doesn't care if he abuses mice dogs or cats
He daily tries to open Pandora's Box
hoping to recreate deadly pigflesh derived flu pox.
Does he do this as a form of bioterror
or is it simply unconscious error?
Why are his crimes promoted by
militaristic Rupert Murdoch's Fox
The Univ of Washington's Michael
D Katz is opening Pandora's Box:
trying to recreate the deadly flu
of 1918 by giving genetic clones
of it to imprisoned mice. Whether this is
pharmaceutical 'vaccine' research
or military bioterror research or
both is not known.
Richard Knox of pharmaceutical
pushing National Public Radio which owns 200
million in McDonald's stock and regularly advertises
McDonald's and its animal flesh supplier Cargill failed to mention that the 1918 flu was caused by
the eating of pigs, shipped from
the US to Europe to feed soldiers.
Animals are sickened in concentration camp factory farms
by the crowding, the constant lighting, by being fed the parts of
other animals in their food which generates Mad Cow like diseases, by
the buildup of excrement which can
cause histoplasmosis, ecoli (colon bacteria) infections, by antibiotic
resistance, by side effects of carcinogenic female hormones they
are given, hormones banned by the EU, by the residual effects of
insectides and herbicides such as Agent Orange which have damaged
their immune systems. Rather than inform the public of these
dangers, the current regime promotes ineffectual 'vaccines'
which cause further diseases.
After their agonized deaths,
their cadavers' colon bacteria
multiplies into the billions of ecoli
within a few hours, concluded
the research of John Harvey Kellogg, MD
(Is the following an attempt of USAMRID
to create bioterror weapons?)
1918 flu pandemic originated in pigs, study finds
WASHINGTON (AP) - The 1918 influenza virus that killed more than 20
million people worldwide originated from American pigs and is unlike
any other known flu bug, say researchers. They warn that it could
strike again.
Using lung tissue taken at autopsy 79 years ago from an Army private
killed by the flu, scientists at the Armed Forces Institute of
Pathology made a genetic analysis of the virus and concluded it is
unique, though closely related to the ''swine'' flu.
''This is the first time that anyone has gotten a look at this virus
which killed millions of people in one year, making it the worst
infectious disease episode ever,'' said Dr. Jeffery K. Taubenberger,
leader of the Armed Forces Institute team. ''It does not match any
virus that has been found since.''
Although the disease that caused the worldwide epidemic was called
''Spanish flu,'' the virus apparently is a mutation that evolved in
American pigs and was spread around the globe by U.S. troops mobilized
for World War I, said Taubenberger.
The Army private whose tissue was analyzed contracted the flu at Fort
Jackson, S.C. For that reason, Taubenberger and his colleagues suggest
in the journal Science that the virus be known as Influenza A/South
Science is publishing the study today.
Army doctors in 1918 conducted autopsies on some of the 43,000
servicemen killed by the flu and preserved some specimens in
formaldehyde and wax.
Taubenberger said his team sorted through 30 specimens before finding
enough virus in the private's lung tissue to partially sequence the
genes for hemagglutinin and neuraminidase, two key proteins in flu
''The hemagglutinin gene matches closest to swine influenza viruses,
showing that this virus came into humans from pigs,'' said
The finding supports a widespread theory that flu viruses from swine
are the most virulent for humans.
Most experts believe that flu viruses reside harmlessly in birds, where
they are genetically stable. Occasionally, a virus from birds will
infect pigs. The swine immune system attacks the virus, forcing it to
change genetically to survive. The result is a new virus. When this new
bug is spread to humans, it can be devastating, said Taubenberger.
Two other flu viruses spread all over the world since 1918 - Asian flu
in 1957 and the Hong Kong flu in 1968 - and both mutated in pigs.
Even the Justice Dept and USAF are now
funding the taser torturing of pigs.
Is AMRID or AFIP funding this research?