More information about actions around the world:

Gothenburg held a protestmeeting outside the russian generalconsulate
at S:t
Sigfrids plan in Gothenburg on account of the G8-meeting in S:t
and the repression of activists there right now. We stood there for a
an hour and handed out leaflets as we held a speech about the
persecution of
people that have gone to the city for the purpose to take part in the
different arrangement that are being done in protest against the
meeting. We
talked about solidarity, classtruggle all over the world and why we
change the system from within.
About ten activists took part in the action when we "bombed" the front
the consulate with stickers saying "Fred mellan folk - krig mellan
(Peace between people - war between classes), discussed with people
were passing bye and talked to a person working at the consulate that
out and could not understand why we were there at all, even after we
explained for him what we were doing there.
The Swedish Anarchosyndicalist Youth Federation in Gothenburg urges
other to
protest against G8 and how communists, syndicalists and other
socialists are
being treated. We can never let them break us. We must always fight for
better world.
Pictures of the action:
First we had a speech:

...and we handed out leaflets:

...and ornamented the entrance:

...then the represent for the consulate came but he did not understand
we were there:

...and he became mad at us:

...other did not even wanted to talk to us:

/The Swedish Anarchosyndicalist Youth Federation in Gothenburg -