First reports carried on the many forms of the electronic media from the English town Manchester contain an alleged statement that has been made by way of comparing Tony Blair’s relationship with GW Bush. The phrase reported as having been used is ‘the absence Monica Lewinsky relationship’! Nothing could be more inappropriate in context.
Monica Lewinsky was the victim in the non-existent relationship. It was exploitation on several levels by Bill Clinton.
Tony Blair has never been unable to make a perfectly valid moral case against any pressure that GW Bush might have exerted against his role.
But that is only the beginning of the argument On dozens of other levels, Monica Lewinsky cannot be cited as if she were an equally evil person.
Whatever the media-linked motive, that use was a very wring one. For it will enter the ‘records’ and the cuttings without any of the immoral undertones that have been applied against Monica Lewinsky herself being put into context.
To read more of this first commentary defending the rights of Monika Lewinsky the accompanying universally understood and desirable principles of justice, log on to [the editions of 23 September 2006]
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23.09.2006 23:11