Today Bollywood is body piercing from renowned Surgeons-Doctors and restrict , not to get it done from a quack –
However, To be into much safer hands is just because - 'Preventions-n-Precautions' are much better then running from pillar to post for 'care-n-cure'. Rather that the craze of body piercing ears, nose, eyebrow , lip, tongue , navel do not pose any sort of health risk of getting aids, hepatitis and other life threatening septic , keloid , allergy , pigmentation , or deformities in exchange to their love for body piercing. Bollywood and Celebrities today get pierced from sugeons.
Meanwhile, many actors and TV stars - artists had suffered body piercing in wrong hands so they have made up their mind - not to allow any non medical person or entity to perform or practice body piercing on them with un sterile guns or other sorts of alien non medical un guaranteed jewelry that can subject them to life time danger in return. Like western countries in India too body piercing should never allow a Quack or street fashion jewelry shops to do the procedure of body piercing which is a solo right of surgeons-n-doctors who is medically advanced.
However, least caring to the economical advantages – one should rather prefer only surgeon-doctors for body piercing. Some of the best Indian Surgeon-Doctors doing the round among Bollywood Celebrities and Television Stars those who do procedures of genuine body piercing are growing day by day. According to body piercing clients- many of the Indian surgeons-doctors are strictly using Surgical Material – During Healing Wear Jewelry and kits of well a known brand in piercing. They sterile or autoclave the jewelry in front of their patron or atleast satisfy them with strict antiseptic cleaning.
Body piercing from a Plastic Cosmetic Surgeon-Dermatologist-Skin Specialist or even an General Surgeon is the latest trend taking over in Bollywood like Hollywood . Dr. Vinod Vij, Dr. Satish Arorkar, Dr. Raichura, Dr. Jatish Shetty are the cosmetic surgeons from Mumbai . Looking to the up rising trend in body piercing city like Thane too have Plastic Cosmetic Surgeon- Dr. Medha Bhave and Dr. Anand Joshi who are using surgical body piercing jewelry and such body piercing kits. In Pune one can find Cosmetic Surgeons-Dr Chandovnia , Dr. Bipin Deshpande, Dr. Avinash Deodhar . However in Delhi Dr. Omar Azad, Dr. Dua Singh, Dr. Ruchie Gupta are other well surgeons doing body piercing so that quacks get eliminated. These surgeons are anytime expensive then a quack but a wise literate individual can never risk a quack as option.
All such surgeons who are into or not yet into body piercing profession - have a variety of views for body piercing - but their common to similar body piercing stands is –‘If surgeons-doctors won’t take over – quacks will ’ . And the day will be near- when aids, hepatitis , septic would become a grave part of exposure due to body piercing which are done by non medical persons or quacks in India - who doesn’t even understand anatomy or abc of human body.
One of the interesting url forum of India where Surgeon –Doctors put or read medical comments on body piercing is- Body Piercing - Doctor or Quack
Issued In the interest of Global Health Care