Myron (Mike) Stagman, PhD
Concerned Citizens Information Network (environmental website)
(1) Tryptophan
I. The Face of Frankenstein's Monster
Genetic Engineering Biotechnology (GE, GM, GMOs) evades Evolution's safeguards by injecting genes of one species into a totally unrelated species, something impossible in Nature.
GM evades Evolution's safeguards, and may therefore give rise to PATHOGENS that can -- and HAVE, many times -- caused crippling and deadly DISEASE EPIDEMICS -- documented but unpublicised.
Genetic Engineering is also ideal for developing horrific biological and other military weapons --- sufficient cause to OUTLAW GM.
The Greatest Racket in History (Listen to this !): ---
GM contamination is virulent, spread by wind, bird, insect, animals and travelling human beings. Co-Existence with GM is completely impossible, only fools or liars would say differently.
GM has contaminated crops in areas of North America which dwarf the UK and even Western Europe. Planetary contamination is inevitable, if We don't stop it.
The Biotechnology corporations know oh-so-well how contamination spreads and spreads and spreads.
Now get this: Through their political influence, these Corporations have been able to acquire the obscene, sacrilegious, and indeed revolutionary PATENTS on LIFE-FORMS.
Before these revolutionary Patents on Life, a farmer could have sued -- successfully without any doubt -- the Biotechnology corporation for having contaminated, poisoned his crops.
However, given these Patents on Life (here, on the seeds), the Corporation can -- and DOES, successfully -- sue the victimised farmer for (Hold your nose) "infringement of patent".
[Our tainted, corrupted political systems allow this monstrosity.]
Thus the formula the reader might keep in mind:
GM Contamination + Patents on Life-Forms equals Corporate Ownership Rights in the crops of victimised farmers.
This formula spells the serfdom and ruin of all small family farmers on this planet. (They are the majority of the population in Asia, Africa, and Latin America).
The Chemical-Drug-Biotechnology syndicate and its Enforcers (corrupted governments in the West and Third World, corporation-dominated organisations like the WTO, World Bank, IMF) have started a WORLDWIDE AGRICULTURAL REVOLUTION.
They want to destroy small family farming, and have only gigantic Corporate GM Plantations with farmers working as serfs.
[This process is underway, especially in South America where the U.S. Military has begun to intervene on behalf of GM Plantations to crush farmer opposition.]
Already, according to the Research Foundation for Science, Technology and Ecology (RFSTE) in New Delhi, 40,000 farmers in India have committed suicide primarily as a result of the Corporate Enforcers' so-called "free trade" policies --- dumping heavily-subsidised Western farm produce onto glutted Indian markets, pushing GM crops, insisting that Patents on Life-Forms be accepted so farmers must sign contracts with GM Corporations and can no longer save seeds, etc.
The Greatest Racket in History --- GM Contamination + Patents on Life-Forms equals Corporate Proprietary Rights in the crops of victimised farmers, and spells the serdom and ruin of small family farmers everywhere on this planet.
(e.g. No more organic, healthy food --- you and your children will only be able to eat unsafe GM)
See the Action Plan in Part III designed to OUTLAW GM and PATENTS on LIFE-FORMS.
But beforehand, read about the first in our series of "GM Disease Epidemics".
A food supplement called Tryptophan had been produced for many years by various companies, including Showa Denko of Japan. These companies had been producing Tryptophan with the usual ingredients without ill effects.
Then, Showa Denko, to increase profits, gene-spliced (genetically engineered) a bacterium into the previously harmless product. Result: 37 dead and 1,535 crippled. Another estimated 5,000-10,000 were afflicted with a blood disorder due to this new, strange and incurable disease (now called Eosinophilia Myalgia Syndrome, EMS).
The corporation paid out two billion dollars to people who threatened to sue.
Hundreds of these victims have died since the initial onset, apparently in most cases the end result of contracting EMS.
[for extensive coverage of the GM Tryptophan epidemic, see the excellent book Seeds of Deception, Jeffrey M. Smith, 2003, chapter 4. The full title indicates the inclusion of vital political information: Seeds of Deception: Exposing Industry and Government Lies About the Safety of Genetically Engineered Foods You are Eating]
[read Dr. John B. Fagan's report "Tryptophan Summary", typing that into the Google search. John B. Fagan, professor of molecular biology, returned 613,000 dollars of federal grant money to the National Institutes of Health on the grounds that his DNA research might lead to dangerous applications in genetic engineering with unforeseen consequences for humanity.
The U.S. government then offered him two or three million dollars to continue his research into GM. Dr. Fagan refused the money and went to teach chemistry in a university.]
[also "The Thalidomide of Genetic Engineering", Institute of Science in Society, London,; and "Tryptophan and EMS: the Skeleton in the GMO Closet" found online as an excerpt from the book Unnatural Harvest: How Corporate Science is Secretly Altering Our Food, by Ingeborg Boyens]
III. Conclusion and What To Do
Human beings and Nature, as we have known them, cannot survive in a GMO-Frankenstein world.
The nightmare technology of Genetic Engineering Biotechnology, and its incestuous Patents on Life-Forms, must be OUTLAWED.
How To Do It?
There is only one way to overcome this extremely powerful, ruthless Corporation-Government-corporate Mass Media axis.
It is to conduct grassroots Public Education Campaigns to educate and politically activate the General Public, university / college students in particular.
The General Public !! Stop forever talking to the Converted. To get around the corporate media's suppression and distortion of truth, one must talk to people and go door-to-door with leaflets and vocal messages.
And major efforts must be made to inform and activate university students.
Important Hints:
(1) Concentrate on university students.
And senior citizens.
I speak to you now, elder citizens like myself. Put moral purpose into your lives and help rescue this planet and your grandchildren.
(2) AVOID NGOs and all established organisations, especially large ones. They are not what they seem.
Their hierarchies and decision-making are corporation-influenced if not outright purchased.
Never ever join them. Never ever give them Money.
[see George Monbiot's very important article in The Guardian, 4 September 2001, "Sleeping with the Enemy: Consumer and Environmental Groups are Getting into Bed with Big Corporations]
[Note: In developing countries there are some exceptions, but very very very few in the West. If by a miracle one of them ever conducts a genuine and sensible public education campaign, then you can help out. But NEVER join or give money to them.]
The environmental field especially is riddled with wealthy, prestigious, deceptive organisations adept at dilutng and derailing environmental causes, GM in particular.
[I am thinking at this moment of one such organisation I have observed over a long period of time, in my view a very slick and dangerous FOE of environmentalism, originally created by polluting Corporations to deal with the growing environmental movement.
Don't go anywhere near this one.]
When they talk about being 'practical' and seeking 'Coexistence' with GM, let a red flag go up.
Nothing short of OUTLAWING GENETIC ENGINEERING and PATENTS ON LIFE-FORMS will save us and our planet.
Do your educational work as individuals or in small groups of people you know.
In a little of your SPARETIME (perhaps 3 or 4 hours a week, but regularly, as part of an ethical life-style):
Educate and activate the Public by writing and telephoning and just talking to your family members, friends and acquantances;
Write letters and make telephone calls to local, regional and national media;
Write, call and especially visit your legislative representatives and other government personnel, and
Take appropriate Direct Action.
Good Luck to You.
P.S. For a detailed Action Plan on conducting education/activation campaigns (e.g. composing A4 leaflets for distribution, lobbying your legislative representative) see "Creating a Grassroots Democracy While Outlawing Genetic Engineering" (or a similar title) on several current Indymedia websites (e.g. Biotech, UK, Los Angeles and San Francisco). Or email me and request it.
For extensive information on the casualties and unprecedented dangers of Genetic Engineering, see "Genetic Engineering Fact-Sheet" on the website of the Concerned Citizens Information Network,
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Satan or God?
20.07.2006 16:42
If the human race is committing suicide as driven by Satan, then it seeems very probable that the Life hereafter will be cancelled.
If George Bush and Tory B.Liar are acting for God by encouraging the creation of the freak beasts of Armageddon to fulfill Biblical Prophesy we have to find out how we can be sure of not going to Heaven. Eternity with Bush and Blair would be entirely unsupportable.