McShane is probably the only sitting MP in the Hosue of Commons who in fact had to leave the BBC after he was caught lying. McShane impersonated a Tory politician and made a fake phone call.
This was traced and McShane was exposed.
McShane has come a long way since then. His espousal of every anti-democratic, racist measure by Blair stands in stark contrast with the claims he was making after he got caught lying about who he was.
In the past ten years, McShane has moved further to the neo-fascistic Right than any of his contemporaries in the British 'media'.
For someone who has only very recently made a detailed statement about his Eastern European ancestry – and there is still no separation why he stayed silent on that aspect of his identity for so long – McShane is not entitled to make this fake stand about how the people subjected to racism feel. He must show respect to the communities under attack. Then he must show he understands the details of daily suffering and hardship that people are forced to endure. Not because they have done anything wring but because there is a trend being fostered by the likes of him to show contempt and intolerance towards the locally numerical minorities.
Now McShane is posing as a friend of freedom of expression. There is a link between McShane's well-publicised affiliation with the racists' ideology in the recent years and his espousal of Satan Rushdie and Monica Ali.
It is strange that in none of their 'recognition' of 'Muslim writers', neither McShane nor his fellow travelling anti-Muslim 'liberators of Muslims' finds any room for the literally hundreds of thousands of Muslim thinkers, philosophers, human rights activists in the whole world.
They only find time and grace [!] to acknowledge the traitors whose crimes are not so much against Islam but against the human rights of the Muslims.
This is at the centre of the corruption of the freedom of expression that liars like McShane fail to understand.
It is not the act of attacking Islam by Satan Rushdie and any of his fellow travelling traitors that the Muslims object to, it is the unbridled brazenness to attack the humanity of the Muslim peoples that is astonishing and unacceptable.
No society must allow the organised distortion of the image or the facts about any group of people no matter how they are classified.
Only identify wring conduct.
Only condemn wrongful acts.
Spare the humanity and focus on the action.
That is the only way that truth will emerge and hopefully prevail.
How many more centuries will it take before the Crusading liars against Muslims get this right?
Stop attacking the humanity of Muslims.
Say what you want to say against Islam. Be careful how much you lie against Islam. But remember Muslims have the right to talk back.
If you choose to attack Islam because you feel that is a pastime your 'religion' or 'belief' encourages you to do that then do this in the knowledge that the earth is populated by many religions and faiths.
Muslims can understand that. And know that God will take appropriate action when God alone will.
Spare the Muslim the intolerance, the lies and the hostilities.
Learn to tolerate Muslims as human beings. Like everyone else.
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