THE UN is in need of a "redo" - but all that this man offers is the "downsizing" so popular with some of the "neo-cons" - worse - even putting him into that position seems set to destroy the UN with the disgust of the rest of the world. If that was for it to get replaced with something further than chaos-is-good-for-warbux, "bi- lateralism" (trans: bullying ), rackets without rules, or mutual forethought - then that mightnt remain a bad thing - - - - the UN DOES need to "GO BACK TO BASICS". . . . but this isnt a way it might happen. In fact - this was what pressure is increasing to do. . . . perhaps even what this nomination is designed to stall.
At present, Foreign Minister for South Korea, (for 4 years) you'd think the failure shown by N. Korea testing a nuclear bomb today might itself give pause for thought. (when the current US administration came in, it commissioned a "global forces arrangement study" - in that, the "threat" of peace in Korea was so great that other places were getting searched out for to put the USA troops that were assigned to that region. The decision of the US TREASURY DEPT to choose the middle of a peace process to declare sanctions in relation to old "cold war" "fake-dollar" ops was very strange in its timing, but - the very fact that that went unprotested by this Foreign Minister - added to the fact that the Korean war that South Korea came out of was the very first torpedo at the UN, a couple of years after it was born - in fact - some states see South Korea as the very first "US Puppet state" of the post-WW2 period.
The UN secretariat is getting judged,by nations - in fact - by people - all over the world - by the extent that it is seperate from the "foreign policy" of the people in control of the factions that are at present in charge of the US administration.
Top brass in the states comes out in what seems a majority demand for resignations - in the USA, as here, voters - across the spectrum - are uniting in scepticism of the iraq war, etc. . . . but across the world - even if this is itself a key to defeating the "clash of cultures" ploy (- rather than causing hate for the USA people to want to help rescue the people of the USA from the forces that misrepresent them- ) - THE EVENTS OF THE LAST FEW YEARS HAVE EMPHASISED THE NEED FOR A SEPERATION OF THE UN FROM THE USA -
yet also - as the last UN secretary came out with a condemnation of the Iraq war as illegal - the PROOF that THIS IS POSSIBLE.
The rumours of foreign aid promised to poor nations for votes from the "mystery" backers of this man, the fact that he seems to have got this far by refraining fom saying anything much - as everybody else got slagged off - even the fact that experts in his own nation doubt he has a good track record for THIS job - after the most recent Secretaries role has at last meant people across the world were actually thinking that the UN was "growing up" - despite the flak - the fact that EVERY VOTER SO FAR has thought others were "first choices" - as lots of other good people were talked about _ _ _ _ are amongst several good doubts to pass to friends that might send a message to the embassy/back home - - - -
- - - - this last vote - in the Assembly - in a few weeks - is "every nation gets a vote".
also - check other recent pieces in newswire - try putting keywords in the scroogle box at the top of this column - EG
its also worth checking the comment to ENDRUN,
or "NEWS IS NEWS" for the background to the lack of straight meja comment
for other alt thinking - please add your input in comments