has declared the 7th of July its Peace Day.
You are invited to come share an inter-faith evening of discussion, meditation, prayer and music around peace.
From 19h15 to 21h30
The London Inter Faith Centre
125 Salusbury Road
London NW6 6RG
Tel: 020 7252 0430 / 079 4781 8845

7.30 - 7.40 Welcoming Speech
7.40 - 8.30 Discussion and Meditation
Father Fergus Capie, Director of LIFC
Speaker from the Gandhi Foundation
Speaker from the Humanist Movement
Dan Wheatley, member of the Baha'i Faith
Speaker from the Brahma Kumaris
Chas Raws, member of the Quakers
Mr Jay Lakhani, Member of the Hindu Council UK
Speaker from the International Sufi School
8.30 - 8.45 Questions & Answers
8.45 - 9.00 Tea Break
9.00 - 9.25 Prayers from all faiths and sufi music
9.25 - 9.30 Closing words