Homolism , Gayism , Lesbianism is a new religion mantra and would overtake and bypass every religion ? Should all global legend or immortal religions tense ? Should religions or political caretaker object ? Should society or sect prejudice and discriminate them? Are such practices still considered taboo? UN Council, Presidents and Prime Ministers, religions of every country watch.
Learning from wikipedia prominent author Vikram Seth a suitable boy from India is a homosexual-n-bisexual - So on 20 August 2006 He too had argued with Indian Government by writing an open letter which carries about more than 100 signatories of influential celebrities from all walk of lives to vote in his favor that Article / Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code against homosexuals , gays , lesbians should be scraped off as to criminalize or discrimitate homosexuals, gays, lesbians is against freedom of rights. Such community fears that the Delhi High Court Hearing on October 4, 2006 is going to spell it’s verdict against them.
Eminent personas like Soli Sorabji , Amartya Sen , Arundhati Roy, Suketu Mehta, Siddharth Dube ,Jhumpa Lahiri, Amitava Kumar, Amitav Ghosh, Shobhaa De, Nandita Das, Dileep Padgaonkar, Barkha Dutt, Rajdeep Sardesai, Tarun Tejpal, MJ Akbar, Pankaj Pachauri, Shyam Benegal, Aparna Sen and many other influential friends had come out openly to support Homosexual Vikram Seth in this project deal. All of them are aiming now at garnering support from Members of Parliament , Member of the Judiciary and are eager to educate them on the subject of homosexuality as some belong to this community and the supplemented friends some are really concerned about such breed and totally empathy-n-sympathy with them.
It appear that homosexuality is no more considered taboo and family of every signatory to Vikram Seth ‘will’ should accept and welcome it if their child is one of them. Obviously they are right as such acts should not be treated as crime. And police should not interfere unless there is un consented sex, rape or child abuse involved. But on the other side majority of world’s people would had admired these influential celebrities if they would had come out with some solution /proposal /remedy to curb or educate-n-enlight homosexuals, gays, lesbians too. Even a cigarette packet carry a caption that ‘Smoking is injurious to health’. This does not mean homosexuals should wear a pent and write on their bumps similarly. But yes what should be the way out so that innocent children of coming generations may not turn all out of them to tease their family traditions? And who is to be blamed if the other part of the normal behaving world turns out in minority if all choose to become homos, gays, lesbians.
While on this crucial matter the multiple-n-divided largest democratic communities of India which has many versatile cults-n-cultures has to now straightly declare and open their cards of pack too. In this biggest independent country India where there are bunches of infinite vivid regions-n-religions along with vibrant rationalists who all are anxiously or say eagerly awaiting the hearing on Homosexual Rights by October 4, 2006 when Indian High Court may announce it’s judgment in absolute term or by breaking news in several break of years.
But, meanwhile, If at all readers need not to get bored enough by not wasting their valuable time in reading one of my past under mentioned article on same issue
Gay Demand-George Bush Tony Blair which was published on August 2, 2006 in UK , DC , NYC - Indy Media and many others. ( URL of same article are given below ) . In the interim finally if instantly you wish to access of proposal continue reading this present article.
In past many European or Western Countries had removed my article from their internet news wires or blogs as they say it express prejudice against Homosexuals –Gays, Lesbians. But it’s not true. Perhaps they removed my article under their countries political pressure or internal pressure they must be facing from some homosexuals, gays, lesbians staff members too who must be basically instrumental to run these shows of news wires.
However once again in this present article - I time-n-again confess my views are certainly without bias to any community or sect. And to the fact I never can dream to harm any person on earth . These are soft fingers to hold pen not weapon. But the dilemma is meanwhile almost majority of the globe had not at all absolutely accepted homosexuals, gays, lesbians community as yet while still consider it taboo in society . So presently these community in question don’t have consent of any global religion, rationalist or UN law so far. Same is the stand of major political governing bodies of the world . Yes needless to put out again that the quandary which tense is certainly the religious or otherwise political leaders of the world are not ready to come out openly with them.
I totally agree apart from mischievous fun loving Homosexuals, Gays, Lesbians who only deliberately entered this trade or got addicted in this type of activities or behaviors- Rest all other serious-n-sincere people in question should be considered with godly emotions, absolutely with sympathy-n-empathy. However as one treat a mentally or physically ill or addictively disturbed tempted person with a wise-n-nice loving counseling without violence so should everybody do for this community. And if any one is hating or harming this section purposefully they are doing a grave humanitarian sin. As I agree a very emotional and talented class had joined ‘Gay Obey’ or ‘Gay Save’ league.
But yes the world is certainly afraid that many such sane full demands are weighing or measuring the strength and patience of majority of civilized mass or families who are concerned on this sensitive grave issue that is ready to rebel-n-cross and jump any borders of fires. Whereas the world should be aware in near time subsequently many such sane human demands for further consideration-n-justifications are hidden in queue those too are searching their ways to get revealed-n-released sooner as possible. While many such sections carrying their own school of thoughts are eager-n-desperate to disclose their next human agenda to man kind. Several such supplementary and bonus demands those are suppressed since long back - prehistorically time are also certainly waiting to take over this world for a long ride. Those are similar issues as homosexuals , gays, lesbians . What-n-how ? This article will shortly spell.
Yeah, this is true that human dream-n-desires prevails in any exposed or hidden form and these religious-n-rational worms of the universe are desperate-n-eager to experience-n-extract anything ‘new’ more out of the cosmos while dreaming or desiring infinite things in life. Many un needed viral from such worms spread more out of curiosity to experience negative than to adopt positive . However this could be to fill out certain vacuums, inquisitiveness , temptation or boredom at early age of any stage of life. Child, young or old indulges and can cultivate into addiction for this sort of abnormal sex.
So meanwhile in this proposal many such issues which this article is going to reveal should also be viewed or reviewed else verified or settled down once for all by every governing law of politics or religion as many other similar wants would be coming out crawling next in human agenda. Next concealed appeal ‘demands of rights’ are yet un disclosed or made public by any of them. So finally if the law of any country or cult is eager to amend –Well, it should amend once for all whether they for be homosexual gays, lesbians or otherwise any.
However many thinkers may not be keen on this subject but an insane foolish mind set like me is concerned of couple of things more to be amended as a global citizen’s right to express. Yes , if gays , lesbians , biosexuals acts are justified as sane ‘biological art’ of natural need and should get legalized country after country by bending, extending approving ‘same sex marriages’ among our modern society and civilization, as one says-n-seems terming ‘Love-n-Sex as Blind’ -if such is the humanitarian form of logical or ethical love for ‘preferred and consented sex’ - then governing bodies should also agree-n-accept all rest form of ‘consented sexes wish’, As all seem and appear as pre determined ‘force of nature’ compulsive program of God.
Obviously the same old God or Nature who is ruling on us right before dinosaur or ape dates wants us to again re-enter the same stone age and this we can take lively examples still today . Hereditary and genes die hard so are habits. Once again old days of human re-emerging and knocking us out one after the other .
Yes, After fulfilling allowing or announcing homosexuality legal, very soon the next demand which is hidden in pipe lines are few more . One of them is considering or justifying ‘ brother marrying own sister’ , ‘two brothers’ or ‘two sisters’ of same sex marrying each other’. But the section who all want to address such problem are still not prepared or bold like homosexuals, gays, lesbians to raise their voice . The question suppressed in them is- Who would be the first crusader to get caught , disclose or sacrifice and open the Pandora’s Box? Who would be the first to show this kind of guts to announce selves love for each other ? And -Who would be the first to reach Human Right Cell or Court Box? Yes a sect today is tempted to bring Cleopatra or Pandavas days here again. And if so what is wrong ? If polygamy for men is justified why not should be it granted for females ? And why this also should not be challenged as a ‘fundamental human rights’ ? Similarly though a very thin line parts in every form of love. For instance parent-n-child love, brother-n-sister love ? Why husband-n-wife love differs ? –But then why one has to draw sex lines in family ? Why one can’t do consented sex with all and every of them ?
Needless to argue with human wise-n-nice brains which nobody can consider or challenge blurred but brilliantly bright so all of them are coming out with one after another ‘demand of fundamental rights’ – May they be region or religion right, birth or death rights , defense or terror right , national or rational rights, sluts or flirt rights, smug or drug rights and so on. Fundamental Human Right is a key which can open any lock and rewind or forward any universal clock.
However leniency of licenses driven-n-delivered by senses should now justify every type of ‘consented preferred orgasm’. While now many such demands would be carried forward or supplemented with additional ‘self choice of consented sex’. Hence the day is near when justifying every forms of sex would be legalized one after another. However it seem the show would not end here. The next demand that these talented people would ask - further again while asking interference of Human Rights or Human Commissions to approve marriages of not only more than two partners sex but law must also approve-n-allow ‘team marriages’ of one group who like to live and share sex partners together with sanction of each other. Yes right you spelled - Orgy. This will be the next demand of influential people of the world as their funda ‘mental’ rights.
In coming time lawfully multiple partners would marry as one group and enjoy sex collectively ‘All in one package’ assuming selfs’ iconing as ‘one corporate or private house or a free tree’ A joint or nuclear family enjoying-n-sharing sex with each other by sweet consent with total love humbleness-n-generosity expressing ‘kind emotions’ without hatred, jealousy, grudge maintaining ‘absolute peace’ should not attract society or law harassments. As they ever were doing since ape age. Swapping or changing partners sincerely and enjoying orgies truthfully and ethically by ‘marrying inside one pack of cards’ should be legally granted as fair reasonable needs of next generation . No more playing hide-n-seek games for satisfying such hunger of funs by exchanging car keys or finding such couple on nets or otherwise. One can find, make partners deal or form corporate house amicably with consent in their home byself.
Similarly human having sex with pets would be further justified and customized within few next decades if such is the speed of justifying-n-legalizing every self invented or cultivated ‘sex of sane temptations’. Further age limit to vote or do sex for children would be law fully granted above three years as their funda ‘mental’ rights. While God and Nature starts developing their sex cells right from childhood and these sex cells and organs start bothering right form this age , so what’s the harm? Body follow the nature’s instinct and orders. Why one should fight or object forces of God-n-Nature ?
As human perceive and assert that ‘love-n-sex is blind’ so similarly having sex with pets would also be considered as genuine or natural need of sane human minds in coming time. Certainly - morally what’s wrong? As even God see or justify animals and human with His same humble –un grumbled eyes which is not at all cruel to prove plural but respect every human or animal without a sigh . May one stay in jungle, urban or rural mere the only problem which God wants us to obey is strictly adhere to your personal family religion and grumble and hate other religion than one may be homo or hetrol , bisexual or orgy , poly or have several monopoly -God least bother and doesn’t mind.
So live-n-let live with all type of sex would be the next mantra of the next emerging religions. Human are rightly coming out with novel but wise demands of their self styled and self claimed choices-n-wishes. If so - What’s wrong ? - Jindagi par sab ka ek sa haq hai sab taslim karenge. ( Life is equal for all so everyone will enjoy fullest ) While as said over –Love-n-Sex is blind. So why not with consent one can have sex with own father, mother, daughter, son and so . Need not one taking permission from concerned LAW ? Only one should sustain consent and do it. After all sex is a God free gift for all not at all sin.Who say these are naughty limbs. He selfly had implanted such uncontrollable things. Wisely-n-nicely we should share and distribute with every or any consented being . If Love is God ? Why some saint seem sex odd ? The more you love-n-share sex with others the more God would love to share and boost sex in you. The Next Genearation Mantra should be bit refined and amended - Selflessly Share-n-Spread Love-n-Sex philanthropically.
However unrestricted Nature already had loved to distribute this novel thing to all-n-every living being absolutely freely like air-n-breath, that too equally and moreover selflessly right from the beginning of universe. So the law should never mind if people like to spread-n-share love-n-sex with any or many consented peoples. Legally there should be no hassle to do sex or love with any living being if it is done with a consent. And loving or doing love-n-sex with non living beings is no harm. Yes a person need not have consent to do sex with tree, stones, dead bodies , dead animals, fossils , mummy etc.
Even powerful nature cannot suppress at least this desires of human-n-beast so how come law of men made civilization or society could curb all this which is available Godly absolutely free? Law should have no mind to mind if Destiny or nature had gifted you with free love-n-sex to shine nine2nine or orally suck (69) So the rational question is – when the ‘law of nature’ is so free-n-kind than why shouldn’t the ‘law of we human creatures’ turn their eye blind ? Law of the country should allow all form of consented love-n-sex with any or every one without discriminating bias. This is a fundamental birth right or say humble request and need of the hour as certainly our democratic society is flourishing-n-blooming today day after day with it’s own type of wisdom. Needless to argue talented influential slots are coming out with genuine cum genius generous demands. So many wise thinkers or performers are approving them. Now it is the governments turn of every countries to join this league.
Never in history one must have come across such foolish or vague un wise article what I am offering uncensored, un politically, undiplomatically as a self styled insane without veins. Worthless to argue or advocate now, if this article is exposed in the debate of media-n-mass ; May they be UN Councils, Human Commission , Human Rights, International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, Royal House, Parliaments , House of Lords , Religion or Rational Rights or finally Media-n-Mass . Many may innocently or intentionally ignore to put-n-perceive it straight . Some would enjoy the debate to move on-n-on diplomatically to go on without ascertaining their own stake or take openly.
Mass is right and sense ful enough to whisper in private gossips whereas Media is ready to soak promote-n-provoke the seed ‘to stay alive’ and progressive in debate just to run their competitive show and honestly by doing this they spare themselves as ethically right not to get directly involved as an instrument which quack and disturb the harmony of politics-n-people , So let all sense prevails by itself on self modes. Their intention is to mere show global reflections in ‘media mirrors’ .
Many where mass-n-media is not free but handicap to political pressures as they are not accustomed to open or raise voice in favor of such issues to whom they find ethical and natural but may find fault or bias in this idiotically scribbled vague article only concentrating on grammar and not issue or content concerned. One should know some foolish writers don’t live to gain literary award or else fame-n-fund . But then such foolish thinkers have no option other than to scribble such nonsense in media-n-mass for awareness-n-awake ness.
Certainly government houses and religious homes are afraid to touch this sensitive or emotional issue for a fear that homosexuals, gays, lesbians who should not at all be instigated or provoked to form a new group of terrorist inventing their own new-n-next ‘Homosexual God’ Who ultimately would not pose as another Jesus , Buddha , Ram , Allah who loved peace-n-progress but there may be a next hidden God of homosexuals, gays, lesbians who would turn the table more strongly-n-wrongly if suppressed.
So finally the wait is finish . Very soon a ‘Golden God of Homos, Gay & Lesbians’ would emerge out. Since unknown past religiously homos, gays, lesbians had sowed their God seed and now it’s time only to declare one who would mercy-n-save them from the rest of the world who keep bias against them. Reaping , creeping their evolution religiously has just began. This is just a wakening call.
Government of every country is afraid that – Homos ,Gays-n-Lesbians are ready to declare their God-n-Religion . Grants-n-Ashrams had have already come up . Talented or influential people have joined them. A child need no more hidings from parents now . They have found their breeding grounds . If their demand is ignored they would first ask amicably or else terrorize every religion on earth forming their own. So better if every government surrender them cordially fine enough otherwise S/he know where to line ?
Regarding Homosexuality -Prime Minister and President of every country is watching mere as spectators, glaring on this issues like a sport events . This powerful slot of people should openly clear up their mind on homosexuality, gays and lesbians along with their personal or national interest announcing their views on this critical subject. Leaders of every country should reveal their mind set urgently - un politically and not diplomatically as such crucial matters are of grave concerned for their own families or in society at large . Equally religious heads should address out their stands.
Such issues would ruin the world culture if few next designed of new vultures start breeding desperately waiting to comes out openly with a different breed of thoughts. One must agree ‘Terror’ of today we fear was rooted since far years away in past during yester years. Probably among innocent, ignorant , aggressive or illiterate mindless sets of insanes. However unlike poor vultures whom nature had made to behave and appear as they have no option to survive other than eating a dead skin , But how the demand-n-desire to perform sex along with same gender of skin or switching to another sex on self demands be justified ? Leave human , but such same sex acts - basically or biologically are not at all meant for even animals. Gays are not Jesus Lesbians are not Mary . Neither the world is so cruel to terrorize and suppress homos teary.
Rarely you find species of such tastes. Even a blind snake doesn’t mistakely get arouse if curled up on a branch or a pipe and never even show a will or wish to enjoy orgasm with it’s same gender partner. Even blind-deaf-n-dumb dog’s instinct correct itself if by mistake circumstances make it to attract or rub it body on same sex. Here we shouldn't use poor animals to craft moral and social policies for the kinds of human societies we want to live in. Ultimately it should be the basic sense which should at last prevail in our civil society.
Society have no bias for any funny people of any foolish sect for their stupid games. It’s only a try to put them right moreover straight and well balanced . Homos should understand Society or Government. All the people want to help you if you wish to help your self. What’s the family/society/government’s fault if a brilliant child or mature celebrity hiddenly get addicted to drugs and have aversion to drink milk ? It’s the known fact that boredom, loneliness, inquisitiveness, temptation, unavailability of opposite sex at right time of need becomes a desperate alternative in homes, tours , hostels, military, navy jail which become the mates grounds that may force few to go for same sex. This matter should also be cared upon seriously with empathy. But no two brothers or one brother sister , or a alone spouse can justify to exchange sex acts within themselves as consented or need of the hour and love.
Such gay , lesbians, homosexual issues those are getting developed fast in our fashionable or imitating society is today considered as a ‘sane full acts of rights’ only by some percentage of individuals around the world and today they need law to license and certify them. Some well known celebrities had used such ladders to lift them in accumulating fame-n-funds. But these matters are of major concerned for every religion or rationalists so immediately they should come forward to solve this patience full but painful puzzle.
Leniency, empathy to over look any abnormal need or temptation which further develop into addicting should soon be curbed. For instance prostitution in Bangkok must be their country’s need for revenue so available openly or lawfully . Many countries have license sluts who attract-n-search clients from streets, shops or homes but still many governments cannot agree to allow sex on open streets or so. Still 90% homes in the world do not agree to encourage their kin-n-kiths to get carried away with this profession willingly. Exactly same the family, society, religion or law has a logical point for homos, gays, lesbians etc .
It’s true that different human comes out with dissimilar emotions those sums up to their own school of self cultivated or tempted thoughts so time-n-again they demands many dreams-n-wishes for treasuring or accumulating such ‘self created tensions’ which appear for civilized social people as some stupidity. May majority of human had obsolete many things of past to which few genes perhaps are still addicted to since ape or Adam days. Needless to prove civilization had come a very long way since time immemorial developed in to a cultured human from apes as science suggest.
However right from where human began to exist, may it pertain to human necessities, comforts or luxury- Sex ‘greed’ –‘temptation’ as natural basic instinct was pre determined in their agenda. Apart from opposite heterosexuality they found out own ways sort of- may it be self masturbation auto sexuality, parphilia, having sex with rubber toys, using awkward devices , rubbing same sex, bisexuality switchings , pan sexuality , polygamy , swapping, orgies, or having sex with innocent or ignorant children or animals. Sane human choose to bluff self and ruin lives of so many. But one would agree poor animals have none of this option to compete their pace with human while they still remained mum deaf-n-dumb with limited options of thoughts-n-acts choice to charm . however they have no dreaming-desiring-n-designing nonsense or vagues comparatively to what sober-n-sane human has assigned themselves up to. You see
even a crocodile know his partner’s hole and this reptile is crawling on right path since before dinosaurs age and complains for no extra treats-n-perks from God till date.
To precise my views , For instance ; Just like all brilliant or talented celebrities or a common wo/men cannot justify smoking, alcohol, drug addictions, as their rights to indulge or let it spread in a civilized society so does the addiction of homosexuals, gays ,lesbians , bisexuals switchers should be treated with equal eye. Otherwise ecstasy drug should also be legally allowed as so many talented or influential celebrity cannot do without them too.
Similarly just as every excess temptation or addiction need counseling and rehabilitation, Exactly the same way individuals or groups already who are into homosexuality should also be looked or booked upon with equal eye and not at all as hard core criminals. One if cannot bring them home again to normal to live in well balanced or cultured or civilized society who had come a long hard way from apes. But well society is no wrong to at least ring a caution alarm-n-alert bells which constantly go on offer way to homos, gays, lesbians , bisexuals to come out of their self cultivated temptations that later develops into a chronic habits. As human has termed into his own words ‘nothing is impossible’ So for betterment-n-progress such abnormal breed should get transformed and updated. One observe ‘needs and logics’ have transformed human from apes for good reasons so transforming homos, gays, lesbians once again to behave normal should not be a big deal for well experienced rational science or religious seers of every community. After all every of them has appeared from mothers’ womb and heterosexuals parents.
If not with already hard core homosexuals but family society should not allow their new born offspring get merge in such abusive activities , Such self created addiction within own are selfly cultivated by getting obsessed to such abnormal thoughts cum hidden tricks at the very age-n-stage of childhood which get seed or glued up during upbringings or sometime during later stage of their lives due to one or other self satisfying and self justifying reasons. But internally at first incidence or experience at initial stage before surrendering for such temptations of act one very well know s/he is doing something wrong , However when the strong desire acts on weak mind more powerfully such develops into chronic addiction. One homo if ask self on first instance S/he had refused to listen or ignore intuition alarms and had disobeyed instinctual reasons at first incidence. S/he had knew what-n-where they are up to ? If so no deed of actions are wrong and nothing in world is un lawful under society than above all form of sex should be justified.
Any abnormal wish that further develop into addiction should be considered as some diseased cells or viral in that victim (patient) those can further spread and destroy the rest of brain material no matter how important or talented the brain victim possess. Further if any sober or sane patient s/he be who possess such vital viral should urgently be treated and cured so that the victim possessing such viral don’t spread the same to any further persons of innocent or ignorant IQ.
Before homosexuality, bisexuality or any such temptation or addiction take over the toll in speed to effect-n-affect every home-n-streets same should be ceased and not breezed or else few trees who had already flamed-n-fumed may give rise or spread a hurricane – burning the whole amount of human jungle . Infact everybody would agree homosexuals, bisexuals are instrumental in widespread of HIV, Aids, Hepatitis and many life threatening sexually transmitted infective diseases.
Though such thoughts are self created or get cultivated right from childhood or otherwise in a form of dream or desire, but these tempting actions of same sex intimacy need to get cramped-n-clamped down first by counseling and if the victim become nuisance to spread it intentionally to other should be legally handled but not violently. Suppressing with aggressions is not the remedy for such addicted persons.
Meanwhile Governments, Donors , Trust , Grant House, Human Rights Commissions , Associations or Ashrams should offer psychic treatments, counseling and rehabilitant centre for all forms of such addicted individuals or groups who are bound to get instrumental to spoil several new born kin-n-skins of innocent families . As have being repeatedly said that human had traveled a long way and reach this stair of civilized junction and had so far succeeded to overcome many taboos which s/he use to practice in old obsolete trivial tribal days . Needless to debate human had fought out and struggled a long way since competition of human with animals or apes began.
As claimed , It can be true or untrue that first human of earth transformed from apes or else had self emerged as Adam who reproduced Eve from his own rib or cell as history claims. And if so logical human also would totally agree that after eating the forbidden apple of sex , the first family of human on earth who may be blamed again as Adam-n-Eve products further reproduced their children who might had married each other or had sex with own or same breed and went on reproducing more to multiples spreading , dividing or divulging us among various values of religions-n-regions. So finally should we sum up that we should once again rewinds to behave exactly as we used to do in Adam or Ape days.
If such shows are encouraged on -unknowingly or knowingly , innocently or ignorantly -Orgasm to proceed with own brothers /sisters/ father / mother would become a trend of that ape-n-adam times. Might be possible such ape are still hidden in some homes as homosexuals breed and do so the question is are we so desperately to return in stone age ?
One may admit today human had have journey a long way to civilization which had time-n-again got divided into various many religions having a fraction of fragrances of rationalisms. So meanwhile at this junction would the human of the world who time-n-again protected their beliefs or logics can afford to loose out hard gained civilization and culture just to favor or support few brilliant or talented influential homos , gays, lesbians bisexuals celebrities , politicians or otherwise common wo/men? Must be many of them are innocently or intentionally, knowingly, unknowingly ,willingly or unwillingly dragged to get tempted or addicted to such behaviours. But does that mean counting fraction of senses in censes of either drug addicts or homo addicts or bisexuals addicts are hence the justifying or else satisfying reason to legalize them as Human Fundamental Rights.
Meanwhile only counseling and rehabilitation can be the solution or proposal if not punishment. Many brilliant celebrities visit psychiatrist and rehabilitation home for betterment out of one or other reasons. So they should eagerly accept and cooperate to this treatment also if they are one out of them.
Such or any form of enjoyment with a back up of consensual homos, gays, lesbians bisexuals, group sex , gang bang , orgy swinging , alley catting etc should be counseled just as one surrender to drugs or any tempting abuse for one or other reasons shouldn’t be the reason to grant them law of indulging into such abnormal activites.
At this stage such brilliant and wise experienced homosexuals, gays, lesbians, bisexuals drug addicts should come out forward selflessly behaving like Mother Teresa, or Gandhi to set or give good examples by counseling children in schools-n-colleges educating them about the bad-n-side effects that affect homosexuals, gays, lesbians or society-n-families at large who all suffers the trauma they have to face and under go. Further senior or mature Homos, Gays, lesbians should confess and come out with the truth - what or which circumstances caused them to get tempted or addicted to such acts of abuse of society? They should further preach or disclose other their honest examples that - may they be consuming dilute cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, homosexuality, swapping , orgies, group sex , animal sex etc…all are abnormal and foolish activities in society so wrong.
The need of the hour is to build easy reach – Homosexuals , Gays & Lesbians Rehabilitant Centers & Clinics This should be the first important step of every Government – So that cultured parents who face the root those are crawling on this route which is not going to reach any constructive or meaningful destination can avail benefits by counseling or treatment for their children or adult.
Meanwhile every concerned parents if ever learn their child through psychic behaviors any sort of abnormality or to the sex the child is influenced or inclined to. Parents and teachers should inform each other and educate right from the primary age-n-stage of a child the bad-n-wrong effects of abnormal sex abuses, stupid ness etc. Parents should never pamper a girl to behave like Jack and boy like Jill in their child hood. Time to time strictness of eye or mild punishment should be given to child if one behave or pretend opposite or refuse to restrain. No form of medicine should be administered to child or adult. Only counseling.
Similarly as a parent or teacher injects personal religion or moral values right from the very beginning of childhood -just in the same manner parents-n-teachers should start giving ‘anti tablets of thoughts’ preaching against homosexuals, gays lesbians etc similarly as one do spread awareness in children of drug addictions , child abuse , rape etc . Syllabus should be introduced right in schools on this very subject of such abuses.
Just as a brilliant or talented child should be taken seriously right from the very childhood if s/he eats chalk or mud exactly the same way a mature wise-n-nice humble individual who desires drugs or is wo/menizers, homosexual, , spouse swappers , orgy practitioners should be counseled at the very primary age-n- stage to avoid them build or indulge out chronically by craving or surrendering to these addictions.
Counseling should be made compulsive to such carriers of such acts, they all should be curbed under psychoanalysis and later if required by law of civilized land if they spread it as nuisance. But they should never be men handled or discriminated. Such victims who should never be taken as accused but should be allowed maximum time, honor, free counseling and asylum at any stage As law is only requesting and helping them out freely to change their need switching up to proper sane full human sex of logics-n-ethics. Chronic young old disciplined homos, gays, lesbians cases should be ignored with respect but shouldn’t be allowed to spread further encouraging in children or young.
There are rehabilitating centre , asylums, hospitals to care-n-cure each-n-every addiction or disease may they pertain to any sort of mental or physical illness or ailments .May one brilliant otherwise deaf, dumb, blind or mad with any schizophrenic or psychic obsessed thoughts all of them have a right to get expertise counseling and treatments. So shouting from the roof tops are not enough to justify abnormal needs those are worse than any animal instinct secretly which may be purposefully developed in rare child or a grown up . As even animals do not desire or develop or cultivate such awkward habits of senseless illogical intimacy of addicting to same gender sex. Then why should do we ?
Soon if the counseling clinics, hospitals, rehabilitating centre , asylums do not come forward for the next coming little generation right today in primary stage of schools then the day is not far that like other religions have their personal God . Likewise- A Self Style Homosexual God or Goddess among Gays-n-Lesbians would soon get invented as their crusader . Meanwhile the same Gods are getting pregnant somewhere in wombs . Yes these Gods for them are awaiting in pipe line . sorting out their devotees from every sect to establish their own new religion. ‘ Homolism’ –or say Gayism – Lesbianism and would follow other God to preach Promiscutism, Orgyism , BDSMism , HUMANIMALISM as new formed religions. All civil liberties would over pass sex morality.
The writer of this article personally empathy with the emotions of all ‘already living as homosexuals , gays and lesbians respecting every wise-n-nice homosexuals at high esteemed. But what so ever might be their -reasons to get influenced or addicted to this act but the writer also request them if they could save at least one little child in their career of not becoming one like them . There would be no need of any religious seer. You as a homosexual are more than any God to at least people like me – This writer would worship you honestly.
As even God to whom you trust would advocate that such world of homos should be curbed out for betterment of human breeds who is updating day after day from tribal age . And finally If you can’t rewind back to your parental roots. At least try to counsel a child who can be brought up not like you. As because finally , if all in world choose to behave like you . No God of any religion would come forward to save us few.
This uncensored article is a first awakening call for the world , So the writer request all mature chronic Homosexual , Gays, Lesbians irrespective to same sex to freely carry up and enjoy with your loyal partners with whom you have decided to stay till you die. But swapping or shifting from one partner to another -please give a thought ? – Because –
A wise Homosexual would never do this and secondly would never allow his/her own child or other child to become one like him or her just to justify self intentions or temptations. As even you would agree no real or loving selfless parent if addicted to drug abuse would enjoy seeing their child one like them . If some old, mature or young wise-n-nice Homosexuals , Gays, Lesbians starts to give counseling to children even seers-n-saints of the world would appreciate them. Otherwise such grave issues which is highly sensitive are obvious to pull down the future of every sect-n-cult in a black hole.
Readers Please Note : The writer of this article is almost ready with a script - ‘ God of Gays’
Title or words like ‘ Homolism’ – or say ‘Gayism’ – ‘Lesbianism’ - ‘Humanimalism’ -‘Gay Obey league’ – ‘Homo2’ – ‘Lesbian2’ – ‘Gay2’
are this writer’s creations/copy rights so far till date of this article publication never mentioned anywhere in dictionaries , encyclopedias , wiki pedia etc. So no one except the author of this article ‘Naresh Sonee’ is entitled to use the same words , sentences here or in novel or films after this is published in any Indymedia or press Sep24,2006 (written from 22 Sep to 23 Sep, 2006)
Gay Demand-George Bush Tony Blair

The writer of this article has written a Non-Religious, Non-Mythological, but a logical book entitled BRHMAND PUJAN – ( UNIVERSAL PRAYERS ) in 1999, which time-n-again was / is appreciated by many news reviewers. This book doesn’t’ advocate or suggest any personal religion and so reserve no bias with any form of religion. The writer respect-n-adore in high esteemed logical-n-ethical good deeds of each-n-every religion-n-region. Must God of everybody bless the world so that ethical sense to save-n-smooth the world for good reasons should prevail among all.
Finally I pray to Destiny – The UNIVERSE the ultimate powerful forces of Nature to -Bless Gay-n-Lesbians to join the main normal streamline as Ram-n-Sita or other Global Gods experienced. Or follow like Jesus, Mother Mary, Buddha, Mahavir, Guru Nanak please. This would be a Global appeal.
Poetry of a Suitable boy for Gays-
Some men like Jack and some like Jill
I'm glad I like them both but still
I wonder if this freewheeling
Really is an enlightened thing,
Or is its greater scope a sign
Of deviance from some party line?
In the strict ranks of Gay and Straight
What is my status: Stray? Or Great?
By Vikram Seth
Poetry of an un-suitable boy for Lesbians, Gays-
Devoted for my beautiful friends –Homos , Lesbians Gays
By Naresh Sonee
In this world every man should be Ram every women Sita
I'm glad I like them both but strongly respect Koran, Bible, Gita,
Along with every scriptures of all religions,
Because all preach and way me for good reasons,
I wonder if all such are my free wheeling
Or a foolish un- enlightened nonsense weavings,
Or is its greater scope a sign , fine?
Rebelling out from obsolete sect of parental line?
In this confusing ranks when Gays, Lesbians are on update,
You Mischievous God I understand in front of them I’m no Great?
Then speak out Lord-What is my status: Stray?
Am I confused standing out in middle of four way ?
Is my voice as global citizen has some sense full weight bright?
Or God do am I here to open a revengeful gate instigating a fight?
Gods if you’ll are true-n-alive , Help these lonely people, Have a say,
Before all of your poor fellows get drift-n-drown by waves far away,
Help them Gods, Save them Gods, They are no frauds,
Jesus, Mohamed, Krishna , Buddha, Mahaveer , Nanak Oh different Lords,
Where are you hiding at least give your wisdom nod ?
Are they brilliantly right ? or Am I blurred and wrong ?
But finally answer my desperate question –It’s no time for hymns or song,
Straightly tell me once- till when You’ll would take us for ride ? How long?
Naresh Sonee
(scribbled on Sep23,2006 in between 4.55pm to 5.15 pm )