Many hope that somehow the Democrats will do something to change this when every day it becomes more clear they will not.
From out of this huge reservoir of people, we can unleash a great wave, moving together on the same day – our numbers making a statement
that can not be ignored and that lets it be known that we are determined to bring this whole disastrous direction to a halt.
On Thursday, October 5, join us in saying to the world: This regime does not represent us and we will not stop until we drive it out!
Walk out of school! Refuse to work! No shopping on Oct 5! Come to mass demonstrations across the country and march through the streets
calling on millions more to join us in repudiating this criminal regime with the mobilization of massive political opposition!
The people of the United States who want (and need) Bush out of office now, need your help.
We probably do not need as much money as the US military spends on bullets every day; The United Sates people need $100,00.00 dollars.
This is not a lot of money so please help collect and send it to:

(by September 17th (now), go to this website and donate now.)
You can donate the money on this website.
World Can’t Wait has 1300 members in 50 cities and a lot of them are new.
We are growing at an exponential rate as the millions of people in the United States who want to see Bush charged with war crimes and impeached see that they are not alone - and there are US citizens putting their names, reputations, and money on the line of freedom.
Bush has screwed our constitution and absolutely abused his executive power.
This is not all: There is a growing movement in the United States to change its corporate economic stranglehold of United States politics. It is very real and very young.
Please help nurture this feeling and that it is okay to have it in the good ole USA.
We are so close on this line of mass resistance to change the way the United States develops ever the next couple decades.
The United States federal government does not represent its people, and the war profiteering and absolute robbing of the US treasury has not gone unnoticed.
People in the US are afraid.
Bush is capitalizing on this fear.
Please help us in the United States to drive Bush out of office in absolute and undeniable shame.
Send us your money.
I know you think people in the US are the ones with the money, but that would be the ones you hear about.
There is the need for this protest in the United States, and after talking to a mayor, and a few other legislative representatives, and many others while creating this protest in Olympia Washington (one of many cities), they are afraid of Bush and his power, but personally want him impeached.
We have reached a very strong activist and grass roots group of people, I believe that for this $100,000.00 dollar investment, 1,300 dedicated and feeling people are going to eventually get Bush thrown out of office.
Blog, email, publish, post, and get this out to the world.
You want Bush out?
It is going to cost a little money.
We need this money by September 17th to reach millions and millions in the mainstream of the United States, we have a base that is ready for millions.
OCTOBER 5th 2006 will be the day in history that Bush was formally let known he does not represent the US people and he has to step down.
For the people in the United States are going to shame our government and force them to do what they were already elected to do, protect our bill of rights and our constitution.
Just a little hill in the road and we will have the momentum on our side,
In the name of love, god, and evolution; send us your money.
I think we will find and get the funding after this round of promotions and advertising from people in the US, if we get a chance to be in the mainstream of money, and you do know what that takes.
Kenn Dzaman

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