test, upon the people of the World?
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by Tom Heneghan
Oct 9, 2006 16:30 PDT
More Back Breaking News
Further Update on North Korea
None other than Fox News is reporting that the French Defense Minister has announced that the alleged North Korean Nuclear Test was a failure.
Question: Why did Occupunk Bush, Putin and the Chinese President put out this fraud, that was supposedly a Nuclear Test, upon the people of the World?
Answer: Again ask Stephen Hadley of the NSA.
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Experts question North Korea's test claim
Ninemsn, Australia - 4 hours ago
... One theoretical possibility is that North Korea stashed a huge ... in Seoul the head of the Korea Earthquake Research ... size" for a country trying to test a nuclear ...
Experts: N. Korea test possible failure
Ynetnews, Israel - 7 hours ago
WASHINGTON – Newspapers in the United States quoted experts Tuesday as saying that the nuclear test conducted by North Korea had failed, with some members of ...
Expert Brands North’s Nuclear Test a Failure
Korea Times, South Korea - 4 hours ago
... Their careful attitude is grounded in the high possibility that the test could be a ``hoax'' _ in which North Korea set off a stock of conventional explosives ...
Korean nuclear test: real or fake?
ABC Science Online, Australia - 11 hours ago
... As for the scenario of a hoax, Acton cautions ... governments, the UN's Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty ... explosion had taken place as claimed by North Korea. ...
Things to know about North Korea's reported nuclear test
By Joel Havemann, Los Angeles Times
Nuke tests may have been 'faked'
Nations condemn nuclear test by North Korea
San Jose Mercury News, USA - 2 hours ago
... Despite the international furor, it remained unclear whether North Korea had successfully tested a nuclear bomb or produced the nuclear equivalent of a dud. ...
North Korea Conducts Its First Nuclear Test
Kommersant, Russia - 42 minutes ago
... in Hamgyong province in the northeast region of North Korea, but there was still the possibility that all of this activity was no more than a hoax concocted by
Success, failure or bluff? Scientists pore over data
Khaleej Times, United Arab Emirates - 10 hours ago
... As for the scenario of a hoax, Acton cautioned that to detonate a huge ... confirm whether or not a nuclear explosion had taken place as claimed by North Korea. ...
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by Tom Heneghan
Oct 9, 2006
Back Breaking News
Emergency Update on North Korea
Barbara Starr on CNN at 9:20 PDT stated that the alleged Korean nuclear test may not have been a nuclear test.
There was a 4.2 Earthquake registered in the area and the explosion according to the US Geological Survey was less than a thousand kilotons.
CNN states subliminally at 10AM PDT that the DMZ is a fault line.
PS Do not be fooled nothing happens in North Korea without the Chinese and Russians giving them the Okay.
U.S. Satellites are under siege from Chinese satellites and US National Security now in dire jeopardy thanks to the helpless Occupunk Bush.
PPS – It is important to note that the nuclear arming of North Korea took place in the early 90’s with an underground group lead by Diane Lewis with the assistance of Hillary lesbian-in-the-closet Rodenhurst-Clinton and then President Daddy Bush A.G. William Barr.
The profits from these sales to North Korea were laundered through the Chicago Mercantile Exchange disguised as Cattle and Hog Futures. Reference Hillary’s 100,000 profit in cattle off a one thousand dollar investment. Brokerage firm is Refco Inc. now defunct out of business for being busted.
How Dare You? You Tyrants and Conspiratorial Kings.
What’s next? Only Stephen Hadley of the NSA knows for sure.
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IF you are not yet aware, be apprised that International Intelligence Expert, Tom Heneghan, has hundreds of highly credible sources inside American and European Intelligence Agencies and INTERPOL, sources who are putting their very lives on the line, 24/7, for you and I and our loved ones to SAVE America and the World from Traitors-Treason-Tyranny
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"Al Qaeda is nothing more than an extension of the operatus linked to U.S. intelligence that was allowed, by script,
to remove itself as a rogue break away entity of the U.S. government;
allowed to de-compartmentalize from oversight, and was run instead by Gary Best rogue black ops specialists for scripted activity outside of the U.S. government,
with its funding being orchestrated through the Pakistani secret police,
an entity of the U.S. government itself."
Thomas Heneghan, heroic American Patriot, International Intelligence Expert, Federal Whistleblower
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*** if these links below do not work this explosive intel can be viewed at:
Political Whore Alert
Pedophile Cover Up
Backbreaking News: Mark Foley+Karl Rove+Jeb Bush+Hassert+Frist+Baynard+Reynolds+
HEAR this Explosive Intelligence Briefing: Gestapo on USA Soil
It can now be reported that the reason why Rumsfeld and Rice ignored the July 10, 2001 warnings of George Tenet, then CIA Director and the U.S. State Dept. is that Bin Laden was not only in the UAE for dialysis treatment in June/July 2001; but was there on a secret mission on behalf of the U.S. NSA to sell Promis Software to the Emir of the UAE in Dubai.
That’s right folks, Rumsfeld and Con Artist Rice ignored these warnings because Bin Laden (never caught now dead) was still a CIA Agent (aka Tim Osman). We now understand why Bush ordered an NSA spy dragnet against his own State Dept. on the day of 9/11 itself.
9/11 Now Exposed
Pedophile, 9/11 Update
Israeli Espionage Nest with Bushfraud as the Stooge
Plame-Gate Won't Go Away
It Gets Really Worse
Nine Eleven Mastermind? That’s Right It’s Michael Chertoff
Political Whore Alert: Bitch & Bush in a Sleeze Box
Viva La France! Major Mossad Terror Plot Busted in Maryland
Frist and Lieberman: Two Rotten Scumbags
Political Whore Alert of the Higest Order: Frist (R-TN) Fingered as an Extortionist
Bin Laden is Dead, Now Comes the Timeline Question
What did They Know and When did They Know It, that Bin Lade was Dead
Bushfraud Diversion
CIA RenditionGate is Now 9-11 TreasonGate
Bush Torture Rendition Program Now Proven a Gestapo Program
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