Today, Sunday the 25th of June, 57 people are still under detention in the police
station 'La Verneda'. We know that the conditions of detention are very difficult. The detainees were handcuffed and kept standing for many hours. Now there are six people in a cell which is designed for only two people. Many of them have declared that they have experienced police violence.
The charges against the particpants are damage to property and public order charges. The detainees are demanding to be freed, but they have been refused. Probably the 57
detainees will meet with a judge tomorrow morning to make official statements, which are neccesary for their eventual release, but which also open the possibilty for their eventual prosecution.
We denounce the police repression against a peaceful and legitimate act to defend the human rights of migrant people. A demonstration is organised to take place today at
18.00 PM behind the Migrant Detention Centre 'La Verneda'. Another demonstration is organiseed for tomorrow at 12.00 behind the court situated near the Arc de Triomf.
We call on all collectives and individuals to support the detainees by sending a protest letter against the illegal detentions and demanding the immediate relaese of the detainees to embasies and consulats in your respective countries.
Press Group 'II Caravan for the freedom of movement'