I don't agree with the actions of the terrorist group Hizbollah, far away from this; since I have in mind that the peaceful solutions are the best ones for any conflict type, but I cannot conceive the invasion of a free country, under any argument.
The risk of a violence appearance in the area is imminent, could transform the conflict in a war of comparable proportions the one of 1973, with the generation of an international crisis of unexpected results.
Parallel to that, the invasion of the Palestinian territory for the same Israeli state, makes to believe me that the peace in Middle East is Utopian, purely Utopian.
The reaction of the North American Government was of waiting, since the interaction among the people comes from long date, being Israel, the main North American ally in Middle East.
As well as the shy reaction of UN, demoralized and discredited since the beginning of the War of Iraq.
I am favorable to the self-determination of the people, absolutely favorable.
Believing that each people are entitled to his/her homeland, just like the Jewish people has, victim for thousands of years of the discrimination and of the enslavement; but a mistake doesn't justify other.
In fact, the reaction of the American North Empire in this case, sends me to other situations where the operations of the yankees were totally shown disastrous, as in Vietnam, in Korea and in the Asian Southwest, taking some people to the edge of the poverty, as in Cambodia and in Laos.
The American imperialistic action in the group also to think in the European action about the African colonization, when the division of countries didn't respect differences nor of people, nor of nations, as well as of language and culture.
Africa is still a continent with borders the they be redone, as well as own Europe it redid yours until the days today, with Montenegro's independence, for instance, and the wars in Chechênia and in Kosovo, territories still under custody and of uncertain future.
I remember of the criminal actions of the Terrorist State of Israel on the people that it maintains under domain, so imperialist as any potency of the history.
As well as, in the last years of last millennium, the action of the governments north American on Middle East, taking to the disastrous interventions in Afghanistan and in Iraq, culminating with the invasion of those countries and the creation and the guerrilla's fomentation and of the terror.
We cannot forget, also, of the invasion action and criminal of the USA on Panama and Nicaragua, that without talking about Cuba, Philippines etc.
We also have, in our History, the bitter and cruel invasion of Paraguay, with unbeatable harmful effects on the neighboring people.
The shameful exploration of the weakest people for the potencies world or regional is a constant in the Man's History.
The tension points, as in Tibet, they neither choose ideology nor cultures; being inherent to the Human being, from the origin of the species, divided in rival clans.
In that point, since the beginning of the civilization to the days today, very a little we developed, being necessary a revaluation of the paper of the Regional Organizations, like OEA, NATO and UN in this very important field for the Humanity's organization.
We have to try to revalue us and to notice to what extent we changed, since the beginning to today. And as and where can act to change that reality.
Who generated the crisis in North Korea was who created North Korea, in other words, the Soviet imperialism and north American that today poses of “moralist” on the same monster that generated.
Done the terrorism actions do by the Israeli state and the facts by the governments north American, Russian, Chinese and other in what differ of the actions they done by groups no government, how FALC, to Al Kaeda, Hizbollah, among others?
It is an absurdity the North American President to act as terrorist, on behalf of the combat to the terrorism...
In fact, which the name that we can give to the actions of CIA in Latin America in the decades of 60 and 70?
The need of a notion more civilization egg white is made imperative.
The new world that we want, fair and equalitarian raisin, obligatorily for the man's rupture with their imperialistic roots, rulers and belligerent.
The Utopia of the equality, freedom and fraternity, that it raises us to each July 14, in the French revolution, is still as distant as always was, in spite of the famous “globalization” that is one more word without sense, just and so only a virtual term...
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A LITTLE less cut and dried than that
17.07.2006 00:57
I believe they hold a portfolio or two in the government (are "in government"). HOWEVER -- that does not necessarily justify Israel treating the conflict as ordinary war with a country. Lebanon is so fractured that it isn't really possible for the Lebanese to exclude Hizbollah if they wanted to disassociate from the Hizbollah-Israel conflict.
In other words, TECHNICALLY Israel has a case "attack by forces part of the Lebanese government". But practically this may be unfair to the Lebanese.
Mike Novack
stepbystpefarm mtdata.com
Bang bang
17.07.2006 10:53
The Hizbollah is an armed militia, supplied and controlled by Iran and Syria, who have continually refused to give up their arms (as required by UN res. 1559), nor has any pressure whatsoever been placed on them by the Lebanese government, in which they hold seats.
Hizbollah has entered the sovereign territory of another state killed several soldiers and kidnapped others. Hizbollah prisoners are serving sentences in Israeli prisons but every one of them has been convicted of a crime, they have not been imprisoned for supporting Hizbollah (they crimes for which they are imprisoned include murder, smuggling weapons, bomb making) within Israel's borders. When the sentences are finished they can go home. The kidnapped Israelis do not know if they will ever go home, nor do their families.
It should further be noted that Israel pulled
What the Hizbollah did was unjustifiable kidnapping of citizens of a neighbouring and that is an act of war.
What is not shown in the media are the Israeli families fleeing south - my family stayed in a bomb shelter (they live in Haifa) and are today going to Jerusalem.
Seven hundred rockets have rained down on Israel.
If Israel negotiates, more of their citizens will be abducted in the future.
Nazrallah has no respect for human life - it means nothing: you are a target, so am I, so are our families. Remember that!
Pot Meet Kettle
17.07.2006 10:58
Hmmm....ignoring UN resolutions? Doctor heal thyself, methinks.