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19 July Iran demo's 1st anniversary of gay executions

pirate | 18.07.2006 15:55 | Gender | History | Repression | Social Struggles | London | World

19 July 2006 is the 1st anniversary of the execution of two teenage gay men in Iran on trumped up charges. Demo's are planned around the world, incl London to mark this event and the on-going persecution of gay people in Iran.


( 'twiglet', or whatever your name is, don't bother to post your usual twaddle..we've seen it all before...)

Iran gay rights meeting: House of Commons

Wednesday 19 July 6.30pm, Committee Room 12

Protest against Iran’s homophobic persecution

You are invited to show solidarity with Iranian LGBTs

London – 17 July 2006

To mark the first anniversary of Iran's hanging of two gay teenagers,
Mahmoud Asgari and Ayaz Marhoni, in the city of Mashhad on 19 July
2005, Labour MP Chris Bryant will host a public meeting at House of
Commons, in Committee Room 12, at 6.30pm.

Speakers include Chris Bryant MP, Jean Lambert MEP, an Iranian
activist, and Simon Forbes and Peter Tatchell of OutRage!, who will
reveal new information exposing the Iranian regime’s lies and
propaganda about the execution of Mahmoud and Ayaz.

The House of Commons meeting is open to the public. All welcome.
Please allow 15 minutes to go through security.

“We mourn the many lesbian and gay victims of Iran’s homophobic
regime, and express our solidarity with all Iranians who are working
for social justice, democracy and human rights,” said Ramzi Isalam of
OutRage!, the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender human rights
group, which is coordinating the House of Commons meeting.

“We stand united with our gay brothers and sisters in Iran who face
the threat of arrest, imprisonment, flogging, torture and execution.

“OutRage! urges the British government to give a public undertaking to
halt the deportation of Iranian asylum seekers who have fled
persecution. Deportation is a potential death sentence,” said Mr
Isalam, who is a gay Muslim refugee from Algeria.

The House of Commons meeting is one of 24 global protests on 19 July
against Iran’s execution of gay people and children.

The common, universal demand of all the 19 July protests worldwide

Iran: Stop Killing Gays! Stop Killing Kids!

OutRage! is, in addition, urging:

1. End all executions in Iran, especially the execution of minors.

2. Stop the arrest, torture and imprisonment of Iranian lesbian, gay,
bisexual and transgender people and repeal the Iranian penal code's
criminalisation of same-sex relationships.

3. Halt the deportation to Iran of LGBT asylum seekers and other
victims of Tehran's persecution.

4. Support Iranians struggling for democracy, social justice and human

5. Oppose foreign military intervention in Iran; regime change must
come from within - by and for the Iranian people themselves.

The global protests are backed by the International Lesbian & Gay

Shocking new revelations concerning the executions follow below.

Photos of the hanging of Mahmoud Asgari and Ayaz Marhoni:

19 July protests are confirmed in 24 cities worldwide: Amsterdam,
Berlin, Brussels, Chicago, Fort Lauderdale, Frankfurt, London,
Marseilles, Mexico City, Moscow, New York, Provincetown, Sacramento,
San Diego, San Francisco, Seattle, Sioux Falls, Stockholm, Tehran,
Toronto, Vancouver, Vienna, Warsaw and Washington DC.

Protest to the Iranian Ambassador in London:

Tel: 020 7225 3000
Fax: 020 7589 4440

Iranian Ambassador, Embassy of Iran, 16 Prince’s Gate, London SW7 1PT

Iranian sources confirm trumped up charges

Afdhere Jama, editor of the queer Muslim magazine Huriyah
(, supports the view that Mahmoud Asgari and
Ayaz Marhoni were gay and that they were hanged because of their
homosexuality. He bases his belief on evidence he received from three
people in the city of Mashhad, where they were hanged, including
information from a person who knows the family of Ayaz Marhoni.

Afdhere Jama states:

“According to my sources, the boys were arrested about a year and
couple of months before the execution. On the day of their arrest,
five boys were fondling each other in a semi-public area. Their ages
were 13, 14, 15, 15 (Mahmoud), and 17 (Ayaz). These are all boys that
knew each other, and had homosexual relations with each other (perhaps
for years).

“A woman called her civilian police husband who then tried to arrest
them all (with the help of civilians), but only Ayaz, Mahmoud and a 13
year old boy were caught.

“Because the age of consent for men in Iran is 15, the 13 year old boy
is automatically then classified raped by then15 year old Mahmoud and
17 year old Ayaz. So, in the eyes of the Iranian law, that boy was
raped. Whether the other boys were a few years older or not is not
even a question, not to mention whether he (the 13 year old) was a
willing participant. Because the issue is homosexuality, it even
carries a harsher sentence.

“It should be noted that none of the claims about ‘knife’ and ‘drunk’
are true, but trumped up claims to support how these ‘heterosexual’
boys raped a ‘heterosexual’ teen. The father of the 13 year old boy
claimed his son was raped because in the conservative society of Iran
it is much better to have a heterosexual raped son than a homosexual
willing participant. Everyone and anyone from the east can identify
with this.

“In reality, however, these boys faced many charges, including
resisting arrest (for running away), disrupting public peace (because
apparently the whole neighbourhood was in chaos because everyone
wanted to hurt the boys who were committing homosexuality), public
indecency (for having homosexual sex in public), and ultimately for
homosexual/sodomy rape of men (which carries much tougher penalty than
a heterosexual rape, for the 13 year old), etc.

“It should also be noted that the Quds daily (newspaper) Human Rights
Watch relied on is a government-controlled news agency, who have in
the past and the present contribute news only acceptable to the
government. As far as I know, there are really no independent Iranian
news agencies which dealt with this story - because they could not
honestly deal with it and get away with it,” said Mr Jama.

New revelations about the execution of Mahmoud Asgari and Ayaz Marhoni
in the Iranian city of Mashhad on 19 July 2005, based on research by
Simon Forbes of OutRage! and contacts inside Iran:

“A year-long investigation into this case has revealed that the
regime’s allegations against the two hanged youths, Mahmoud Asgari and
Ayaz Marhoni, are riddled with contradictions, implausibilities and
outright lies,” according to Peter Tatchell of OutRage!.

“At first it was claimed by Iranian officials that they were aged 18
and 19, then that they were 19 and 21, then aged 18 and 20, and
finally they made the claim that they were both above 18 at the time
of their alleged crimes.

“However, the best evidence is that both youths were aged 17 when they
were executed and therefore minors, aged 15 or 16, at the time of
their alleged crimes. This execution of minors is in flagrant breach
of international agreements the Tehran regime has signed.

“The method of hanging was specifically designed to cause a slow,
painful death by strangulation.

“Concerning their crimes: at first it was claimed that they committed
one rape and were child molesters, then that they had committed
several rapes. By the autumn of 2005, the supporters of the regime
were spreading rumours that they were serial child killers.

“Local sources in Mashhad state that Mahmoud and Ayaz were lovers, not
rapists or child abusers – contrary to the homophobic propaganda of
the Iranian regime and its western left-wing and Islamist apologists.

“Witnesses report seeing them together and obviously in love at a
private party in 2003.

“Mahmoud and Ayaz were charged with the capital crime of homosexuality
after a disapproving family member reported their relationship to the

“At least one, and possibly both, of the hanged boys were members of
Iran’s persecuted Arab minority. Racism appears to have played a part
in the stereotypical way they were portrayed by the regime as being
‘underclass’ thieves and hooligans.

“Informants inside Iran make it clear that the boys were of good
character and that they came from decent, law-abiding families whose
fathers had good jobs.

“The execution of Mahmoud and Ayaz conforms to a pattern of state
torture and murder of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT)
people by the Iranian clerical regime.

“In publicised executions of gay people, the men are often accused of
the kidnap and rape of a younger male. All such allegations need to be
treated with extreme scepticism, as they tend to follow a suspiciously
stereotypical formula.

“By instituting charges of kidnap and rape, the Iranian authorities
apparently hope to discredit the victims, discourage public protests
and deflect international condemnation. They calculate that there will
be little Iranian or international sympathy for people hanged for
crimes like abduction and sexual assault,” said Mr Tatchell.

Further information from Brett Lock of OutRage! – 0770 843 5917




Hide the following 12 comments

Brett Lock of Outrage! is a vicious Islamophobe and Israel appeaser

18.07.2006 21:16

You can read this creeps poison on the IsraelFirst! traitors site called Harry's Place

Boycott Israeli Goods

CWI on execution gay teenagers and Lebanon today

18.07.2006 23:08

Governement executes gay teenagers (from last year)

Israeli regime’s air invasion of Lebanon threatens regional war (from today)

Marc Vallee

The truth about the pure racist evil of pirate and Tatchell

18.07.2006 23:41

The words that you have NEVER seen in any post from 'pirate'.

Here is an Indymedia article from Chicago. Needless to say, it wasn't posted by the racist 'pirate'. The title:

"STOP the Executions of Gays in Iran, Iraq and Saudi Arabia!"


I think that you are already seeing a profound series of very different choices in the use of words used by Tatchell, when compared to these US-pro-gay groups. Now to examine the body of the US pro-gay article:

Such attacks would only make matters worse for Iranian gays and non-gays alike. Bombing gay and non-gay people in Iran is the antithesis of helping them. It would allow the clerical regime to increase repression, shoring up internal political support by highlighting the long-standing U.S. opposition to Iranian sovereignty, epitomized by the U.S.-sponsored 1953 coup d'etat which overthrew Iran's first democratically elected government and put a vicious, decades-long dictatorship in its place. Regime change must come from within - by and for the Iranian people themselves.

And lest anyone here in the U.S. get too smug, pretending that such anti-gay atrocities wouldn't be tolerated by regimes friendly to the West, think again. Just across the Gulf in Saudi Arabia, the regime beheads suspected gays, and police state round-ups of up to 100+ LGBT people at a time are increasingly common. And several weeks ago in the U.S. client state of Iraq, the country's leading Shi'ite cleric, a man eagerly courted by the Bush administration, issued a fatwa calling for the executions of all gay people. Some Iraqi gays have already been killed as a result.

U.S.-allied countries with as diverse religious / political traditions as Poland, Nigeria, Cameroon and Russia have used police-state methods to ban political gatherings of gay people. Bush's silence on this repression is shameful, as is his hypocritical "opposition" to human rights abuses in countries to which the United States is opposed.

This content was a major part of the Chicago post.

now pirate and Tatchell have been posting their racist sh*t on behalf of Blair's genocide of Iran for many many months. I want ANY of you that care about these issues to compare the vile disgusting racist intent of Outrage's press releases with the above article by US pro-gay groups.

The difference is that between Night and Day. Indymedia UK is the home of crude pro-Blair propaganda, in this case propaganda from the close personal friends of Blair's inner circle monster, Peter Mandelson.

I will point out that I am far from stupid, and well aware the the Chicago post is using the 'spoon full of sugar' technique, on the understanding that it's readership is far more sophisticated than here, but then they do teach argument and debate skills in US schools, so propaganda aimed at well read liberals has to be far more carefully crafted (see commondreams etc., for examples of this).

Anyway, even those of you that feel unable to easily dissect the racist intent of pirate's posts will be able to use the comparison technique to understand the full import of everything I have said about pirate and Tatchell in the past. The truth will sicken you.

And to pirate itself
'twiglet', or whatever your name is, don't bother to post your usual twaddle

I'm not silenced as easily as the millions of your victims in Bosnia, Chechnya, Afghanistan, Iraq, Gaza, Lebanon, and soon to be Iran. You'll have to wait until your master implements his domestic death camps here for muslims and dissidents before that will happen.

By the way, pirate, thank you for the opportunity to definitively prove to every one here exactly what kind of person you are, and what kind of agenda you push on behalf of Blair.


Let the Homophobia of the Pseudo-Left be a warning

19.07.2006 06:09

When was the last time a straight leftist like Twitlight actually lifted a finger to stop the brutalisation of lesbians and gay men in the UK or abroad?


Straight and gay unite and fight!

19.07.2006 10:05

I do not know who Twitlight is but I can speak for LGBT and straight members of the Socialist Party and ISR who worked together on Europride to this year. So I'm happy to say there are some socialists/lefts who are also straight that stand very much stand up for LGBT rights.

Some pics:

Marc Vallee

gay rights uber allies

19.07.2006 11:12

now we see just whose heads you are prepared to march over to get to your hallowed ground of equal rights for gays around the world

the Palestinians, Lebonese, Iranians will all be sacrificed to the great alter of equality (how come you guys want ot be equal, what ever happepen to liberation and celebrating difference ... oh I know, some people are more equal than others ...)

you have been found out trying to ride piggyback on a noble issue to promote your vile racist agenda

you will not be forgiven

israeli, zionists & traitors will be found and removed from this country

sooo special

Eyewitness comment from Beirut and Haifa

19.07.2006 11:57

Eyewitness comment from Beirut and Haifa

Workers are paying the price

A socialist in Beirut sent the following eyewitness report:

"The Israeli assault is now spreading to all regions including the mountains and the north. The damage is enormous and the death toll is rising - only half an hour ago one bomb in Ekkar (north) killed 20 people. This only indicates the scale of the attacks and the advanced weaponry the Israelis are using.

"Looking at the infrastucture ruins you can see how powerful they are. We are under seige from all directions - air, sea and land. It is impossible to move about right now and all regions are isolated from each other while the whole country is isolated from the rest of the world.

"The Israelis have been given the green light [by the US] to go ahead with their plan and will not stop until most of the country is underground."

Yasha, a member of Ma’avak Sotzialisti (CWI in Israel) whose family lives in Haifa, said: "The Israeli government is out to restore the prestige of the army which was humiliated twice - once in Gaza when the soldier was captured and the other time when two soldiers were captured by Hezbollah. So now Olmert [Israel's PM] has to do something to restore their pride and show the whole of the Middle East who is the master, who has the strongest army.

"Hezbollah are trying to demonstrate to the Lebanese that they have the courage and strength to hurt Israel and thereby to make political gains.

"Therefore, this current conflict is about who will gain the most in terms of prestige and political kudos. The people who will lose out in all this will be the working class on both sides."

marc vallee

This is Precious

19.07.2006 12:14

What makes gay rights more important than other human rights. Why dont you protest the murder of women and children in Palestine and Lebanon, or in Iraq and Afghanistan. What exactly is it that makes the suffering of gays in Iran soo much more important than the other issues. You so called liberals create categories of issues so as to undermine other events and excuse wars all over the planet. The category is 1. HUMAN SUFFERING. Be that a gay man in Iran ot a 5yr old in Lebanon. Yet you choose to criticise Iran and leave Israel and Co out of the argument. Capitalism/Imperialism are the true enemies of the people and every country in the world plays their part be that a big part or a small one.

So either shout for all injustice or take your agenda based ass out of our site


Leftie Gay-Bashers Take Us Back to the 70's

19.07.2006 22:19

How retro to see the descendants of 70's Stalinism back in action on the left. Of course, this time the heterosexual supremacists are masquerading as anarchists, not communists, and rather than berate all the naughty feminists, black power activists and gay liberationists for 'bourgeoius deviation', it's now rehashed as attacks on 'special rights'. The agenda remains the same though - the straight, macho white left want it all their own way. Only this time it'll be the women making the tea for the squatted social centre, whilst the straight male street-fighters go and fight the awful queers and Jews (who incidentally, are masterminding everything right now, because Twilight says so. He read it in a magazine of left-right convergence).

But you know, keep it up boys. You managed 232 posts of strutting macho abuse on vivisection-antivivisection in 2004, so I'm sure you can keep your childishness going long into the night without once enlightening anyone.

What was it Crass said of most of their contemporaries in the 'activist' scene? "It's just the same fascistic aims but the rules aren't clearly stated".


Tatchell, 'Labour Friend of Iraq'

19.07.2006 23:07

Calling people homophobic for disagreeing with Tatchell is like calling people anti-semtic for condemning Olmerts invasion of Lebanon. You don't have to be homophobic to question Peter Tatchells motives. You don't have to be an Iranian queer to recognise this is a poor time to vilify your states homophobia.
I do agree with Twilight on this issue. Any criticism of Iran just now must be viewed as dubious in the extreme. Iran is under the same imminent threat of attack from our state that Iraq was under when Tachell started ratcheting up the pressure unfairly on supposed Iraqi abuse of gays. In truth, Saudi Arabia was more brutal to gays than either Iraq or Iran in the same period, but was cricised much less by Tatchell. Tachell claims to be opposed to the invasion, occupation and genocide or Iranians but he claimed that with Iraq and yet his criticism of supposed Iraqi gay-bashing helped contribute to that invasion. In this respect Tatchell has helped contribute to the deaths of perhaps 160,000 gays. A true 'Labour friend of Iraq' just like Anne Clywd, like many self-proclaimed ex-pat dissidents who look and sound like Chalabi.

We should look on all the recent (ie post Iraq) anti-Iranian propaganda as dodgy in the extreme. I have several close Iranian friends who are anti-mullah Iran and anti-invasion. I also have gay friends and they mix. I think the gay community deserves far purer icons than Tatchell and I think the gay community in Iran is a good place to look, but please no ever-so-convienent-propaganda just now. Too many people are dying every day for me to care why you think more should be risked for your cause.

I asked an Iranian girlfirend to take me to Iran one time that she was visiting her family, and she said' But they will kill us!', an unique and persuasive knock-back. I thought she meant her brothers would kill us but she meant the mullahs, as we weren't married. Even she, as a voluntary refugee, could recognise the stricter regime in Saudi Arabia though yet since Blair&BushInc aren't threatening Saudi with invasion then their minions criticism is muted. She'd rather everyone kept quiet about Iran at least until Bush is safetly out of power.


Sad old 'straight' lefties....

20.07.2006 16:08

Fact is that as I heard last night at the London meeting to commemorate the 1st anniversary,
it's the sad 'old straight left... ie: the SWP at al, who are at odds with everyone else.

We heard a fery clear expose on the facts of the case of the two teens murdered on 19 July 2005 from a criminologist ewho has carefully sifted through all the info and mis info on this
to show just how the Iranian state operates to try to hide its actions with excuses and
trumped up charges (as in this case... and many others)

We also heard of the plight of women, ethnic minorities, trade unionists and journalists,
and anyone opposing the regime... A regime which is based on an ideology born of the
muslim brotherhood in the 1930's/50's and it's attempts to marry islam with marxism..
The litany of horrors and abuses of human rights was starkly remanicent of the Russian
revolution (Stalinism) along with events that were out of 17 C Europe-religion.

Of course, when I posted up the attacks on gays in Russia and Poland, it was given 'centre stage on Indymedia.. but then they were 'white' racists and homophobes... When it's
islamic(middle east) , black (ie Jamaica), or anyone else 'not white', that of course just
cannot be allowed cos it's supposedly oh so imperialist.... (NOT)

That Iran should not and cannot be criticized openly at all times is to allow them to continue
to get away with massacres scot free.

At no time during the presentations did anyone- presenters or the audiance advocate any
militray attack on Iran over this issue OR ANY OTHER.

The ludicrous accusations above are just the old staright left who just cannot 'update' their
social ideas to include gay rights... 'build the revolution, but socially evolve not !...
sounds rather like old time religion.... Maybe you all still think being gay will 'disappear' once capitalism has been overthrown ??


Fake gay pirate

20.07.2006 17:43

"That Iran should not and cannot be criticized openly at all times is to allow them to continue to get away with massacres scot free."

Rather than being punished by cluster bombs and white phosperous munitions like Tachells former targets, the innocent Iraqi victims of Blairs aggression. Do you really think Blair committed to the slaughter of millions in Iraq for gay rights ? I don't see any great increase in Iraqi gay rights since Blair/Tatchells last target was targetted. I see lots of dead Iraqis, gay and straight equally dead in the morgues there.

Oh, by the way, in Europe we spell it 'criticised' not criticized - spelling mistakes like that only highlight the CIA agents amongst us. As easily as you expose your ideas to be propaganda, so Tatchells ongoing relationship with New Labour and his ongoing vilification of Offfical Targets like Iran and Iraq rather than Suadi Arabia prove what a stooge he is.



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