“Genocide is defined by the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (CPPCG) Article 2 as "any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group.”
Who set up that Convention of Morons? Genocide eradicates a Nation. Those idiotic imbeciles want to change the language, but are so stupid they do not realise thay are calling themselves Genocidal. Those who are frightened of Death and call themselves Christians pretending there is a God with the logistics to provide them with a Life of Bliss forewver, are keen, even determined, to exterminate those who practice witchcraft or worship Satan. So they themselves are one lot of genocidal maniacs by their own redefinition.
Then we come to Moslems, I have been told that there is an instruction that all those who are not Jews or Christians who refuse to convert to Moslem are to be killed. So they are going to kill off all the Pagans and Heathen and Atheists, if they are signed up to that Convenrion, they are self confessed intenders of Genocide.
Obviously, to maintain the pure integrity of the language, decent citizens must extirpate all the Religions. There are probably much better reasons, like promoting wolrd peace, for doing that. But reasons do add up uo compel action one is otherwise too lazy to undertake.