CAMPAIGNING about 9/11
should no longer be any controversy whatever regarding the causes and
guilty parties of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack on the World
Trade Center in New York.
The evidence to date is simply overwhelming. Beyond the
shadow of any doubt, the U.S.
Government orchestrated the attacks. The proof
by now is definite and awful obvious.
We have a pressing need for PUBLIC
to educate and politically activate the duped General Public,
university/college students in particular.
perhaps 10 or 12 telling facts and arguments, and broadcast them via
leaflet, spoken words, and the Internet.
Note: Not much more than this. 10 or 12 telling points are
enough. People get confused by too much information.
Go door-to-door with leaflets/spoken words to get to the Public and
thereby get around corporate mass media Thought Control.
During the school year, university/college students are conveniently
located in one place.
The Internet can be used all-year-round.
Here are the 10 or 12 facts & arguments I personally would
1. Who
benefits? This is a fundamental
proposition of criminal law. Who had the motive, or, in this
case, motives.
To mention just one benefit, the Bush and Blair OIL LOBBY Governments
are seizing HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS OF DOLLARS worth of OIL from their
military aggressions. AND water resources, etc.
2. Who had the CAPABILITY to pull off such a job and get away
with it?
What is the moral character and honesty of the Bush
Government? Are
they the kind of people who might do what they are physically capable
of doing?
Or are they ethically pure folk who wouldn't dream
of doing a foul act? (You might mention military
aggression, torture,
stolen elections and the destruction of the Bill of Rights while you're
at it.)
4. If you were an honest and innocent President trying
to do his job, would you not, immediately after the attacks, establish
an independent, thoroughgoing, public investigation of the entire
incident, and encourage private investigators as well to come up with
Or would you, as did George W. Bush, try to stop any investigation
despite the year-long pleas of the victims' next-of-kin?
This fact alone decisively indicts the U.S. Government.
5. The history of engineered
pretexts, especially American. 1898 U.S.S.
Maine's interior
explosions, blaming the Spanish for "exterior" attacks, then
this as an excuse to invade lucrative Spanish colonies and take them
over. . . . Nazi Germany's Reichstag Fire . . . .
President Lyndon
Johnson's bogus Tongkin Gulf Incident. . . . And every day in the life
of CIA subversions.
6. Interior explosions in the WTC. AND,
according to former German Minister of Technology and foreign affairs
expert, Andreas von Bulow (in his book The CIA and September 11),
the U.S. Government has technology that can take the controls away from
the pilot and direct the plane accurately into the intended destination.
The CIA, an obvious participant (along with the U.S. Military), has
been tied to multi-billion dollar stock market profits made
betting that the stocks of American Airlines and United Airlines would
tumble at the right time. Insider trading indicates that the
CIA knew
in advance about the attacks.
8. The later anthrax attacks --
which scared Americans more than the 9/11 attacks -- have been 100%
linked to the CIA-Pentagon anthrax (including specifically
anthrax-in-envelopes) germ warfare projects.
9. The Pentagon
hoax -- A rich man could get through the eye of a needle with
the same
plausiblity as a wide-winged passenger plane hit the
Conspiracy theories -- Point out that crimes involving more than one
person MUST BE conspiratorial, since nobody is dumb enough to publicise
their intentions beforehand.
And point out that one of the most
incredible conspiracy theories ever put forward is of one man in a cave
in Afghanistan orchestrating something that not even a Western
government could possibly have pulled off and gotten away with-- EXCEPT
for the U.S. Government.
11. The U.S. Air Force did not and
would not get off the ground when the explosions/plane business
levelled the WTC. They would go up for an errant pigeon --
ordered not to !!
12. Why was the bin Laden family quietly
escorted out of the country by the U.S. Government instead of being
held for questioning?
And this brings up the interesting
subjects of Osama bin Laden and the alleged "Al-Qaida". I would mention
that there has never been put forward any credible evidence that there
IS an Al-Qaida, except possibly as a CIA-construct. And I
mention that Osama bin Laden was probably murdered long ago, and
(according to von Bulow) the CIA has bin Laden impersonators.
I would mention (if it can fit on the two sides of an A4), that no
plausible evidence has ever been present of Muslim involvement in
planning/orchestration of 9/11 -- in spite of a long line of barbaric
torture centers apparently designed to elicit false (tortured)
confessions and finger-pointing so gullible Publics will believe what
on the evidence is totally unbelievable.
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more of the same
11.08.2006 11:18
Bauxite Investor
Some mothers do have 'em.
11.08.2006 13:00
Also you won't need any help spotting this as a whacked out conspiracy theory but just for fun watch how they conform to this article on how to spot a conspiraloon:
Emptiness Exposes Plants
12.08.2006 06:00
Any time you Plants want to post the still-missing key and independently-verifiable evidence which would exist - and be forthcoming - if the Conspiracy Theory these LIARS and War Criminals asked us to take on faith, and use to justify their indefensible policies and actions, I'll be here.
Until then, every second you waste with your Disinfo only hilights the emptiness of the Bush/PNAC Regime's little myth ...
911 = PNAC, CIA, Mossad
Inaction exposes conspiraloons
12.08.2006 08:45
Go fuck yourself charlatan!
Bauxite Investor
Conspraloons follow script
12.08.2006 10:10
From the Urban 75 url above:
"10 characteristics of conspiracy theorists
1. Arrogance. They are always fact-seekers, questioners, people who are trying to discover the truth: sceptics are always "sheep", patsies for Messrs Bush and Blair etc."
Of course some are worse than others, for this guy any one that disagrees with him is a plant. Shit I must be working for this faceless conspiracy and I didn't know. Now I come to think of it I have been having these funny dreams ever since my patrol was captured in Korea. That must have been when the evil geniuses hypnotised and programed me to write on Indymedia. I'm slightly disappointed they didn't pick me for a more important mission but perhaps I can work my way up.
ZOG plant
2,000,000 Useful Idiots can't be wrong?
12.08.2006 17:36
"There's nothing that enthuses the people more than Truth and Justice " K Marx or some Useful geneous like him.
... well mr mine man ...
14.08.2006 09:31
... it never happened ... sleep my dears, sleep ...
Either that, or you are attempting to bypass the necessary steps to understanding and intigration of the FACTS by recourse to an emotional (ie lacking any substantial EVIDENCE) argument ... which actually seems to be heavily biased towards insult.
The repeated and concise observations of the regular contributer '911/mossad' etc must be addressed BY YOU AND YOURS before any more interaction and movement occurs.
The elephant in the living room is still there and no amount of tantrums, insults of flogging of dead horses will remove it.
Using debating full stops and evoking airs of superiority does nothing but highlite your emptyness.
Just try outlining ANY historical event that WASN'T a conspiracy of sorts before trying to STOP debate here (and elsewhere no doubt) with the tired, meaningless drivil that is represented by the ridicule heavy notion of 'conspiracyloons' ... that still sounds like an 'attack the messenger' message!
Can you state clearly that you beleive that the us government had NOTHING to do with 911?
Have all the questions been answered?
Do you actually give a shit beyond the preminance of your own involved EGO?
Is it enough to appear here WITH NOTHING but insults and demands for silence?
You may not be a plant or a sheeple, but you may as well be for all the difference in your modus and effect.
The most amusing thing about this whole dichotomy between those who believe that 911 was an act of coincidence favouring the military industrial complex - their aims, their plans and their wallets - against those who beieve it was a conspiracy favouring the military industrial complex - their aims, their plans and their wallets ...
... is that ...
Are you a loony that you cannot see in which direction the world moved that day?
Are you that craven and cowardly that you will continue to hold on to comforting allusions about the embedded elite and their COMPLETE disregard for human life - including yours?
What do you want? A picture of those with white hats and of those with black hats? Us and them ...
... they hate our freedoms you know.
You half witted egomaniacs will be the death of us all ... your opinions are killing iraqis, afghanis, lebanese, palestinians ...
... and if you are NOT a plant, then you are doing it for FREE ...