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'Zarqawi Successor' in Jail/Destroying A City for 'Victory'

al Qaeda = CIA/Mossad/MI6 | 11.07.2006 00:15 | Anti-militarism | World

Another Bush/PNAC Regime LIE is exposed. As usual, the bulk of the media remains silent.

The same criminals who LIED about Iraqi WMD claimed that they were fighting "al Qaeda in Iraq" - in order to hide the fact that they are engaged in a guerrilla war against a Resistance Movement legitimized by their own Aggression - and held al-Zarqawi up as "evidence" of this, despite the fact that in 2002, these same LIARS claimed Zarqawi's death in Afghanistan "a success in the war on terror".

When the media and several governments began demanding proof that Zarqawi was even IN Iraq, the Pentagon was forced to admit that they had "greatly exaggerated" Zarqawi's influence, a sort of limited acknowledgement of their deception.

They still failed to prove their allegations, until - lo and behold! - they drop two 500 pound bombs onto a small, cinder-block house (the equivalent of 1000 lbs. of TNT), and not only do they get "Zarqawi", but his body miraculously survives intact, putting the issue to rest.

To keep the al CIA-eda ruse going, they point to a videotape (seemingly the CIA's greatest conduit of propaganda these days ... lucky for them no media outlet thinks to analyze or authenticate them), which identifies Zarqawi's "successor" to lead "al Qaeda in Iraq".

Trouble is, it would appear that this man's in prison, and has been there for quite some time. If this is confirmed, then I'd like to know who made the video ... (Kinda like the video these LIARS claimed was an Iraqi chemical weapons test, in which a small puppy was gassed to death. We now know this was a LIE, so someone within the US defense establishment was forced to gas a puppy to death, just so Bush/PNAC could LIE to the American people.)

Zarqawi successor 'in Egypt jail'

Thursday 06 July 2006, 13:59 Makka Time, 10:59 GMT

Al-Muhajir is on the most wanted list of the Iraqi government

Abu Hamza al-Muhajir, the purported successor of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi as leader of al-Qaeda in Iraq, is in an Egyptian prison and not Iraq, a lawyer has claimed.

Egyptian newspaper Al-Masri al-Yawm has quoted Mamduh Ismail as saying he met al-Muhajir, also known as Sharif Hazaa, or Abu Ayub al-Masri, in Tura prison in Cairo, where he has been held for seven years.

"Sharif Hazaa [al-Muhajir] is in Tura prison, and I met him two days ago while I was visiting some of my clients," Ismail, a lawyer known for defending Islamist groups, told the newspaper.

Al-Muhajir is on the "most wanted" list issued by the Iraqi government last week. The US military in Iraq has put a $5million price on his head.

The US army media centre in Iraq said: "We cannot comment on the news that ... al-Masri is in an Egyptian prison and not in Iraq, we have to clarify that from the Egyptian government."

The US military had announced after the death of al-Zarqawi that al-Masri had been appointed the leader of al-Qaeda's organisation in Iraq.

The military said al-Masri was born and brought up in Egypt. He then went to Afghanistan, where he trained in bomb-making before going to Iraq in 2002.

Destroying an Iraqi City to Save It
Truthdig & DEXTER FILKINS, NYTimes

July 6, 2006

The city of Ramadi, epicenter of the Iraqi insurgency, has already been reduced to such ruins that constantly under-fire American forces are planning to bulldoze three blocks in the center of the city and create a mini Green Zone in an attempt to gain the upper hand on the insurgents.

In Ramadi, Fetid Quarters and Unrelenting Battles


RAMADI, Iraq, July 4 — The Government Center in the middle of this devastated town resembles a fortress on the wild edge of some frontier: it is sandbagged, barricaded, full of men ready to shoot, surrounded by rubble and enemies eager to get inside.

The American marines here live eight to a room, rarely shower for lack of running water and defecate in bags that are taken outside and burned.

The threat of snipers is ever present; the marines start running the moment they step outside. Daytime temperatures hover around 120 degrees; most foot patrols have been canceled because of the risk of heatstroke.

The food is tasteless, the windows boarded up. The place reeks of urine and too many bodies pressed too close together for too long.

"Hey, can you get somebody to clean the toilet on the second floor?" one marine yelled to another from his office. "I can smell it down here."

And the casualties are heavy. Asked about the wounded under his command, Capt. Andrew Del Gaudio, 30, of the Bronx, rattled off a few.

"Let's see, Lance Corporal Tussey, shot in the thigh.

"Lance Corporal Zimmerman, shot in the leg.

"Lance Corporal Sardinas, shrapnel, hit in the face.

"Lance Corporal Wilson, shrapnel in the throat."

"That's all I can think of right now," the captain said.

So it goes in Ramadi, the epicenter of the Iraqi insurgency and the focus of a grinding struggle between the American forces and the guerrillas.

In three years here the Marine Corps and the Army have tried nearly everything to bring this provincial capital of 400,000 under control. Nothing has worked.

Now American commanders are trying something new.

Instead of continuing to fight for the downtown, or rebuild it, they are going to get rid of it, or at least a very large part of it.

They say they are planning to bulldoze about three blocks in the middle of the city, part of which has been reduced to ruins by the fighting, and convert them into a Green Zone, a version of the fortified and largely stable area that houses the Iraqi and American leadership in Baghdad.

The idea is to break the bloody stalemate in the city by ending the struggle over the battle-scarred provincial headquarters that the insurgents assault nearly every day. The Government Center will remain, but the empty space around it will deny the guerrillas cover to attack. "We'll turn it into a park," said Col. Sean MacFarland.

Ramadi, a largely Sunni Arab city, is regarded by American commanders as the key to securing Anbar Province, now the single deadliest place for American soldiers in Iraq. Many neighborhoods here are only nominally controlled by the Americans, offering sanctuaries for guerrillas.

While the focus in Baghdad and other large Iraqi cities may be reconciliation or the political process, here it is still war. Sometimes the Government Center is assaulted by as many as 100 insurgents at a time.

Last week a midnight gun battle between a group of insurgents and American marines lasted two hours and ended only when the Americans dropped a laser-guided bomb on an already half-destroyed building downtown. Six marines were wounded; it was unclear what happened to the insurgents.

"We go out and kill these people," said Captain Del Gaudio, the commander here. "I define success as continuing to kill the enemy to allow the government to work and for the Iraqi Army to take over."

Government Mostly in Name

That day seems a long way off. The Iraqi government exists here in little more than name. Last week about $7 million disappeared from the Rafidain Bank — most of the bank's deposits — right under the nose of an American observation post next door. An Iraqi police officer was shot in the face and dumped in the road, his American ID card stuck between his fingers.

The governor of the province, Mamoun Sami Rashid al-Alwani, still goes to work here under an American military escort. But many of the province's senior officials deserted him after the kidnapping and beheading of his secretary in May.

The previous governor was assassinated, as was the chairman of the provincial council, Khidir Abdel Jabar Abbas, in April. At a meeting of the provincial cabinet last week, only six of 36 senior officials showed up.

"The terrorists want to keep Anbar people out of the government," said Taha Hameed Mokhlef, the director general for highways, who went into hiding last month when his face appeared on an American-backed television station here showing him in his job. He has since re-emerged. "My friends told me that the terrorists were planning to kill me, so I went to Jordan for a while," he said.

The Iraqi police patrol the streets in only a handful of neighborhoods, the ones closest to the American base. In the slow-motion offensive that has been unfolding, in which the Americans have been gradually clearing individual neighborhoods, nearly all of the fighting has been done by American marines and soldiers, not the Iraqi Army.

The 800-member Third Battalion, Eighth Marine Regiment, which until recently was responsible for holding most of the city on its own, has lost 11 marines since arriving in March. Commanders declined to disclose the number of wounded. Over all in Iraq the number of American wounded in action is roughly seven times the number killed.

Be Polite, and Ready to Kill

One of the "habits of mind" drilled into the marines from posters hung up inside: "Be polite, be professional and have a plan to kill everyone you meet."

The humor runs dark, too. On a sheet of paper hung up in the Government Center, marines wrote down suggestions for their company's T-shirt once they go home. Most are unprintable, but here is one that got a lot of laughs: "Kilo Company: Killed more people than cancer."

The marines at the Government Center have held on, but the fighting has transformed the area into an ocean of ruin. The sentries posted on the rooftops have blasted the larger buildings nearby so many times that they have given them nicknames: Battleship Gray, Swiss Cheese. The buildings are among those that will be bulldozed under the Green Zone plan.

"Aesthetically it will be an improvement," Lt. Col. Stephen Neary said.

Holding the place has cost blood. A roadside bomb killed three marines and a sailor on patrol here in March. Another marine was shot through the forehead by a sniper, just beneath the line of his helmet.

The number of Iraqi casualties — insurgents or civilians — is unknown and impossible to determine in the chaotic conditions.

As in the rest of Iraq, the insurgents' most lethal weapon is the homemade bomb. The bombs virtually cover Ramadi: an American military map on display here showed about 50 places where roadside bombs had recently been discovered. Two weeks ago a marine sniper was killed by a homemade bomb when he ran from a house where he had been spotted.

Bombs Nearly Everywhere

Sometimes it feels as if the bombs are everywhere. On a single hourlong patrol one night last week, a group of marines spotted two likely bombs planted in an area that is regularly inspected, meaning that they had been laid within the previous few days.

One was hidden under a pile of trash. Another was thought to be under a pair of gasoline cans that had been set in the middle of the road. The marines spied them with their night vision glasses; without them, it is likely that the Humvees would have run over them.

Indeed, the marines often manage to spot bombs — covered in trash, made of metal and wires — in streets that are themselves covered in trash, metal and wires.

"Right there, look at that," Gunnery Sgt. John Scroggins said from the passenger seat of his Humvee, pointing to the street.

And there it was: a thin metal tube, with a long green wire protruding and sticking into the pavement, almost certainly a bomb. The pipes typically contain what is called a pressure trigger, which closes an electrical circuit — and detonates a bomb — when crushed by a vehicle. The Humvee was about two feet away when the marines spotted it.

Some of the marines have been hit by so many bombs that they almost shrug when they go off. On Sunday a Humvee carrying four marines on a patrol dropped off a reporter and photographer for The New York Times at the Government Center. The Humvee rumbled 100 yards down the road and struck a bomb. No one was killed, and the marines returned to base as if they had encountered nothing more serious than a fender bender.

"It's my fifth," said Cpl. Jonathan Nelson, 21, of Brooklyn. "It's the best feeling in the world to get hit by one and live — like bungee jumping."

In the end, whether the Americans can succeed in bringing security to Ramadi will depend on how much support they can draw from the Iraqis.

Many Iraqi civilians have spent the last three years caught between the two warring camps, too afraid to throw their lot with one group or the other. It is, by nearly all accounts, a miserable situation, with individual Iraqis often simultaneously under threat by insurgents and under suspicion by the Americans.

Many complain of bad treatment and unjustified killings by both sides. That civilians have been killed here is beyond dispute, but the circumstances are nearly impossible to verify.

Qais Mohammed, 46, owned a dress shop across the street from the Government Center but moved away when the Americans set up and the fighting began. Then a mortar shell hit his home and he moved with his wife and 10 children to a refugee camp outside the city.

Fed up with conditions at the camp, Mr. Mohammed and his family moved back to the city not long ago, into a seedy little place much reduced from the comfort he once knew.

"We do not want gold, or dresses or the food of kings," Mr. Mohammed said. "We want to live without fear for our lives and our kids. These days neither your tribe nor the police can protect you. It is the jungle law."

The marines say their highest priority is winning over people like Mr. Mohammed, even at the cost of letting insurgents escape. Indeed, the marines seem far less aggressive than they were during their earlier tours here, when the priority was killing insurgents. Now they seem much more interested in capturing the loyalty of the residents.

Civilians in the Middle

Iraqi civilians, by and large, did not seem to fear the American marines as they passed on patrol. When the Americans rumbled past, the Iraqis often continued whatever they were doing: talking, sitting, standing, eating. The children held up their hands for soccer balls, and occasionally a marine would toss one to a child.

"Football! Football!" the children cried.

"The people are in the middle, between us and the insurgents," Lance Cpl. Sean Patton said as he wheeled his Humvee through a neighborhood downtown. (He says he is a great-great-grandnephew of Gen. George S. Patton.) "Whoever is friendly, they will help."

A few moments later, Corporal Patton and his men were reminded of just how bewildering this city could be. As he turned slowly down a street, all the Iraqis milling about, maybe 30 people in all, suddenly disappeared.

"They're going to hit us," the corporal said, convinced that the crowd had been tipped off to the presence of a bomb or an impending attack.

When the Americans left the street, the Iraqis returned.

Corporal Patton turned onto the street again, and the people vanished a second time.

"We're going to get hit," he said, bracing himself.

The attack never came.

al Qaeda = CIA/Mossad/MI6


Hide the following 11 comments

How embarrassing ...

11.07.2006 11:32

How embarrassing that you cannot even spell the poor quality accusations you so readily through around, or should that be: throw out of your pram.

Having seen your ilk roundly argued out of it, to the point of absurdity, I see now that you are attempting to appropriate the language and style of your vanquishers.

So be it. Flattery is indeed an attempt at imitation.

I would desist with the idiotic line that 911 truth seekers can be characterised as "loons, gun nuts & jew haters" though, it makes no sense alienating the larger part of your [potential] audience by insulting their investigational instincts.

Now, "xenophobic gibberish". Qualify that statement with SOME reference to analysis and fact please.

Tim Osman

Barely legal

11.07.2006 12:49

nice to see your unstoppable faith in this site:

Now go to the main page and check out the porn you dimwit

Sick of this shit


11.07.2006 13:07




11.07.2006 16:17

ooooooooo porn is baaaaaaad

next you'll be telling us that all sites with a
mention of bill hicks are somehow pedophile based

stupid middle class hippies taking over our rebellion
go back to selling sell-ut shit on camden market

grow up
and intellectualize that!

open minded

water is poison if you drink too much

11.07.2006 17:17

A few points on the first post.
Firstly, less is more when it comes to SHOUTING.
Secondly, unlike real journalists we don't have sub-editors so reread it first before you post - I'm sure you know noone claimed Zarqawi died in Afghanistan but it diminishes your credibility to mistake two occupations and confuses others.
Lastly, the NY Times article that you tack on to the end of your post is unrelated to anything you said and 'tacked on' but interesting. I like the Iraqi practical joke on the US troops, all disappearing at once to freak them out. It's a great tactic, instead of staying to protest and risk getting shot while drawing US reinforcements, they just disappear and the US troops flee, NVDA in a warzone.

911 truth seekers can be characterised as "loons, gun nuts & jew haters" without reference to 911 arguments because anyone who describes themselves as a truthseeker in most walks of life would be considered a loon by most people. And then you have people like rense who certainly is a jew hater and a loon, and who too many 'truthseekers' quote as one of their own. You can't link to a site praising Hitler and expect to get taken seriously here and so it is incumbent for any investigator to state their credentials as anti-fascists simply for being smeared by association with Rense. 'The New American Fascism' on the radio, and I thought William Joyce was dead. Half of the conspiracy theorists consider the other half to be state agents at any given time, and half the time I agree with them, but Rense, he is a fascist and you should recognise that.

Good journalism isn't about striking a balance between opposing propagandas, it is one field of life where it is admirable if somewhat naive to call yourself a truthseeker. For you, 911 is your story, your issue, and because it obsesses you you want to be the first to publish every little update from the assorted 911 forums. Have a look around the other non-911 and 7/7 threads on Indymedia, other people have a variety of other stories that interest them more but none of those issues dominates the newswire. Most of the stories here are actions or events and none of the 911 stuff is. Why not limit yourselves to a more representative amount of posting, like when there isn't another 911 thread visible that you can add your new information to, and then only when you really do have new information, or best yet, when you are actually doing something physically about it ? Otherwise it seems just like propaganda misinformation at best, idle self-delusion at worst.

My issue is the war, and with so many Iraqis murdered it seems retrograde and suspiciously racist to focus on just those few american deaths, at least on a non-american website. I don't doubt that our politicians and powerbrokers are dangerous to sacrifice a few thousand, though it does seem unlikely that they could silence enough co-conspirators to be successful. And even if they did, it doesn't justify or relate to the Iraq genocide.

To the deleted poster(s):
Every anarchist should be able to question and criticise Zionism, Israel, Mossad and Shin Bet, and encourage others to. Fascists do know openly anti-Jewish sentiments aren't acceptable though and so they do use Zionism, Israel, Mossad and Shin Bet as euphemisms for 'jews'. It's a matter of context, challenging each posters other beliefs for indications of fascistic or libertarian beliefs. The more people you expose criticising Zionism, Israel, Mossad and Shin Bet for the wrong reasons, the more important it is that you can criticise them for the right reasons.

Bin Laden was amongst the mujahadeen trained by the SAS in Scotland in terrorist training camps, so it seems likely he may well have been in the States too during that period.


Rather Typical

11.07.2006 17:36

The Plant was compelled to comment, and create an Ad Hominem distraction, no less. We must be waaay off.

I notice, however, that he couldn't actually address any of the claims made in the articles ...

al Qaeda = PNAC, CIA, Mossad, MI6

open minded

11.07.2006 18:43

Did you even bother checking the site out? The archive with articles on teenage girls' masturbation and the dubiously young naked girls? That doesn't strike you as a little suspect.

What's wrong with being middle class? What wrong with being any class? Unless you are a petty bigot...

The Orlin Grabbe site illustrates beautifully what kind of junk people like Jordan seize uponn and run with because it simply fits their prejudice. There is no corroboration of the story, but he runs with it as if it is gospel.

THAT speaks volumes about his integrity.

It also typifies the mindset of 9/11 Truth: we'll lap up any old shit so long as it fits our prejudices.

That ruins the credibility of the "movement" because it is based on baseless bullshit.

It undermines any credible calls for investigation by drowning them out in a sea of lunacy. "Oh it's that lot of tinfoil hat wearing idiots who wouldn't know evidence if bit them on the arse!"

Orlin Grabbe= junk; Prison Planet= junk; Rense= junk; globalreseach= junk; counterpunch= junk; steve jones= junk; Loose Change= junk... and thereby 9/11 Truth= junk

It's all one big rumour mill citing its own tail and arriving at conclusions by presenting suppostions to fit a predetermined conclusion.

THAT is why it is going nowhere. No-one with an ounce of objectivity could ever endorse such soup of junk as a credible case.

There is NO proof of pods, explosives, mossad agents, missiles, false flags etc etc. If there was there'd be shitstorm like no other you have ever seen with every professional on the planet trying to make their names off the back of it.

All you have is a cottage industry selling junk to loons. Literally.

The Dodgy Dossier and Downing Street MEmos, the Niger document... that's EVIDENCE. "[any conspiraloon magnate] says..." is just junk.

So please refrain from posting your fantasy cack and disappointing us all and feel free to pipe up when you have some evidence.

Sick of this shit

What strikes me, as a little suspect

11.07.2006 22:20

Not the masturbating teenagers ( I missed that url, please repost. Teenagers really do that now ?! )
Today the army were recruiting in my dole office. They often come by for a day, leaflets and poster display and squaddies, and they signed up one football-topped doley to be IED-fodder when I was there. Their Landrover covered in recruiting blurb was parked just where I habitually park, in an empty corner of a wallmart carpark. I haven't noticed it before on previous recruitment trips and I do keep my eyes open. I carry a couple of stencils and spraypaint virtually where ever I go for just such opportunities, but I only had black with me - perfect for cop cars but invisible on camo. I returned ten minutes later with white but the Landrover, soldiers, displays and leaflets had disappeared. I asked in the office and was told that for the first time they'd only stayed for an hour rather than the full day. Now the conspiracy theorist part of me started to see the army recruiting Landrover as a honey trap. I was on CCTV after all, and I did do another work in the same locale last week on CCTV, perhaps the police had persuaded the army recruiters to vary their schedule, perhaps they suggested to walmart to train their cameras on one vehicle, perhaps that fat boy walking behind me was really a cop. While that maybe a rational state of paranoia for a terrorist, it was an irrational state of paranoia indicating delusions of grandeur/adequacy for a vandal spraying anti-war stencils onto public vehicles. I am, after all, only a little suspect, unfortunately. It's easy to get a bit paranoid when you know you've been lied to but it's also easy to keep your head out the clouds and your feet on the ground. In French they call it 'ne plus ultra', the highest point of achievement, in English - hyperbole. Lies and hyperbole can be irritating but they can also be informative, you can tell as much about a person by the things that they lie about as opposed to their honesty. Me, I'm always learning, next time I will follow the Landrover back to where it came from, 'Spray-paint Central'.

"There are three types of gift. The first type of gift is a material gift. The second gift is the gift of know-how. The greatest gift is the gift of non-fear.' -TNH



11.07.2006 22:42

Perhaps they were so stunned at having trepanned a ned that they bundled him into the back of the Landy and burnt rubber back to HQ before he could go on hungerstrike to obtain a medical discharge.

Sick Shit

10001 shitey anecdotes

11.07.2006 23:40

The guy I went through college with married into a catholic family of paratroopers who quite happily boasted of kicking the shit out of catholic families in northern Ireland for no reason other than the regimental pride that comes with being a company of violent shites. Two of them got busted for arranging a helicopter lift straight to their mums back garden one day, and all of a sudden they claimed to be being persecuted for being catholic. The injustice !
I only mention this since the new recruit was in a Celtic top.


why it is going nowhere.

13.07.2006 15:56

you simply do not have any power

its that easy

you can post on a blog instantly

but never change any foreign policy agenda

because you are not running things

you are nowhere near a consensus

you are a pose

you are a mind control operation

false hopes are managed
while false flags go on
all around you

the internet IS a military operation

you cannot compete with the globalisation agenda
that the thousands of years old
uber-capitalist dynasties have in play right now

what can you do?

wear camouflage and dread your hair?
form a co-op - a squat - and pretend you are
affecting your environment

spray art and agit prop everywhere

you can't even decide whether globalisation is real
and if you do you fight over the definition of its purpose and aims
you can't even decide whether peak-oil is real
you can't even decide whether global warming is real

so is it people against the system?
or another constructed system
pitted against the idealised control system
[babylon]? [cointel]?

so. i say this even though
i have written the above

Keep trying

Keep motivated

affect people
to affect the systems
they think they belong to

that they think they have to accept as the best
of a bad enforced choice



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