As the Westminster House of Commons Crossrail Select Committee practically winds down the main business of going through the motions of hearing objections to the Bill, concern is rising about the very shabby way that the Committee has treated the main opponents.
It is expected that the Select Committee will back the Government Crossrail Bill. Thousands of families will suffer across the East End as a result.
To prevent this becoming inevitable, a London wide democracy pressure group has today extended its support to the Khoodeelaar! Campaign against Crossrail attacks on the Brick Lane and Whitechapel Area in East London
This announcement follows a day long campaign against Crossrail hole attacks programme conference held in the Brick Lane and Whitechapel London E1 area today.
It is dedicating the next five months to making Crossrail such an unpopular issue that no-one in their right minds will want to support it.
Other London wide subjects will be added to the list of Political problems and priorities for London
Hide the following 4 comments
21.07.2006 18:56
Crossrail is important
25.07.2006 11:17
Crossrail backers have failed to make economic case
05.08.2006 09:00
Crossrail will not 'cut pollution' by destroying the East End community
26.09.2006 21:09
The Crossrail Bill Select Committee expressly banned presentation of any evidence before it [that Select Committee] in June 2006 about the planning, the effects of the Bill. No discussion was allowed by Alan Meale, the chair of the select committee especially about the Crossrail station at Whitechapel. There are many types of negative effects from the CrossRail plan. We ask anyone, inducing 'Richard' to cite any study that contradicts our thesis; that thesis has been that CrossRail will CAUSE additional deprivation, additional social exclusion to significant numbers of people.
Not least of whom will include the majority of those who are now holders of stalls on Whitechapel Road. And that is only a fraction of the numbers of people who will be devastated by CrossRail plan as far as it relates to the East End of London
This written and posted at 2105 Hrs GMT in London
Tuesday 26 September 2006