Bono's private equity firm Elevation Partners paid $300 million dollars to bring the games makers Pandemic and software company Bioware together to create a new holding company called Bioware/Pandemic. Bono will therefore profit direct from the games sales.
Bono was recently called on to ask a question on yahoo. Impressed by yahoo's recent unethical activities Bono was keen to be associated with the company and asked the question 'What can we do to make poverty history?' ...
... err .. ignore Bono
Meanwhile if you do one thing to make 'poverty history' don't do this ... Sportrelief (we won't link if you don't mind). This over-hyped publicity stunt for Sainsburys is yet another patronising charade to allow over-developed egos to gain yet more inflated fantasies of their worth to the planet.
Already failed PM Blair has grabbed some column inches by showing his support for this dismal affair by running a mile at a recent photo-op. You heard right folks, a mile (though we'd like to see Prescott try it).
Should anyone ask the void for sponsorship to run a mile we've pledged to push them in a canal. This lame event as ever is aimed at maintaining the staus quo and allowing the likes of Sainsburys and Blair to attempt to score some 'ethical' brownie points.
Whilst liberals salve their conscience with a quick trot round the park before driving home in their SUVs, Sainsburys will continue to force producers in the Southern hemisphere and elsewhere to receive unfair compensation for their goods and labour.
If you truly want to do something to make poverty history boycott Sainsburys! (or move straight to sabotage of course ..)

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