The letter of appeal and invitation to the RSA to join with them in their Family Campaign for Social Justice, is 'open' and reproduced below:-
2nd October 2006
The Trustees of The Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, (RSA)
(Manufacturers and Commerce)
C/o Mr. Philip Bunt FCA
RSA Chief Executive
8 John Adam Street
Faxed to Barbara Corbett P.A. 0207 8395805
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, Trustees of the RSA,
RSA Annual General Meeting 2006
Mr. John Callcutt CBE Fellow of the RSA
With reference to the above and our brief and informative telephone conversation today with Ms. Barbara Corbett, we understand that the RSA will hold its 252nd Annual General Meeting at the Great Room at the Society's House, 8 John Adam Street, London WC2N 6EZ on Tuesday 3rd October 2006.
We have also contacted the RSA Fellows’ Section today and it has been confirmed to us that Mr. John Callcutt is indeed listed a ‘Fellow’ of the RSA. Furthermore, we have advised, RSA records about his present position as Chief Executive Officer of English Partnerships, the National Regeneration Agency.
We are aware of the published RSA “five manifesto challenges” which include:-
• “Encouraging Enterprise”
• “Moving Towards a Zero-Waste Society”
• “Developing a Capable Population”
• “Fostering Resilient Communities”
• “Advancing Global Citizenship”
With these fine objectives in mind, we respectfully draw your attention to our Family Campaign for Social Justice, which is documented to the following public internet website at

You will discover that our Home of 14 years, (the only Home our five children ever knew), was obliterated, along with a beautiful, perfectly sustainable way of life, from our happy, live-aboard community.
Although we are presently not fellows of the RSA, we believe that you will appreciate our prudent and individual efforts. As responsible community citizens, homeowners, and as parents, we believe that our erstwhile efforts and our choices, as documented to the record, would be considered well in-harmony with the five manifesto challenges of the RSA.
We believe that the eradication of our Family Home and our way of life, and all the processes, which this has involved, despite there being a clear moral alternative to avoid such catastrophe, has been such a waste.
Whilst we may applaud the overall aims, objectives and good works of the RSA we respectfully ask you to consider, the moral appropriateness of the ‘RSA Fellowship’ presently provided to Mr. John Callcutt CBE. His negligent, immoral and mendacious behaviour in this matter is absolute. This appalling experience took place under his direct leadership, whilst he was serving as Chief Executive Officer, with his erstwhile employer, Crest Nicholson Plc.
Furthermore, as we approach the third anniversary of the occasion of our Family and Home eviction, still without our entire Family’s personal private possessions, which were also seized, we respectfully ask the RSA to join with us in our Family Campaign for Social Justice from Crest Nicholson Plc.
Crest Nicholson Plc are fully aware of our Family Campaign for Social Justice and may be contacted via their Chairman Mr. John Matthews, or their Chief Executive Officer Mr. Stephen Stone at:- Crest Nicholson Plc, Crest House, Pyrcroft Road, Chertsey, Surrey, England KT16 9GN, Tel: 01932 580555, Fax: 0870 3363990.
Finally, we respectfully advise that this invitation is made with all due regard to our moral conscience and is made as an ‘open’ address.
We look forward to hearing from you.
With kind regards,
Marie Louise and Vince Shalom
With our daughters, Hannah, Naomi, Rachel Rebekah and Jessica
c.c. open
Letter Ends:
Family may be contacted via website at Latest News