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Palestine Today | 03.07.2006 18:59 | Anti-militarism | Anti-racism | Social Struggles | London | World

Palestine Today a service of the International Middle East Media centre, for Monday, July 3rd 2006

News from Gaza as the situation intensifies, Israeli Army invade Nablus and damages the fire station, dairy products factory headquarters, and local TV station, Army arrests three residents from Iskaka village, invades the West Bank cities of Jenin and Tulkarem

These stories and more coming up. Stay tuned

Palestine Today - mp3 7.4M

News as the situation intensifies in Gaza

The situation in Gaza is intensifying and Gazan civilians are at great risk, now we have a round up of recent events:

On Monday in Gaza, Israeli troops killed two Palestinians in two separate incidents.

One of those killed was Abdul-Rahim Jaber Daraj 30 a victim of a targeted assassination while the other was a member of the Palestinian security forces.

Eyewitnesses reported that an Israeli plane fired at least one missile at a vehicle in Beit Hanoun, the northern part of the Gaza Strip, killing Abdul-Rahim Jaber Daraj, 30; two residents were also injured in the attack.

The killed member of the Palestinian security force was assassinated by Israeli military fire in Beit Hanoun after the tanks and panzers advanced 1 kilometer into the area and occupied three houses turning them into watch towers. He remains unidentified.

This raises the death toll in the Gaza Strip to five in the past two days, since Israeli soldiers shot and killed three Palestinian fighters in Gaza International Airport in Rafah, the southern part of the Gaza Strip.

According to Israeli military sources, soldiers spotted three Palestinians heading towards Rafah airport, which is now completely occupied by Israeli troops.

Soldiers claimed that they assassinated the three alleging that the men were armed with explosives with the intention of carrying out a suicide bombing against the tanks and jeeps.

Palestinian factions responsible for the capture of the Israeli soldier released their third military communiqué setting a deadline for the conclusion of negotiations.

Abu Obaida, spokesman of al-Qassam brigade, the armed wing of Hamas said, Israel has not responded to our two communiqués, and warns Israel against not ignoring their demands calling for the release of women and child prisoners held in Israeli jails.

“This is a warning to the Zionist enemy, if they do not respond to our demands, things will be very complicated, the ball is in their court now, if they really care about the life of their soldier, they should respond positively to our demands. It seems that the Zionist enemy has not learned from previous experiences of when we captured Israeli soldiers in the past.”

Also on Monday one Resident was critically injured in Abassan village east of Khan Younis in the Gaza strip.

Tha'er Abu Doka, 16, was injured in an explosion of an unidentified object left by the Israeli army in Abassan.

The boy was moved to a nearby hospital where his wounds were described as critical, medical sources reported.

Israeli Army invade Nablus and damages the fire station, dairy products factory headquarters, and local TV station

Monday at dawn the Israeli army invaded the West Bank city of Nablus and attacked the fire station and dairy factory headquarters causing severe damage.

Army jeeps and bulldozers stormed the city and surrounded the fire station and damaged the water tank and bibs then moved on to a local dairy products factory and closed it, because they claimed it was owned by Hamas, also troops took over the local TV station in the city and cut off the signal for several hours before leaving,

Salem the director of the local TV station comments on the attack


"After midnight, Israeli troops broke into the TV building located in the middle of Nablus city, where they detained the night shift crew consisting of three people and shut our broadcast down until the morning. This is the fifth attack on the station by the army, including arrests, shooting one of our co-workers two months earlier, shelling of the broadcast tower and the latest attack which occurred today before dawn".

No arrests were made but damage to several homes was also reported during what was described by local residents, as barbaric searches carried out by soldiers.

Israeli Army arrests three residents from Iskaka village, releasing one after two hours

The Israeli army invaded the village of Iskaka near the West Bank city of Salfit and arrested three residents releasing one of the three after two hours.

Troops arrested Abd Allah Hroop, and Bilal and Abd Al Rahman Shaheen, after invading the village and searching several houses, local sources reported. The local sources also confirmed that Bilal was released after two hours but the other two are still held prisoners.

Army invades Tubas, arrests one resident and attacks shepherds in Al Borj area east of Tubas

Israeli troops invaded the West Bank city of Tubas, early Monday morning, and arrested one resident.

Morad Khader was arrested when troops stormed the city and fired random rounds of live ammunition, eyewitnesses reported.

He was taken to an unknown location, eyewitnesses added
The Israeli army troops also chased and attacked shepherds in the Borj area east of the city, on Monday.
Soldiers attacked while shepherds were herding their sheep in the area and forced them from the area. Soldiers also attacked shepherds who refused to leave the area, local sources reported.
The army claims that the area is a closed military zone.

Army invades the West Bank city of Jenin

Monday at dawn, the Israeli army invaded the West Bank city of Jenin, and fired randomly at residents houses.

Troops and army jeeps stormed the city from several directions and fired gas canisters, rubber-coated bullets and rounds of live ammunition at the residents' homes, eyewitnesses reported.

No injuries were reported

Army invades Bethlehem and storms several local NGOs office, arrests two residents from Al Shawaoura village east Bethlehem

Israeli armed forces invaded the West Bank city of Bethlehem Monday morning, storming two local Non-governmental organizations offices and several shops.

Scores of army jeeps and soldiers invaded the Al Saff area in the city and forced their way into the office of the Orphanage Care Society, a local organization that works with local orphan children, and also attacked several shops in the area, eyewitnesses reported.

Another force stormed the Islamic Charitable Society, which is a local organization in the nearby city of Beit Sahour that does work with education.

Damage was reported in both NGOs and soldiers confiscated computers files and other belongings. Troops also issued a military order that renewed a closure order of a third organization in Beit Sahour.

Israeli army troops arrested two residents in the village of Al Shawaoura, east of the city, during an invasion at dawn Monday.

Army jeeps stormed the village from several directions with soldiers searching several homes before arresting Ibrahem Al Dar'awi, 31, and taking him to an unknown location, eyewitnesses reported.

Army invades Tulkarem and storms orphanage

Israeli forces have attacked and searched Tulkarum orphanage in the West Bank city of Tulkarem Monday morning.

At around 4:00 am troops and jeeps stormed the house searched it then damaged property and left, no arrests were made, eyewitnesses reported.


And that’s just some of the news for today in Palestine. For constant updates, check out the International Middle East Media Center website, As always, thanks for joining us. From Occupied Bethlehem, this is Palestine today, brought to you by Pennie Quinton, Maia Willaims Carpenter and Ghassan Bannoura
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surprising you still alive

03.07.2006 21:28

I remember Hamas threatening to kidnap all the European citizens when a Danish newspaper made a joke about religion. I am surprised you still there if you European as Hamas has kidnapped people in the past.

Do not come asking for help to the Israeli Defense Force when that happens nobody forces you to put your feet there.


News from Palestine without Bethlehem Rose's spin

04.07.2006 09:22

IDF troops nab suspected killers of settler youth in Ramallah raid

By Avi Issacharoff (in Ramallah) and Amos Harel, Haaretz Correspondents, Haaretz Service and Agencies

Israel Defense Forces soldiers on Tuesday shot dead a Palestinian they saw planting an explosive device to ambush soldiers in the West Bank city of Jenin, a security source said.

A Palestinian security official said a Palestinian man, 20, was killed and two others were wounded by undercover troops in the confrontation before dawn in Jenin.

An IDF spokeswoman said "a military force spotted several people placing explosives with intent to harm the soldiers, and opened fire at them." The security source said one Palestinian was killed and another wounded.

Three Palestinian militants wanted in connection with the abduction and killing of an Israeli youth last week surrendered to IDF troops early Tuesday morning in the West Bank city of Ramallah.

IDF soldiers surrounded a local Palestinian Authority police station where several wanted militants, including the three suspected of killing Eliyahu Asheri, had taken refuge.

The three men, Bassam Ktia, Hamze Taktouk and Hisham Kamangji, agreed to surrender to IDF troops after a three hour standoff, and were taken by Shin Bet officials for further questioning.

"We arrested three of the murderers," said one IDF source. "Forces came to the building of the Palestinian police. They called on them to come out. After a few hours they did come out. There was no shooting."

The body of Eliyahu Asheri, the 18-year-old settler from Itamar who went missing last week, was found before dawn Thursday in Ramallah. He had been shot in the head at close range.

The security forces' investigation indicates that Asheri was abducted after hitching a ride; he was then taken at gunpoint to Ramallah and murdered in the city about an hour later. One of the kidnappers has been arrested, along with several suspected accessories.

Troops kill two militants in northern Gaza
Soldiers killed two Palestinian militants in the northern Gaza Strip near Beit Hanun on Monday after tanks and armored bulldozers crossed the border amid efforts to free a soldier abducted last week by Palestinian militants, witnesses said.

An IDF spokeswoman said forces in northern Gaza opened fire on two Palestinian gunmen, hitting one of them. The IAF later attacked their convoy from the air, killing a second militant.

IDF armored vehicles moved inside northern Gaza just after dawn on Monday but a military source said the operation did not mark the start of a threatened large-scale incursion against Palestinian militants.

IDF sources called the northern Gaza incursion a "pinpoint" action aimed at uncovering cross-border tunnels and bombs.

The IDF has been operating in southern Gaza since last Wednesday, in an effort to secure the release of Corporal Gilad Shalit, seized eight days ago in an attack on his IDF post near the Gaza border. Two other soldiers were killed in the attack by three groups, including Hamas' military wing.

Its ground incursion into the Strip was the first since Israel pulled its troops from the region in September, 2005.

"This is not a massive ground entrance. This is a pin-point operation to locate tunnels and explosives near the border fence," said the IDF source.

A Qassam rocket was fired from Gaza on Monday, landing in the western Negev and torching a local orchard.

The IAF resumed strikes on targets in the Gaza Strip late Sunday night, hitting a building in Gaza City and a house in Beit Hanun, Palestinian witnesses and the military said.

The IDF said the air strike in Gaza City targeted a building used by the Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades, a violent offshoot of Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah movement. Hamas has an office in the same building, witnesses said.

Palestinian security sources said four people were wounded in IAF strikes during the night, three in Beit Lahia, and one in Gaza City, Israel Radio reported.

Earlier Sunday night, witnesses said a man in a house was lightly injured in a strike on Beit Hanoun. The military acknowledged that artillery units were firing at the area.

Reality checker

Why does Indymedia UK welcome racist filth like "reality checker"?

04.07.2006 16:54

Are yes, it's our filthy racist genocide supporting scumbag "reality checker" (posting under one of its many nyms, of course). Once again, Blair's goon, busy glorifying Israeli terrorism, just like its master, magically KNOWS that Indymedia UK will be PROUD to host its comments un-hidden. "reality checker" must be psychic, OR HAVE A CLEAR UNDERSTANDING OF THE TRUE OBJECTIVES OF THIS SITE.

Now, "reality checker"'s comment is over 2 lines long this time, but this doesn't mean that the lowest of the low of Blair's scum has had a brain-transplant, merely that someone has shown it how to use the cut-n-paste function.

What we get in the pasted article is PURE NAZI PROPAGANDA TECHNIQUE. The evil "master-race" (nazis or Israelis, its all the same) uses the "knowledge density" method. This method, for any that control the mass media, simply uses the fact that readers of the bent news are anything but intelligent researchers, and thus they can be perfectly manipulated by washing them with the correct 'density' of racist propaganda listing the 'crimes' of the enemies.

The form of the nazi or Israeli pro-genocide racist propaganda simply lists enough 'crimes' of the enemy to sate the news capacity of the average reader for that day. Analysis is, of course missing, since that type of propaganda is kept in a separate place, usually deeper in the 'broadsheets' or on some late-night 'news' program.

If the reader is neither racist nor stupid, the propaganda hopes to achieve the 'six of one, half a dozen of the other' outcome, commonly used by Blair organs like Amnesty International, where the RACIST CRIMINAL (Israel) is given moral equivalence with the victim (Palestinians).

Of course you have NEVER EVER EVER SEEN AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL PROPOSE THAT VICTIMS OF ISRAEL, THE US AND UK SHOULD BE COMPENSATED AT 'LOCKERBIE' LEVELS. The concept of 'equivalence' stops dead long before the true victims would ever see any benefit.

Places like Indymedia UK are DESIGNED to spread the meme of a non-racist West, so that the most sickening racist crimes can be freely carried out in the name of the various elites that rule in the West, without any significant backlash by the population of these nations.

At this moment in history, the regimes of the most powerful Western nations, along with their most powerful organisations, are every bit as racist as were the nazis. Indymedia UK is bombarded with anti-BNP distraction propaganda, in order that attention may never properly focus on the true, and very ACTIVE racists that are murdering hundreds of thousands every year, and ruining the lives of millions.

When Indymedia UK pretended (look at this site now, you wouldn't even think that Blair and the Israelis were currently engaged in the most evil acts against more than ONE MILLION humans, simply for being the original owners of the land raped, tortured and murdered from their possession by those that now control 'Israel') to care about Israel butchering muslim families out for some fun on their beaches, the censors here removed a string of comments just to provide an excuse to hide one of my posts. I, of course, do not express myself in Israeli friendly terms.

The state uses one trick above all when engaged in phoney 'anti-government' movements that speak to large groups- this trick is to state AS LOUDLY AS POSSIBLE that passion is a VERY VERY VERY un-British thing, and that passion must be exterminated whenever found. Now the state-run psy-op can 'seemingly' have an anti-gov position, but in reality does so merely to ensure that normal people are conditioned to deny a pasionate response, no matter how evil the government action. Better, if people such as myself DARE to introduce passion into the argument, censorship can be carried out on the excuse of that alone.

Meantime, of course, the same government agencies are running sites aimed at the so-called enemy (ie muslims), and attempting to heighten passion to such a level amongst the victim people, that some of them 'go crazy' and attempt to act in stupid ways when blind anger at the injustices replace thoughtful logic.

Official posts to Indymedia UK have no passion at all. Unofficial comments such as mine are then attacked under this excuse.

Human passion on a global scale would stop Israel dead, punish those that have enabled decades of Israeli crimes against humanity, and remove all ability for that state to EVER act in any significant racist way in the future.

Blair's wars would end tomorrow if OUR understanding of the official anti-racist position of the UK FORCED Blair and his people to compensate his victims at LOCKERBIE LEVELS.

AGGRESSIVE WAR IS THE ULTIMATE CONFIRMATION OF THE POWER OF RACIST EVIL. Those that support aggressive war, like 'reality checker' are as guilty as the worst convicted mass murderers at Nuremberg. However, during the time of power of their master, racist butchers like 'reality checker' glory in their ability to sneer into the faces of their dying victims.

I hope that the funding of Indymedia UK is not used as the excsue to give Blair's agents their way, as a 'trade' against objectives and directions. I've said it before loads of times, and I'll keep repeating it more- the people that argue powerfully against using graphic images of Blair's warcrimes on anti-war protests do so AS DIRECT AGENTS OF BLAIR AND HIS SECURITY SERVICES. This is a general principle, and applies over every action here. If it hurts Blair, some people within the Indymedia organisation will use EVERY EXCUSE to stop it (but they will obviously NOT state their real reason).

Those that LOVE pseudo protests (picnics, protests with totally inoffensive and pointless words and actions, etc) promote useless action, and the wasteful coverage of useless action PRECISELY because it aids Blair, and buys him time.

Those that allow any amount of pro-Blair, pro-Israeli racism through un-worried, but claim that only comments by people such as myself need constant scrutiny do so because it aids Blair, and buys him time.

Those that replace anti-gov passionate articles, with bland inoffensive articles from 'approved' sources do so because it aids Blair, and buys him time.

Those that state that 'activism' is NOT fighting Blair as he wages aggressive wars, arms and supports Israeli, destroys Human Rights, and eliminates protest movements in the UK do so because it aids Blair, and buys him time.

There are many, many red flags raised when Blair's agents act. The more influence their position gives them, the more flags will be raised as they attempt to exploit that influence.

"reality checker" comes here to glorify Israeli terrorism for the same reason those vagabonds of legend were said to chalk gateposts with strange symbols- namely to mark this place as territory of immediate use of other criminals like itself.



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