The police was surprised, first. Then OMON special forces came run next to the protesting people and tried to keep them away from the street.
Someone with a trumpet was graped in the neck and forced to walk with policemen to the sidewalk. Other people were standing with their banners and were pushed by cops to leave the street. Some fell down and some were carried around the corner. Activists were abused by civil policemen or secret service (?) civilists and provoked. Police arrived at the other side of the street and their first target was to blockade journalists to take pictures. One cameraman was arrested and they tried to get the film of one photographer till he said he would not make pictures any more. OMON tried to grap him later when he was using his telefone, then they released him., probably because he is foreigner and they were too confused of situation to continue with the agressive attack.
We got now information that 37 people were arrested all together and taken to police station 28 in St.Petersburg (Marata ulica 79) They were denied to get a list about things that they kept with them, which is a violation against official law but fitting to the picture. The embassies is not available, but we will continue to try and call you to do the same and protest at russian embassies. Resistance will continue, but a lot of people, especially foreign, are in prison now and we do not know for how long...
see also:

for press release: