- PLUS: Robert Fisk: On a Red Cross mission of mercy when Israeli air force came calling
- PLUS: John Dean knocks ‘imperial presidency’, asks if U.S. ‘is on the road to fascism' - PLUS: 'It seems we and Uncle Sam think that shooting people is a good idea' - PLUS: Ari Berman: Democrats for Bush - PLUS: Bush administrators attempt to shield themselves from the rule of the law
- PLUS: Tom Engelhardt: The Middle East and the Barbarism of War from the Air
Reign of Error
The New York Times
Published: July 28, 2006
The Bush administration continues to be remarkably successful at rewriting history.
Amid everything else that’s going wrong in the world, here’s one more piece of depressing news: a ... Harris Poll reported that 50 percent of Americans now believe that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction when we invaded, up from 36 percent in February 2005. Meanwhile, 64 percent still believe that Saddam had strong links with Al Qaeda.
At one level, this shouldn’t be all that surprising. The people now running America never accept inconvenient truths. Long after facts they don’t like have been established, whether it’s the absence of any wrongdoing by the Clintons in the Whitewater affair or the absence of W.M.D. in Iraq, the propaganda machine ... is still at work, seeking to flush those facts down the memory hole.
But it’s dismaying to realize that the machine remains so effective. Here’s how the process works.

John Dean knocks ‘imperial presidency’, asks if U.S. ‘is on the road to fascism'
John Dean, the White House lawyer who famously helped blow the whistle on the Watergate scandal that drove Richard Nixon from office, says the country has returned to an "imperial presidency" that is putting the United States and the world at risk.

'It seems we and Uncle Sam think that shooting people is a good idea'

Tom Engelhardt: The Middle East and the Barbarism of War from the Air

Bush administrators attempt to shield themselves from the rule of the law

Ari Berman: Democrats for Bush(or is New Labour doing the Conservatives job?)

Robert Fisk: On a Red Cross mission of mercy when Israeli air force came calling

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