It becomes exceedingly clear that the violent ‘solutions’ and policies of deluded primitives (Jews, Muslims and Christians) are not only woefully inadequate but threaten the future tenability of the human race – religionism today is/equals barbarism and nihilism! A terminal disease that threatens the social well being of any society must be eradicated if that society is to survive.
A university degree is not required in order to understand and recognise failed ideologies, and no specialised skills are required to remedy the situation. Leaders and governments are totally dependent on followers, the solution is plain and implementation is as simple as turning your back and withdrawing your support from those who lie and kill!
The precarious tenure of any leader or government is completely subject to the will of the people – it is the people who possess the prerogative of power. At present the vast majority of people support reason and sanity, however, the inaction of the sane and reasonable person has allowed the criminally insane and perverse to assume positions of power and influence – the fault is ours and the responsibility to remedy the situation is also ours.
Regardless of what it purports, religion remains the most divisive social force on the planet. The reality of religionism speaks louder than its lies. Religion promises much but only delivers death, slavery and misery, the facts speak for themselves. It is time to eradicate the disease and the ‘carriers’ who infect others with their poison.
Peace is achieved by actively resisting all forms of violence from discursive diatribes to physical warfare. Peace is NOT a passive state; it is a continuous (active) process.
Peace is earned not bestowed – either we act now or we are lost to the criminally insane leaders we have allowed to remain in power. Restore sanity to the world. Now is the time to implement remedial action.
Hide the following 4 comments
Dance m*f*er's!
03.09.2006 02:06
Doesn't it all begin with a global abolition of the arms-trade?
9/11 kicked off with a protest against the arms-trade, that the arms-traders blamed on some Arabs... The overly paid retards at the BBC were happy to carry this story and nobody thought they would be filthy dirty, thieving liars, did they?
So, five years on, let's have a look at the DSEi arms-trade fair that kicked the war off and work out who really did it. We all know that 'al-qaeda-ology' is utter bull - what 'Osama' really did it, from his cave, on his kidney dialysis machine, with all those Arabs that turned up alive and well two days later? Then there are those 'explosives in the towers scholars' - what planet are they on, and what evidence do they have? None whatsoever!!!
Sorry to dump in the punch, but it is was Blighty's finest anti-capitalists that saw the evils of the arms-trade first, pulled down the Twin Towers and tried to do the same to the Pentagon. If you don't get that, then who you batting for, Mr Blair and all the other nutcases?
Case closed, lets begin the disarmament with a ban on the arms-trade. Simple if you ask me, if you stop the criminals, their snitches, their police, their politicians and their media from getting their mortgages paid from war, then we will be getting somewhere. What do you reckon, where is the difficulty?
Either you are stupid or you arms-trade abolished. Get with the programme - it *is* a 9/11-arms-trade thing and some of us have won already. So there!
Pissed Idiot
pissed or not - idiot still requires logic
03.09.2006 16:37
Why do you think that it was British arms trade protestors that brought down WTC1&2 (& 7?) and attacked the Pentagon? How do you back up that kind of assertion with evidence of some kind or perhaps the logic or lack of in the official account? Why not bombs in the three towers - what do you know no-one else does?
Please cast your pearls before we swine ;-)
curious george
pissed idiot jests some facts. . . .
05.09.2006 15:58
The FT was running a series of pieces called something such as "capitalism called into question" - also a redo of the Sun tse "classic" about war - it didnt complete the series of pieces. . . .
But, 2006- its MOST most people that are, in fact, sceptical about the things we are told by govts, media, etc about 911, as it is most people, after 5 years, here + in the states, that have gotten very sceptical about war in iraq, in fact the "war of errorism" itself (a serious thinking person that doesnt accept that its created further numbers of terrorists than might have existed without it is hard to stumble across even in the "tight-leash" bits of the media).
if something dodgy was getting spun across the world - the fact that this very big brolly of a campaign was symptomatic of the world coming to its senses MIGHT have had a bit to do with its exact TIMING - but thats all - it was in the works anyway. Yes, it did seem that a failed attempt was made in that demo too to "whip people up into allowing angry mob pics to obscure the message of the thing" - after all - for most of us the amazing thing about the birmingham, g8 -to- seattle thing was the way it went across the "boundaries" that had seemed to seperate people for ages, broke out of the jargon that had blocked peoples comprehension . . . . BUT
( this IS bouncing back, by the way - in fact - as yet, "uncalled-out" - but, in fact, these " 2+2=4" s have grown to have agreement even within the people that were opposing them then . . . . remember THIS too!!!! . . . .) . . . .
. . . . BUT - REMEMBER the odd things that were happening aroun that old favourite of the corporate-security-slushfund-budget-shaker-downers - "anarkoprimitifbommthrowers " - the explosion of judi bari s car was a way of trying to put every person that wanted to breathe - unpoisoned - or had signed some "save the neighbourhood mountains" petition - into a terror-watch-list. . . . (rememberCRISIScomic-magazine!)
But that didnt work.
Nevertheless - some people had done very dodgy, (if over-remunerating) "jobs" under the cover of the cold war, it looked as if a load of tech was coming in that might make it all even easier . . . . "then bloody peace happened"
. . . .
sussed george
yep - also yep guardian 911 gag - but
05.09.2006 18:32
but, re the "whaddawe-do-aboutit,whatwithalluvuswised-up-to-the-scams. . . . etc" bit, dear, clever "pissed idiot" you could checkout the "da code its in da"
"reopening tactful discussions"
"pressure" + "pro-am soca" "
"does it help to remember"
. . . . etc
in these newswire pieces(of the last few months ) so that - re the "religions" thing, (+others) - so that you keep the wheat when you dump the chaff - or somesuch - but check it when you are happy, sentient pissed with a good, if "medium" rare (UNIQUE) combination of your favourite things (- ie-a BIT of this + a PINCH of that - instead of "2 of this + 2 of that" - yes - INEXACTLY!!!! - y'neednt have LOTS of anything. . . .(staysafe) but have a bit of something different with it too - perhaps the peoples that wrote these bits got wiser to some buzzword misuse by overusing them - nevertheless - VERY good, + worth re-checking lots.
jest some other facts . . . . imminent