Please go to the streets with these.
Interview 20 Questions:::
Whose Apocalypse Whose Rapture???
1. Have you seen V for Vendetta, yet? Yes or No.
2. Are principles and morals more important than status or money? Yes or No. Why.
3. What conflicts do you have?
4. What do you need to make your life better?
5. How do you think apocalypse will come? When? What will it mean?
6. What do you think is the key problem in the world? Why?
What will this problem create and grow into?
7. What do you think is the key problem in your country? Why?
What will this problem create and grow into?
8. What do you think is the key problem in your community ( town or group)? Why?
What will this problem create and grow into?
9. Do you think that there is a global youth culture? What is it?
What does it mean to the future ?
10. Why is there so much poverty in the world? Why so much war?
11. Will global warming cause more war, more poverty?
When will we feel the worst effects of global warming?
12. Why does the world hate the USA so much? Will it get worse? What does that mean?
13. Is the US an Empire? Does it care about other countries?
14. Do you think that the USA gives as much foreign aid per person or as a percentage of GNP as do most other wealthy countries ?
15. Is there ever a time when it is right or good for the USA to intervene in other countries?
16. Which side is the US on in the Iraqi civil war?
17. What's your favorite joke, movie, person?
18. What's your favorite bumper sticker or slogan or what one would you like to see?
19. What is evil? What should people do about evil?
20?> Questions we should get as many people as possible to answer. Also have a list of political views on a continuum and ask people to identify one or two of those that represent their politics. Send to

Strangely this simple request, idea was censored at Portland Indymedia
questions oregon & cascadia 05.Sep.2006 18:08

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