Where there is no choice, where women are silenced, forced and punished none of you can say a damn thing about what those women want because they cannot tell the truth about their lives. A 16 year old girl in Iran tried and they slowly strangled her to death. Most of you saw the pictures on the Women Against Fundamentalism website. 100 lashes before they killed her.
We should do more than criticize, we should support this war, expand it into Iran and Saudi Arabia, blow up the patriarchy everywhere possible. Support the immigration of women to the US from any Moslem country without husbands or fathers, forbid the oppression of women by Muslims in this country. Call it slavery and act against it wherever we can. The boys shouted us down in 1972 and they will do it again except for the decent men - shout back. Better yet turn your back on them and reach out to your sisters in Afghanistan and if it ever gets safer to your sisters in Iraq
And yet people react with shock, HORROR when women of color tell them they have no right to criticize our cultures. They insist, no, DEMAND that they have the feminist bound DUTY to critisize critique challenge and CONDEMN those evil evil patriarchal assholes. They have a DUTY to stand up to patriarchy, to blow it out of the earth where ever they see it.
And you know what I have to say?
FUCK YOU and your god given “feminist” right to blow up our countries.
FUCK YOU and your “feminist duty” to save all us helpless brown women.
FUCK YOU and your miserable “life saving” bombs that poison our earth for generations at a time.
FUCK YOU and your “right” to critisize everything but your own damn selves.
FUCK YOU and arrogant belief in your own freedom–even as school girls are raped and shot to death execution style. Even as women are tied up to the bumpers of cars and dragged to their deaths. Even as your precious white men are looking to “use you until you bleed” right on the internet for the whole world to see. even as women are shackled to beds to give birth. even as your bombs blow up little girls as they sleep and melt the skin off of MOTHER’S CHILDREN. Even as your soldiers rape your own women. Even as your precious white men rape rape rape and rape more of the women you send them out to save.
I can no longer tolerate the filth of your logic, the sensibility of your sisterhood. Your innocent protestations of intentions and your ability to only hear the words of “sister” white women. How DARE you pretend you are “sensitive,” and you’ll only critisize as long as you “understand” where women of color are coming from. HOW DARE YOU.
Critisize with bombs, protest with rapes, liberate mothers by slaughtering their children. Poison the earth, starve with sanctions, infect with depleated uranium.
NO, YOU MAY NOT protest our cultures. NO, YOU MAY NOT bomb us all to oblivion–no, not until you blow up your own damn country first.
To those of you who might actually have a soul:
Arab/muslim feminists have critiqued the burqa all on their own, so you really have no damn reason to say what your feelings are. The women who are living in the community speak about this shit and have made their opinions known in a public arena (academic and activist both). So there is absolutly no reason for you to say anything or DO anything about “the burqa problem” EXCEPT what arab and muslim feminists ASK you to do.
You want to know what Arab feminists are saying? Click here. People who care have spent time searching and looking for the words of Arab feminists– READ. LISTEN. DISCUSS.
The rest of you, take your liberation of death and FUCK OFF.
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09.10.2006 10:53
Abu Hamza
if this post was to be lost
09.10.2006 18:05
This news you silly old theist, this is you ranting poorly.
bye bye
D. Leetme