Anyone who wishes to join Melbourne University in their action and challenge against Ruddock would slaughter him in any court in the land. Can you imagine a personality type like Ruddock attempting to describe artistic values like “literary merit”? Once again Philip Ruddock confirms he is the buffoon extraordinaire of the Howard Government of willing criminals and pathological liars. [We would constantly remind a public suffering from attention deficit disorder that it is Howard and Ruddock who are war criminals and deceivers!]
After a recent visit to the U.S. Ruddock announced to a horrified Australian public that imposed sleep deprivation is no longer considered torture; this writer has been subjected to this form of torture during special operations training in the military, and can assure everyone (from experience) that sleep deprivation IS torture. The techniques utilised to constantly interrupt the natural need to sleep are the most insidious form of torture imaginable. After a sustained period the subject will sign or tell you anything; furthermore, the risk of permanent psychological damage is extremely high. We would challenge the Attorney General to undergo this form of torture if he continues to insist it is a benign form of treatment.
Put up or shut up Mr. Ruddock, you may excel as a well-trained lackey dog of the Americans but it is clear to most Australians that you are a pathetic excuse for a human being.
The Australian public can hardly wait for Ruddock’s next performance, but it may wait in vain; Ruddock may be too busy defending legal challenges to his imbecilic decisions.
We would remind international readers that the Howard government front bench DOES NOT reflect the traditional Australian character; and that Howard only remains in government by default – it is also fact that there is no viable opposition party in Australia at the moment.
In view of recent events a high school debating team could probably remove the Howard government from office. The politically bankrupt opposition take note – especially their loser ‘leader’.

Editorial Note:
The absurdity of Philip Ruddock's behaviour is further highlighted by the fact that the texts in question are freely available on the internet, either via well known book sellers or as direct downloads from various sites.