Fact Not Fiction.
Chertoff helped orchestrate a...... MORE
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by Tom Heneghan
Sept 27, 2006
Nine Eleven Mastermind?
That’s Right It’s
Michael Chertoff.
Dept. of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff is guilty as charged. It can now be reported massive obstruction of justice has taken place and been run directly through the offices of Michael Chertoff as U.S Attorney in New Jersey, Assistant Attorney-General of the United States, and now as the Head of the Homeland Dept. of Security.
Fact Not Fiction.
Chertoff helped orchestrate a...... MORE
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"Al Qaeda is nothing more than an extension of the operatus linked to U.S. intelligence that was allowed, by script,
to remove itself as a rogue break away entity of the U.S. government;
allowed to de-compartmentalize from oversight, and was run instead by Gary Best rogue black ops specialists for scripted activity outside of the U.S. government,
with its funding being orchestrated through the Pakistani secret police,
an entity of the U.S. government itself."
Thomas Heneghan, heroic American Patriot, International Intelligence Expert, Federal Whistleblower
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IF you are not yet aware, be apprised that International Intelligence Expert, Tom Heneghan, has hundreds of highly credible sources inside American and European Intelligence Agencies and INTERPOL, sources who are putting their very lives on the line, 24/7, for you and I and our loved ones to SAVE America and the World from Traitors-Treason-Tyranny
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*** if these links below do not work this explosive intel can be viewed at:
Political Whore Alert: BITCH & BUSH IN A SLEEZE BOX
Viva La France! Major Mossad Terror Plot Busted in Maryland
Frist and Lieberman: Two Rotten Scumbags
Political Whore Alert of the Highest Order: Frist(r. tenn) fingered as an extortionist
Bin Laden is Dead Now Comes the Timeline Question
What did They Know and When did They Know It, that Bin Laden was Dead
Bushfraud Diversion
CIA Rendition Gate is Now 9-11 Treasongate
Bush Torture Rendition Program Now Proven a Gestapo Program
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