Neo-liberals 'pet' georgiou and russell broad-bent say they will vote with lab, but why not they're all in this together, shame about the grand illusion. Me thinks!
lab says it expects the Government to cut short debate on the Bill today.
So what difference will lab's statement make really?
And no doubt they will because it's the usual way 'directives' are secured. And what are they going to do about it? Especially when they're really in on it!
Two other neo-liberals, judy boylan and bruce baird, have argued strongly against the directive and are likely to abstain.
So what difference will their statement make really?
baird says he can not accept it.
baird: "This is a conscience vote. I am not in a position to support this Bill," he said.
Great but what difference will that statement make really?
And surely one does not have to wonder that although these people say they are going out on a limb that it's not part of the grand illusion? So that it just 'looks like someone is dissenting' and therefore someone in guberment tried to stop it. Ha ha.
Immigration Sinister amanda vanitystone says the Bill strikes a balance between strong border protection and consistency with international obligations.
Even though no one will have a clue what happens to these people who will be set adrift and beyond the shores and laws here in Australia.
Most 'conditioned' despots, like cameron thomson, support it and say refugees in African camps are more deserving of Australia's help than people who can get to Australia by boat.
"There are refugees in horrible places like the Sudan and other parts of Africa," he said.
I see so anyone attempting to come to Australia by boat and seeking asylum from despots who want to torture and kill them should just sink? Now that's been done before hasn't it?
Neo-liberal farty backbencher peter slipper'y' has made an appeal to 'conditioned' Sin-ate-ors not to vote against the bill.
But we all know the Sin-ate is rigged and that doesn't mean shit!
slipper'y': "I would ask any senators who are looking at doing that to think very carefully about the Government's mandate, we have a responsibility to the Australian people," he said.
In other words because there is a 'threat' then if they don't sway with the guberment directive then they will have given other decent people in the community a 'reason to forgive them'? People the community can't rely on like stephen fielding's 'family last' and barnaby Joice who always turns into 'rubble' on the death of any serious decision making against the guberment.
Slipper'y' says crossing the floor would send the wrong message.
But if we have a responsibility to the Australian people then the guberment would have to line up at the Hague for trial for their part in the war crimes and aggression against Iraq and Afghanistan where some of these people are coming from!
lib/lab's spokesman tony burke another well-paid loser says the Government will cut short debate before Question Time today.
"The Government was willing to spend days and days, up to weeks, listening to Indonesian politicians when they framed this legislation," he said.
burke says the Prime Minister is not prepared to listen to Australian politicians for more than a day.
But Mr Speaker:
So in the grand scheme of things in this grand illusion of our times, lab seems to have offered the asylum seekers some well-paid support, but what difference will it make really?
lib/lab's carmen lawrence says the purpose of the Bill is to appease Indonesia after the arrival of 43 Papuans.
We all know that too and we also know that that will make no difference to despots who have the power.
lawrence: "The Prime Minister, our so-called 'man of steel', folded in what is pretty humiliating acquiescence," she said.
lib/lab expects the guberment to bring on a vote in the Lower House later today.
But that's got be a joke son!
SIEV X memorial Canberra 2006
To mark the fifth anniversary of SIEV X, a permanent memorial will be built in Canberra on the shores of Lake Burley Griffin. Three Perth-based Iraqi men who each lost family are decorating 22 poles to remember their loved ones...

West Papua solidarity rallies in Darwin, Canberra, Melbourne + News
Free West Papua! Let the Refugees Stay! End The Killing! --- Photos of AFFWEP Rally in Darwin on Jan 23 outside DIMIA +++ Melbourne rally on Jan 24 +++ Canberra rally on Jan 25 +++ ANTARA: Papua Asylum Seekers Just to Attract International Attention +++ RNZI: Fears for Indonesian backlash against families of Papuan refugees +++ RNZI: Australian officials halfway through initial inteviews of Papuan asylum seekers

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