supermensch will be in need of sustainance.
Fortunately there's plenty of Pubs in Deansgate (where the coaches drop
you) and around the Town Hall (Albert Square rallying point).

Which is best?
Which will fill first with thirsty and hungry protesters?
Is the Moon Under Water the biggest pub in Britain?
From Itchy Manchester:
"Moon Under Water
68-74 Deansgate (0161) 834 5882
Although it might not look it from the outside, this is one of the biggest pubs in the country and once inside the ubiquitous red patterned carpet stretches back for acres as far as the eye can see. No really, this is a mighty big place with an upper floor containing even more seating and its own self-contained bar. As usual with Wetherspoon’s venues the beer and food is mega cheap, which helps make up for the pub’s more obvious lack of style. Mind you this isn’t designed to be a fashion-victim type of place, it’s just somewhere to come if you fancy a cheap pint of lager or want to take advantage of the lunchtime menu deals.
Mon-Sat 11am-11pm, Sun 12pm-10.30pm
Food served: Mon-Sat 12pm-10pm, Sun12pm-9.30pm"
Best print out a list and map to take with you.